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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2010, 12:15 PM
baalho's Avatar
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Sprint CDMA TP2 radio problem, stuck in 1X, connection problems

I had My Sprint touch pro 2 on custom rom after doing HARD SPL since it was possible, thanks for that
Recently I decided to security unlock my phone, paid my donation and have the phone completely unlocked.

Now I keep on getting the following error message when I try to make a phone call

"Cannot complete the call . The signal may be unavailable or the phone no may not be valid. Verify the no or try again later."

-My phone stays usually stays in 1X mode as opposed to Evdo (EV).
-some days I dont get that error at all, some days I get it randomly and goes away.
-Data works fine, but its really slow when I get stuck on 1X mode.
-One thing I did do was experiment with CDMA workshop and tried other ESN. I have 3 other Sprint phones and I like to experiment.
- I believe I have the correct EPST settings on ##778#

Currently I am on:
-Latest Mighty Mike Rom and Patch Radio For sprint 1.96.00WU (Sprint stock edited) link
-Tried Radio 2.32.00WU link
-Also tried the Latest energy Rom

Based on all the information above, what do you guys think is going on? Can you please provide me with possible solutions or advise.

Should I re-lock the phone and get back on Sprint stock ROM?

will appreciate any help.
Thank you
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2010, 12:48 PM
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Re: Sprint CDMA TP2 radio problem, stuck in 1X, connection problems

If you can't get any rom to work, i'd try flashing back to stock. Then seeing how your signal is. If that works, then you could try reflashing a custom rom...and if that works flash back to 2.32WU. Then go from there.
Another day, another rom:
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2010, 01:21 PM
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Re: Sprint CDMA TP2 radio problem, stuck in 1X, connection problems

Thanks, will try that.
When I flash to Stock Rom, does it also flash the radio rom?
If so, do custom rom also update the radio, for example Mighty's rom?
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

connection error, problem, radio, sprint, tp2

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