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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2011, 11:25 AM
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First time TP2 user! just bought one for $40

it has the watermark tripped, but supposedly fully functional so well shall see.

assuming it works, what are the best ideas for this device in my situation, based on current roms and apps?

i am going to use this for work, so i need reliable software on it (i know, my hardware might not be reliable, but im accepting that risk).

how far along is the android development? from what i can tell, it seems fun to try but not something you really want to use?

anyway, i appreciate any advice. i really have no experience with any htc products! my last two phones were treo 800w and treo pro 850w... so ive been on old school tech for about 5 years. this tp2 seems futuristic to me!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2011, 12:18 PM
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Re: First time TP2 user! just bought one for $40

nice buy lol

I like the sprint basic rom 1.4, mainly because i dont like the start menu in wm 6.5 :S but I like the newer sense with the gps location for weather tab, also like the older flip book favorites tab more than the many squares of newer wm

android works well enough if you dont use it for calls :S the volume is low, heard there is a fix for it but i don't call enough in android to use it.

edit: plus now that i've gotten voip to work, dials out/receives over wifi/3G, i don't worry much about minutes not that I ever use it for a lot, but I like using voip to get a "second" number out of it, for none family/friends.

Last edited by EyeB; 11-02-2011 at 12:21 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2011, 03:08 PM
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Re: First time TP2 user! just bought one for $40

Umm just to clarify, FRX07 (android) works great for daily use. Yes you can make phone calls.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2011, 03:15 PM
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Wirelessly posted (htc Pocket PC: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)

Originally Posted by resinis
it has the watermark tripped, but supposedly fully functional so well shall see.

assuming it works, what are the best ideas for this device in my situation, based on current roms and apps?

i am going to use this for work, so i need reliable software on it (i know, my hardware might not be reliable, but im accepting that risk).

how far along is the android development? from what i can tell, it seems fun to try but not something you really want to use?

anyway, i appreciate any advice. i really have no experience with any htc products! my last two phones were treo 800w and treo pro 850w... so ive been on old school tech for about 5 years. this tp2 seems futuristic to me!
My advice would be disable Sense and try the stock Titanium interface and see if that will work for you. If you prefer Sense/Manila then I say flash the Sprint 6.1 Shipped Rom and then after the flash install the GoodThings2Life Sprint TP2 Tweaks cab and then the official 2016 sms bug fix and you'll have a reliable and functional device. You can find a Theme that appeals to you and install it to dress up the interface and give you more eye candy. If you decide it's not fancy enough for you then HSPL unlock it and try some custom roms. The Sprint Basics Rom is nice as well as Sharkie, Vin, Energy, and others.
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Last edited by horndoctor; 11-02-2011 at 03:57 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2011, 05:44 PM
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Re: First time TP2 user! just bought one for $40

Originally Posted by matchstickredgti View Post
Umm just to clarify, FRX07 (android) works great for daily use. Yes you can make phone calls.

Meh i tend to disagree .. not many apps work right or at all without crashing , the device is just way too slow even after the supercharger script . like the op said , fun to play with but not to use every day , i think that nails it . just when you recieve a call , the slider to answer lags across the screen . very slow . not blaming dev's blaming HTC for not puting a 1GhZ Processor in it . shame on them !!!

But to the OP , it all depends what you like . If you want your phone to look sexy and not multitask very well , then ANY sense rom is for you . if you plan to install a different GUI then choose a barebones ROM . its really hard for us to give recommendations because each person has different necessaties . Just flash and try each ROM , thats what i did And dont worry about the moisture sensor , look under the battery for a white square if that isnt tripped then you are good . if one is there at all . my first phone had the moisture sensor tripped cause a SINGLE drop of rain landed on it when i took the cover off to reset the device . but NO water got in the device itself , so the same may be for your case . But , you never know so best of luck
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2011, 07:14 PM
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Re: First time TP2 user! just bought one for $40

Originally Posted by elesbb View Post
Meh i tend to disagree .. not many apps work right or at all without crashing , the device is just way too slow even after the supercharger script . like the op said , fun to play with but not to use every day , i think that nails it . just when you recieve a call , the slider to answer lags across the screen . very slow . not blaming dev's blaming HTC for not puting a 1GhZ Processor in it . shame on them !!!
Honestly, I don't even use FRX07, I use a CWM (neofroyo) build that's very usable daily. I just remember having little problems with FRX07.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2011, 03:31 PM
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Re: First time TP2 user! just bought one for $40

argh! ok so fedex is cool, it was scheduled to be here tomorrow, but with a couple clicks i had the packaged redirected to a nearby fedex office. the estimated delivery then changed to today! yip!

it was on the truck for delivery at 7am, and still no word (theyre open till 11, so i have lots of time yet)

the suspense is KILLING me now! i was fine at work today, until i came home and saw they changed the delivery day to today. now im waiting, smoking cigs and just thinking about my toilet phone sitting on some truck while some idiot farts his mcdonalds out during a break. ugh!

thanks guys for the input! a couple things, (because i WANT you guys to know what ill be using this for, so i dont have to go through countless roms to find one i like. i did that with the treo pro...)

i do like the sense stuff. BUT, if you guys sit here right now and tell me it will make my phone a lot slower then fuck it. what im most excited about this phone is the web browsing and the speaker quality. neither have much to do with the roms.

it_must_be_stable. i cannot stress how tired i am of phone problems. yes, i want flashy and cool, but i cant sacrifice reliability. speed really isnt much concern either, as i normally do not multitask on my phone. at worst, i am listening to an internet radio station while i text or something. to give you an idea, i never had problems with my treo pro's speed. it never really occurred to me that i cant run so and so apps at the same time... whatever i needed to do on my phone i have always just done it and that was it. its not my laptop!

i already downloaded the original energy rom (latest build). it looks really nice, so i think ill start there. i cant imagine i will stay with the sprint rom... im a techie guy so i would feel weird with a stock rom (but again, if it means i might miss calls or texts if i use custom roms, then fuck that!).

so i think its clear, NO ANDROID. and thats fine. i have a few paid-for winmo apps anyway that id like to keep.

thanks again guys! im pretty much bouncing off the walls... i havent had a working phone in over 2 weeks now....
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2011, 03:52 PM
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Re: First time TP2 user! just bought one for $40

Energy ROM is good, but Sense kinda makes it lag a bit IMO. Try a Energy Titanium ROM, can't go wrong with that.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2011, 04:47 PM
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Re: First time TP2 user! just bought one for $40

ok fedex called and said come pick it up bitch!

and it is ok! no major scratches, seems to work perfectly. battery is even fully charged. this is so freakin awesome

i probably will go back to titanium eventually, but i have been using the stock wm6.5 interface for about 3 years now. im kinda bored with it to say the least.

so, sense for now and see how it goes. btw, i can tell already what you mean by lag, as it has sense on it now (stock sprint rom). in all honesty though, its still faster then my treo pro.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2011, 08:28 PM
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Re: First time TP2 user! just bought one for $40

how the heck do you provision the data service on this thing?

its been activated now for a few hours, yet data wont connect yet. on my last phone, in the settings menu there was a selection to update the PRL and also a data update thing, and i would just use those to setup the data.

i did run the sprint cab included in the energy rom. it did setup the network to connect to *777, as it should... but after multiple soft resets it still wont connect the data.

were are the options to update the PRL in this rom?
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