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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 09:48 PM
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Re: help! my phone is stuck on headphone mode

This happened to me.. I brought it in to the store and they cleaned it out with a q-tip and then blew some compressed air in there. Worked like a charm. They said sometimes a small piece of dust can create a circuit in the small opening causing the headphones to appear to be "plugged in".
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 10:14 AM
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Re: help! my phone is stuck on headphone mode

Happened to me last night. Flashed back to VZW 6.5, and relocked (just in case I had to make a support call).

After reading this post, grabbed a Chlorox wipe, and pushed it into the headphone jack w/ the stylus. Gave about 20 rotations, and works ok now.

I am guessing the pocket could be an enemy of the jack.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:46 AM
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Re: help! my phone is stuck on headphone mode

This just happened to me for the first time. I was listening to my phone via headphones last night. When I removed the headphones this morning, the headphone icon stayed on and no sound would come from my phones speaker. Re-inserting the headphones brought up the voice command icon. Sometimes inserting the headphones would cause my phone to redial my last call.

On advice from this thread, I re-inserted the headphones several times (dozen?) and finally the headphone icon went away. Perhaps cleaning the headphone jack with a can of compressed air will help. I do keep my phone in my pocket, so I assume lint and dirt could cause problems.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: help! my phone is stuck on headphone mode

Originally Posted by wirthy View Post
This just happened to me for the first time. I was listening to my phone via headphones last night. When I removed the headphones this morning, the headphone icon stayed on and no sound would come from my phones speaker. Re-inserting the headphones brought up the voice command icon. Sometimes inserting the headphones would cause my phone to redial my last call.

On advice from this thread, I re-inserted the headphones several times (dozen?) and finally the headphone icon went away. Perhaps cleaning the headphone jack with a can of compressed air will help. I do keep my phone in my pocket, so I assume lint and dirt could cause problems.
I had this happen to me a few days ago and soft resetting the phone didn't help. I searched the internet and found an answer in some other forum. It might not work for you but it worked for me the first time. This seems to happen when you have the headphone AND the charger plugged in at the same time. When you unplug the headphone before unplugging the charger, sometimes it'll stay stuck on headphone mode and you'll see the headphone indicator in the notification bar at the top. Soft resetting the phone will not fix this.

To fix this, first plug the headphone and the charger back into the phone, then unplug the charger first, then lastly unplug the headphone. As I said it worked for me the first time. Hope it helps someone!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2010, 11:47 PM
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Re: help! my phone is stuck on headphone mode

For my issue, it had to do with the charger since I have never used headphones on my phone. I tried to plug in a jack quite a few times. Flashed to Stock and a variety of others. Ended up taking my phone into the shop and getting a replacement. From what I understood, the circuit on the headphones had been shorted. I don't know the board that well, but it makes sense that if the charger gets plugged in or pulled out just right, it could cause the issue.

Based on what I've read, reset, hard-reset, flash to stock, flash one more time, no joy? Flash and relock then head in for your replacement.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2010, 11:58 PM
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Wirelessly posted (htc Pocket PC: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)

Yeah, it sounds like the usb outlet on the device is messed up. Probably a bent pin or a missing pin or a short in the outlet itself. I guess we all need to be very gentle plugging in our chargers and other accessories.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2010, 04:55 AM
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Re: help! my phone is stuck on headphone mode

insert n remove head phone again.
also try to slide out the keyboard n put back its just an connection error..
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2010, 02:01 PM
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Re: help! my phone is stuck on headphone mode

This is a hardware problem, just the headphone jacks, either the mini-usb or the 3.5mm jack has physical problem.
I had one brand new phone with the same problem, and I went back to the store where I exchanged that and did an exchange again. The repair guy over there told me to use mini-usb headphone which does not come with the phone. (my problem was from the 3.5mm though) and I told them, this is a new phone and I don't want a replacement of a rebuilt phone, I want another brand new phone that has no this problem. This is a side track.
This is just some contact problem in the headphone jacks, so as several people suggested, plug the headphone in and out several times, you will get a chance to fix it. But make sure you don't use alcohol or anything with water in it. Only if you have pure alcohol. Because any water will damage the circuit inside, or cause corrosion. DON'T USE RUBBERING ALCOHOL. High pressure air should be helpful. Be gentle. If you break it, you get more trouble. For the mini-usb, the HTC usb cable is suggested. if you compare the HTC mini-usb with normal, standard mini-usb, you will find that the HTC ones have very thin tongue in the middle, and standard mini-usb cable will charge, and connect the phone with computer but might damage the port if used not carefully.
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