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View Poll Results: What is your favorite Manila 2.1 ROM.
Mr. X ROM 6 2.38%
Energyrom 12 4.76%
Malrom 15 5.95%
Mightyrom 219 86.90%
CFay ROM 0 0%
Voters: 252. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 09:05 PM
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Post The Best Manlia 2.1 ROMS

The purpose of this thread is to help people save lots of time finding
the best rom. Please copy the survey below for all 4 roms and give your
opinion and all of the roms you have tried and tell us what rom you are
currently using and why it is currently your favorite.

1. GPS Reliabity _____
2. System Speed _____
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____
4. Multi-Tasking _____
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____
6. ROM Features _____
7. Programs Compatibity _____
8. System Reliabity _____
9. Manila Appearance _____
10. Battery Life _____
Total Score _____

1. GPS Reliabity _____
2. System Speed _____
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____
4. Multi-Tasking _____
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____
6. ROM Features _____
7. Programs Compatibity _____
8. System Reliabity _____
9. Manila Appearance _____
10. Battery Life _____
Total Score _____

Cfay ROM
1. GPS Reliabity _____
2. System Speed _____
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____
4. Multi-Tasking _____
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____
6. ROM Features _____
7. Programs Compatibity _____
8. System Reliabity _____
9. Manila Appearance _____
10. Battery Life _____
Total Score _____

1. GPS Reliabity _____
2. System Speed _____
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____
4. Multi-Tasking _____
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____
6. ROM Features _____
7. Programs Compatibity _____
8. System Reliabity _____
9. Manila Appearance _____
10. Battery Life _____
Total Score _____

1. GPS Reliabity _____
2. System Speed _____
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____
4. Multi-Tasking _____
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____
6. ROM Features _____
7. Programs Compatibity _____
8. System Reliabity _____
9. Manila Appearance _____
10. Battery Life _____
Total Score _____

Last edited by jamice4u; 01-30-2010 at 03:41 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 09:29 PM
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Post Re: The Best Manlia 2.1 ROMS

The purpose of this thread is to help people save lots of time finding the best rom. Please copy the survey below and paste it as a reply and fill it out for all 4 roms. Please give your opinion for all of the roms you have tried and tell us what rom you are currently using and why it is currently your favorite.

1. GPS Reliabity _____ 10
2. System Speed _____ 10
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____ 10
4.Multi-Tasking _____ 7
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____ 10
6. ROM Features _____ 10
7. Programs Compatibity _____ 10
8. System Reliabity _____ 7
9. Manila Appearance _____ 5
10. Battery Life _____ 7
Total Score _____ 86

1. GPS Reliabity _____ 10
2. System Speed _____ 10
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____ 10
4.Multi-Tasking _____ 10
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____ 10
6. ROM Features _____ 10
7. Programs Compatibity _____ 10
8. System Reliabity _____ 10
9. Manila Appearance _____ 10
10. Battery Life _____ 10
Total Score _____ 100

C-Fay Rom
1. GPS Reliabity _____
2. System Speed _____
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____
4. Camera Features _____
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____
6. ROM Features _____
7. Programs Compatibity _____
8. System Reliabity _____
9. Manila Appearance _____
10. Battery Life _____
Total Score _____

1. GPS Reliabity _____ 10
2. System Speed _____ 7
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____ 10
4.Multi-Tasking _____ 8
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____ 9
6. ROM Features _____ 7
7. Programs Compatibity _____ 7
8. System Reliabity _____ 8
9. Manila Appearance _____ 10
10. Battery Life _____ 10
Total Score _____ 86

1. GPS Reliabity _____ 8
2. System Speed _____ 9
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____ 10
4.Multi-Tasking _____ 9
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____ 8
6. ROM Features _____ 8
7. Programs Compatibity _____ 10
8. System Reliabity _____ 9
9. Manila Appearance _____ 9
10. Battery Life _____ 8
Total Score _____ 88

My favorite rom is Mighty ROM 02.01.2010 because gps, mms, and speed are all important to me. I believe he is using system build 21890.5.0.88 which works perfect with the touch pro2. At first I did not like the gps on this ROM but team mighty mike corrected the lap problem with his most recent upgrades. Also for you TOMTOM 7 users one of the hackers came out with strraTOMTOM 7.916.9192 which fixed the programing and bluetooth problems for TOMTOM and now the gps works perfectly. It has XDA_UC which automatically installs all of the programs in the folder. I highly recommend using this rom for your touch pro 2. I can't find any fault with this ROM. The numbers speak for themselves.

Last edited by jamice4u; 02-01-2010 at 11:17 AM. Reason: Updated information.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 09:49 PM
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Re: The Best Manlia 2.1 ROMS

threads do not get closed because of the offending "creation" in the topic.

They get closed by the users who start posting in them with their off topic, pointless banter.

Follow suit as the OP has quoted above, Copy/paste what he has done and put in your scores and hit the vote button.

If your FAVOURITE rom is not listed, move along.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 09:51 PM
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Re: The Best Manlia 2.1 ROMS

Originally Posted by MightyMike View Post

If your FAVOURITE rom is not listed, move along.

Or, Ask for it to bee added.

PS: Juicy Rom is 2.5

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feel free to its appreciated, but not required!

Thanks To everyone who donated!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 09:58 PM
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Re: The Best Manlia 2.1 ROMS

As long as this thread is being cleaned, I'd say clean up the list of ROMs in the poll to include only Manila 2.1.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 09:59 PM
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Re: The Best Manlia 2.1 ROMS

1. GPS Reliabity _____7
2. System Speed _____ 10
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____ 10
4. Camera Features _____ 10
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____ 9
6. ROM Features _____ 7
7. Programs Compatibity _____ 10
8. Wireless Features _____ 10
9. Manila Appearance _____ 8
10. Battery Life _____ 10
Total Score _____ 91

1. GPS Reliabity _____ 9
2. System Speed _____ 7
3. MMS Reliabity and Functions _____ 10
4. Camera Features _____ 10
5. Multi-Media Speed and Features _____ 9
6. ROM Features _____ 10
7. Programs Compatibity _____ 10
8. Wireless Features _____ 10
9. Manila Appearance _____ 10
10. Battery Life _____ 8
Total Score _____ 93

Just my .01, I love both of 'em. Tough decision! Thanks guys!!

Last edited by Laos101; 01-28-2010 at 10:53 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: The Best Manlia 2.1 ROMS

Seriously Mighty? My post was deleted? Sorry if i offended you but i am "Entitled To My Opinion". That being said..your doing a great job moderating!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 10:15 PM
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Re: The Best Manlia 2.1 ROMS

Originally Posted by kash23 View Post
Seriously Mighty? My post was deleted? Sorry if i offended you but i am "Entitled To My Opinion". That being said..your doing a great job moderating!
no no... urs and everyone elses to give the thread a re-start... nothing towards me I don't mind, I take criticism in my thread every day lol I can handle it bro!

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: The Best Manlia 2.1 ROMS

Originally Posted by MightyMike View Post
no no... urs and everyone elses to give the thread a re-start... nothing towards me I don't mind, I take criticism in my thread every day lol I can handle it bro!

Aite cool bro...no love lost here...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 10:36 PM
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Re: The Best Manlia 2.1 ROMS

Another one these threads...lol....at least do it right OP....you are missing a few 2.1 roms....and the names that are missing contribute quite a bit to this forum.....slap in the face IMHO....not to mention features are based on personal preference....GPS is based on a lot of things....camera what is that all about??.....either the regedit is in or it is not....didnt know there was much more to it than that...its a simple add.......................well I could go on and on about other things....those were just examples......but to easily sum it up......all these cooks do this as a hobby.....they all do a great job....pick a rom that is based on ur prefernce that works for you....you do not need a rating for that....my 3 cents....
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

best rom, favorite rom, manila 2.1, roms

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