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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 11:06 PM
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For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue... where the device is on, the screen is off... but fails to turn back on with the switch at the top I have sort of a question/challange for you.

I'm experiencing this issue, too. Not very often (twice over two weeks now), but I'd still like to pinpoint what's causing it, or motivate those more skilled than I to discover a work-around.

There are many asserting that this is a hardware issue and that the button on the top of the phone controlling the backlight is somehow faulty. I would tend to disagree.

It's been my experiance (all 2 times), that the screen has turned off while ACTIVLY running some program (MemMaid once, and adding a new city on my weather tab w/Conflipper). Each time I've hit the red end/power button (Verizon) and confirmed that the backlight was on. Hit the top button again (since it's human nature to think "maybe I didn't press it hard enough"), but no go. I'd tap the screen with no responce, hit the "back" button for good measure and wait about 10-15 seconds without pressing anything. Hit the top button again after taking a deep breath and viola, the screen turns on. Odd. Maybe just dumb luck, I don't know.

So my preposal is this: If it's a hardware issue w/ the button... has anyone tried pulling out the stylus, as that should wake the device and turn the screen on. If it doesn't, it's a software/power management issue IMO, and NOT a faulty hardware button as some have suggested.

Secondly... If this is a reoccurring software/ROM issue, is there a work-around?

Remapping the "My Button" to wake the device?

Some registry tweek that allows ANY button to wake the device?

Any other ideas?

Again, I don't believe this is physical hardware issue and would like to find a solution rather than go through a handful of refubs trying to find one that works.

To the moderators: I apologize for starting another "my screen doesn't turn on" thread, as I know there are a few out there. I was hoping to start on devoted to finding a solution to this issue, rather than just keeping a running tally of those with the same problem.

I know this group is smart enough to figure this thing out if we put our minds to it (and if it is a faulty button and simply pulling out the stylus actually works, I expect to get about a thousand thank-yous from all of you! jk, of course. ).
Running a slightly tweaked Windows Mobile 6.5 (21874.5.0.83) and HTC Sense 2.1 (ROM Version 3.04.605.3)

Last edited by msh441; 01-17-2010 at 11:09 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 12:06 AM
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Re: For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

This happens to me across multiple ROMs, so I don't think it's a ROM issue. I have noticed a correlation with underclocking though. If I underclock too low in standby, it won't come back on a lot of the time.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 12:35 AM
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Re: For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

Its a fairly random issue with Windows Mobile. It has happened on the 5 WM devices I have used. Thankfully, it has become rare.

I'm fairly sure the issue is related to running processes. From my testing a few years back, the screen would refuse to wake up when a process gets stuck in a loop (running cycles endlessly and making the device unresponsive).
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 01:02 AM
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Re: For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

i have been having this problem for the last 20 minutes, taking out the battery is the only thing i can get to work
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 01:17 AM
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Re: For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

ive been having this problem ever since i flashed juicys r8 rom. i just hit the sleep button like 10 times then it eventually wakes up! and now im on mightyrom and never had the problem anymore.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 01:33 AM
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Re: For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

i hope mightyrom fixes it for me. downloading now, flashing when i wake up
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 02:15 AM
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Re: For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

Originally Posted by ⌥ saumaun ☢ View Post
I'm fairly sure the issue is related to running processes. From my testing a few years back, the screen would refuse to wake up when a process gets stuck in a loop (running cycles endlessly and making the device unresponsive).

That's somewhat consistant with my experience, too. A running program when the backlight timer shuts it off. But to my knowledge none of these programs were loked up. In fact they appeared to be working fine once the device actually woke back up. It seems to be a combination of a running program (possibly in the background, even) taxing memory as the timer shuts the screen down.

And I didn't mean to suggest it could be ROM-related...or sound like any one (carrier or cooked) ROM could be responcible. Only that somthing in the Windows Mobile general programming could be to blame. Seems like the issue crosses carrier, ROM, Windows Mobile version and even device lines.

That said, I don't think flashing a ROM, or even getting a new device would do any good. If its a situation of how you use the device (lots of multitasking, or running programs un-monitored etc.) which determines the frequecy at whichyou'll run into this issue.

OK... I don't know. Just sort of thinking out loud, I guess.

Last edited by msh441; 01-18-2010 at 02:22 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 02:21 AM
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Re: For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

I had this problem on Mighty and Juicy's roms. As one said, you have to reset it by either taking the battery out manually then putting back in or using reset button. Very annoying
Droid Incredible & Touch Pro 2 Running MightyROM & Android 2.1

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 07:18 PM
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Re: For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

the only time I had this problem was after I installed the SRS WOW audio cab(or sumthin like that) that came out a month or so ago. it sucked because every WM phone I've had did this while stock except this one. hated to see it start , but after removing that audio cab it hasn't done it since
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 08:40 PM
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Re: For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

I had this problem with my girlfriends TP2. ANYTIME the screen turned off for any reason, it would not come back on until a soft reset. With this phone, it was not random, it was every time.

I played with it for quite a while before finally exchanging it for a new phone.

I have and use Pocket Controller, and if I was hooked up to the computer, I could tell the phone was working fine, would respond to screen presses, just the screen would not come back on until reset.

Stock Sprint ROM.

I did pull the stylus... No go.
I hard reset... No go.
Two TP2's and a TP, with a Mogul as a spare.
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