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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2010, 08:21 PM
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Re: Anybody convert their DVD to watch on TP2. How?

Originally Posted by smileyface22 View Post
Wirelessly posted (TP2: Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))

I use Handbrake. Its real easy to convert your DVD's to mp4 format and you can choose the screen size and aq bunch of other things. Check it out!
+1 for handbrake

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2010, 08:43 PM
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Re: Anybody convert their DVD to watch on TP2. How?

I use a product I bought in my palm days from www.pqdvd.com it will convert to .avi or mpeg4
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2010, 09:20 PM
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Re: Anybody convert their DVD to watch on TP2. How?

I have been using DVD Decrypter to rip them to my computer then Videora HTC Touch Pro 2 Converter to convert to format for phone. With best audio and video selected a 2 hour movie is around 800 MB.

Plus my wifes iPhone can watch them as well although as parcou stated I can't watch her iPod converted movies on my TP2.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2010, 11:41 PM
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Re: Anybody convert their DVD to watch on TP2. How?

i use fairuse wizard 2 to rip my dvds to avi file...its been a easy process for years for me before i converted my movies to my tp2 but once i convert using fairuse wizard 2 i use FLV to AVI MPEG WMV 3GP MP4 iPod Converter and convert the file to 3gp and make the adjustments for the quality...some movies i can get to 200mb and still look good...the 2 programs are free but the FLV to AVI MPEG WMV 3GP MP4 iPod Converter download it and the have the serials for it...just google...pluse the fairuse wizard 2 has a youtube tut...so its simple...hope that works as it works for me
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2010, 07:40 AM
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Re: Anybody convert their DVD to watch on TP2. How?

For converting DVDs to file for TP2:
1. I would use DVDDecrypter to rip movie from DVD to PC Hard Drive. Do this as one single file (ISO).
2. My favorite video converter software is called 'SUPER'. It can convert just about any file format to any other file format. In this case I would convert it to divx or xvid, I find these have the best compressions. MP4 is okay, but I find the files to be larger than xvid.
- Settings for TP2: resolution close to 800x480, 30 fps.

As a side note, I have done a lot of video downloading, DVD ripping, video converting and movie watching, including on smartphones. This is a streamlined process for watching movies on our TP2s:
1. Download movie torrent directly to smartphone. There is a Windows mobile torrent application. (Let's see the iPhone do that.)
2. Watch the movie on Core Player. The movies are typically divx or xvid and are 700-800 MB. It doesn't get any easier than that.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2010, 10:14 AM
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Re: Anybody convert their DVD to watch on TP2. How?

Hi guys!

I'm hoping that all of you that have posted here will come back and read this. I've been shrinking DVD's since I got my Apache back in the day. That phone was upgraded to the Mogul...which was upgraded to the TP...and now I'm on the TP2.

I started out with AcalaDVD to PPC ripper by CuteDVD.com. They upgraded that program to a newer version...Plato DVD shrinker.

I've run across about 10-15% of the DVD's that it won't do. Like I can shrink Spiderman 2 & 3...but not Spiderman 1. Weird crap, eh? Also...the shrink program itself will drop a frame now and then. Not my PPC...b/c when I play it on my PC it does the same thing. My movies benchmark at a minimum of 125%.

My question:
Have you guys ran across movies you can't rip? What is the "most successful" program that doesn't drop frames that I can use with Core player. I'd rather not do a "2-step" DVD decrypter --> then convert because I've ran across a few movies that DVD decrypter can't decrypt. (probably 15-20%)

I'm gonn have to re-rip all my movies now, LOL. The resolution and real estate of the TP2 is pretty impressive!

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2010, 02:07 PM
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Re: Anybody convert their DVD to watch on TP2. How?

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2010, 02:17 PM
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Re: Anybody convert their DVD to watch on TP2. How?

theres a divx program somewhere that i used. took a little while, but makes it perfectly.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2010, 02:52 PM
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Re: Anybody convert their DVD to watch on TP2. How?

anydvdhd to rip and badaboom to convert...

badaboom uses the cuda function of newer nvidia video cards to really cut down on encoding times.. has options for all mobile devices including the I(ck)phone

update - i forgot to add... anydvdhd allows you to encode on the fly without having to rip and then encode (if that is what you would rather)

Last edited by captblaze; 03-15-2010 at 02:54 PM. Reason: update
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2010, 11:26 PM
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Re: Anybody convert their DVD to watch on TP2. How?

I haven't bought a dvd in years, but I do watch alot of movies on my phone. Just a head's up on a nice additional tool when loading up your phone. Check out Vio, which was released awhile ago by a certain scandanavian site that believes in a non-DRM world.

It's a great program for anyone, whether you go to Walmart or your keyboard for movies. Does wonders with compression to shrink your video files down with no real lose in quality. Been using it for along time now for my mogul, ipod and now TP2.

When I did actually convert real DVDs, I used.....the program that has a fox's head on the icon. I tried an even dozen, it was always the best. Hasn't been in my PC image for a long time now, but maybe someone else will know what I'm talkin about.

UPDATE: read the rest of the thread, looks like others have used the foxhead as well, which jogged my memory. http://www.slysoft.com/ FTW!

Last edited by mobius999; 03-15-2010 at 11:31 PM.
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