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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 04:53 PM
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Charger issues

Hi everyone, first post, but I did a search and couldn't find much about my charging issue, so I'm hoping someone can help. My TP2 has always charged fine using the Stock wall charger that came with it. However, since I don't want to travel everywhere with my stock charger, I went in search of a mini-USB cord that I could use at work, in the car, etc. I have since tried several mini-USB cords and had the following results:

a) when connected to a PC (back panel, fully powered) I am generally able to sync and tether without issue, meaning data is fine.

b) the charging light comes on and the phone registers as charging mode (plug in the battery icon)

c) the display does not turn off, indicating external power

d) the phone will not charge, but rather discharge all of its battery.

e) sometimes the "Low voltage" error pops up, but the phone continues to register it as charging...and continues to drain the battery in the meantime.

I also get similar results using the stock brick with a mini-usb cord (obviously the data issue does not apply). I've tried several cords/computers and laptops (I work in tech support) and have had no problem charging my old Treo using the same ports. I even went to the trouble of purchasing a Sprint branded Touch Pro 2 charger on ebay, which turned out to be another miniUSB charger, and while the voltage, etc was in the correct range, my phone would not register it as a power source. I've since returned that one, but the seller said he tested it when he got it back and it was fully functional and charged his phone without problem (but was nice enough to refund anyway).

I guess my question is this...has anyone else had problems with non-stock/mini-usb chargers? I'm guessing there is something wrong with the port on my TP2.

I'm also not sure it matters, but I'm using MightyRom...but the same issue occured on Energy...I haven't gone back to stock, so I don't know if I am missing a driver or something.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 06:59 PM
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Re: Charger issues

i'm not really down the the battery drivers and all that but what i can tell you is this.... your phone is jacked up for some reason. i know personally that if i plug my phone in when i'm at work... it will not charge off the usb on the computer but it will if i use the adapter that plugs into the wall. it registers that it's charging but the battery level definitely goes down. I think it has something to do with the drain on the battery and such. i know for a fact that i used to charge my tp1 off the computers here all the time. i would say call it in for service or replacement.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 08:13 PM
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Re: Charger issues

I have the same problem, but for some reason it charged fine if I charge the phone with USB in my office (no additional power but my office PC). My suspicion is the cable. My office PC has the original thick USB cable and at my home I use the NON-OEM USB cable. Let me know if you are able to resolve this. I also have suspicion that when the PC is sleep there is no power to the phone.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 08:23 PM
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Re: Charger issues

i know for me personally i have used about 4 different usb cables in trying to charge at work. then again these aren't full computers, they're just terminals. 2 of those usb cables were htc branded, 1 from the tp2 and the other from my tp1. basically the only thing that i have been able to deduce is that the usb on the winterms here is that the usb ports lack the proper "juice" to actually charge my device. in his case though, i think it's hardware related.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 09:46 PM
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Re: Charger issues

I have the same problem with charging from my office PC's USB.

What I don't understand is this behavior began after updating to 6.5 rom on vzw.

I've found through trials that if I turn the phone off completely and plug it in then it will build some charge in the battery.

So if battery is realy low and your in your office anyway, forward your calls to your desk for an hour, turn your phone off and you will be back to like 40 - 50% charge.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 09:50 PM
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Re: Charger issues

the part i don't really understand about this is that i used to do it with no problem with the tp1 and they have very similar hardware. i could plug it in and stream music all day long, when i took it off it would be at 100%.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 09:57 PM
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Re: Charger issues

I had the same problem phone only charged on pc using usb. Wall charger and car charger only worked when phone was turned off. Called verizon and got a replacement.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 10:00 PM
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Re: Charger issues

Originally Posted by Bigkahuna6503 View Post
I had the same problem phone only charged on pc using usb. Wall charger and car charger only worked when phone was turned off. Called verizon and got a replacement.
i think the op is having the opposite problem. it only charges properly when it's plugged into the wall... but i could be mistaken
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 10:07 PM
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Re: Charger issues

My home PC charges with the usb but all the office pc's won't charge... At first I thought maybe there's some kind of restriction preventing it or something.. :/
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 10:40 PM
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Re: Charger issues

um. I noticed if my laptop is NOT plugged in at the same time.. the laptop will use the phones power... If my laptop is plugged in phone charges.. maybe this will be usedful in tracking down your issues

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