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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:04 PM
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New Low Price on TP2??

Well, was gonna sell my extra Sprint TP2 on eBay to get some pay-down-debt money. Had read another thread here that said the going price was about $300, $350. Then a few days ago I saw on the HTC web site how the TP2 is going for $149.99. I checked the Sprint site; still showing $299.99 there.

I was hoping to sell my TP2 for at $350; $400 with a bunch of accessories and whatnot. Am I already too late, or can I still get some decent moolah before all these other phones come out?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: New Low Price on TP2??

Originally Posted by tkjames View Post
Well, was gonna sell my extra Sprint TP2 on eBay to get some pay-down-debt money. Had read another thread here that said the going price was about $300, $350. Then a few days ago I saw on the HTC web site how the TP2 is going for $149.99. I checked the Sprint site; still showing $299.99 there.

I was hoping to sell my TP2 for at $350; $400 with a bunch of accessories and whatnot. Am I already too late, or can I still get some decent moolah before all these other phones come out?
better be alot of extras, like a hot chick or a crappy car. little steep imo
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:12 PM
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Re: New Low Price on TP2??

sprint branded tp2 from htc is still 249. not 149. but still yes 350 is pretty steep. especially since verizon for sure sells em for either 29 or 79 dollars every few weeks.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:16 PM
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Re: New Low Price on TP2??

from htc...
verizon $149.
sprint $249.
t.mo. (gsm contract, non flex pay) $99.
t.mo. (flex pay) $249.
who cares about the tilt2.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:17 PM
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Re: New Low Price on TP2??

Originally Posted by tkjames View Post
Well, was gonna sell my extra Sprint TP2 on eBay to get some pay-down-debt money. Had read another thread here that said the going price was about $300, $350. Then a few days ago I saw on the HTC web site how the TP2 is going for $149.99. I checked the Sprint site; still showing $299.99 there.

I was hoping to sell my TP2 for at $350; $400 with a bunch of accessories and whatnot. Am I already too late, or can I still get some decent moolah before all these other phones come out?
Might as well hold on to it. With the plethora of WM7 and Evo and other phones coming out, TP2 is last month's flavor these days.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:21 PM
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Re: New Low Price on TP2??

they sure do make awful nice lil media players. like a better zune. lol.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 04:54 PM
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Re: New Low Price on TP2??

I have mine on craigslist as we speak. Looks like alot of them are posted with 250$ being avg right now.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 06:53 PM
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Re: New Low Price on TP2??

It will sell for about $300, you will be okay.
A lot of people forget that the price through Sprint is for a new contract or if you qualify for 2 year upgrade and in most cases many don't.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 07:02 PM
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Re: New Low Price on TP2??

Originally Posted by dam90042 View Post
It will sell for about $300, you will be okay.
A lot of people forget that the price through Sprint is for a new contract or if you qualify for 2 year upgrade and in most cases many don't.
This is the correct answer. Don't listen to the others. There are plenty of people looking for contact free phones. Don't go less than $250, as that is basically what a contact costs with a free phone (obviously the TP2 is worth more). $250-$350 is perfect.
NagROM [WM Build 23551 for Touch][V0.19 & V3.19]NagROM [WM Build 23551 for TP2][V0.08 & V3.08]
If you feel like you want to , I would love a dollar (literally $1 makes my day)!
Hit the if it's deserved.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 11:09 PM
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Re: New Low Price on TP2??

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post
Might as well hold on to it. With the plethora of WM7 and Evo and other phones coming out, TP2 is last month's flavor these days.
That's what I was originally going to do, keep it in case I broke or lost my primary TP2. But I back up my information regularly, on SD card/PC/MyPhone/etc, plus I have insurance so worst case scenario I could get it replaced. Then again, if I lose it down the line I might get a Windows 7 replacement, and I just got the groove on 6.1....

Originally Posted by Tectronus View Post
I have mine on craigslist as we speak. Looks like alot of them are posted with 250$ being avg right now.
Okay, good. CL will be my next stop after eBay if it doesn't sell there.

Originally Posted by dam90042 View Post
It will sell for about $300, you will be okay.
A lot of people forget that the price through Sprint is for a new contract or if you qualify for 2 year upgrade and in most cases many don't.
That's what I was thinking, too. Plus, I'm going to offer to customize it for tech-illiterate people. I did that for a chick at my doctor's office, just to be nice, and she was ecstatic.

Originally Posted by Nagrom Nniuq View Post
Don't listen to the others. There are plenty of people looking for contract-free phones. Don't go less than $250, as that is basically what a contact costs with a free phone (obviously the TP2 is worth more). $250-$350 is perfect.
Thanks. I guess I need to get on the ball before the non-contract price plunges and these newer phones hit the scene.

Last edited by tkjames; 04-14-2010 at 11:12 PM.
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