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View Poll Results: Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?
Cookie 61 61.00%
Maxsense 16 16.00%
Spb Mobile Sense 11 11.00%
Android 12 12.00%
Voters: 100. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 05:02 AM
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Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?

There are so many roms to choose from on here and I realize everyone has specific things they want out of a rom. I'm curious to see people are using that allows for maximum customization, speed and reliability. I understand the Droid project isn't finished yet for Touch Pro2, so if there are other roms you like please share them. I thought I would do a poll to see what people generally like or use. If you can list your top 3 roms.
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Old 07-28-2010, 06:56 AM
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Re: Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?


Are my favorite so far. IceyRom was a great one, but he moved to the Droid!!!
Oditius...(Samsung Mesmerize) US Cellular
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Old 07-28-2010, 08:11 AM
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Re: Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?

Big and Max, right now have the perfect combo going. eye candy, useful etc. get 'em while you can, because big bought an X. He's going to keep churning updates to his rom, he said, but who knows how long. (not that I care too much...my X will be here next week, just could not ignore that freakin huge screen)
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Old 07-28-2010, 01:12 PM
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Re: Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?

Im going to try all of those out. Do you guys have any dislikes with the Maxsense?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?

I freaken love MaxSense, smooth. straight to the point access. touch friendly, yea...maxsense is way better layout .
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 01:21 PM
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Re: Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?

SPB Mobile Shell.

Only for the fact that I can keep it running all day long without having to reset or run any 'cleaner' programs.

When was running CHT 1.8.5 it would go thru memory issues and start closing down some background programs (battclock 2.1.2 was the first to close).
So would have to reset about ever 6hrs.

If it wasn't for the Sense 2.5 memory leaks from hell I would still be on CHT as I had all the functions setup as I liked them (quick links and all).

Biggest thing I miss going to Mobile Shell is the non-GPS aware weather. So when I change locations it doesn't update my weather to the nearest city.
Since I travel alot, I really miss that.....but not enough to go back to Sense 2.5 yet.
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NRGz 29022 Sense 2.5 CHT1.8.5 Jul 4th
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 03:54 PM
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Re: Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?

I'm all stock.
HTC sense.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 04:36 PM
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Re: Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?

Android gets my vote even without bluetooth, external sound, and camera. Best mobile technology i've ever laid hands on.

but when i'm in native winmo, I cant live without Cookie, and any GTX enhancements that play nicely with the setup.
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Old 07-28-2010, 06:41 PM
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Re: Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?

Originally Posted by PPCFreak View Post
SPB Mobile Shell.

Only for the fact that I can keep it running all day long without having to reset or run any 'cleaner' programs.

When was running CHT 1.8.5 it would go thru memory issues and start closing down some background programs (battclock 2.1.2 was the first to close).
So would have to reset about ever 6hrs.

If it wasn't for the Sense 2.5 memory leaks from hell I would still be on CHT as I had all the functions setup as I liked them (quick links and all).

Biggest thing I miss going to Mobile Shell is the non-GPS aware weather. So when I change locations it doesn't update my weather to the nearest city.
Since I travel alot, I really miss that.....but not enough to go back to Sense 2.5 yet.
i leave my rom with CHT 1.8.5 running all day and night.. i never have to reset, unless of course its a reset after installing a cab..
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: Cookie, Maxsense, Spb Mobile Sense or Android: What's your Choice?

i'd say cookie or mobile shell depending on needs. Android on tp2 is incomplete and seems like it would cause too many headaches (havent tried it in a while though), especially after using a native android device. MaxSense is cool, but i think cookie is better. Cookie makes Sense actually usable - I never used touchflo or sense until cookie came out with his mod because the stock forms are missing a lot of functionality. Mobile Shell is fast and probably has the best battery life as long as u turn off 3d effects.
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O
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