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  #291 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 09:36 PM
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Re: text messages from the future Y2KX issue

Originally Posted by ajac View Post
they make devices that use windows mobile but they dont make windows mobile and no longer actively support windows mobile.. but they dont tinker around with it like HTC and obviously Microsoft..
In fairness - HTC, LG and any other only "make devices that use windows mobile". And the Treo Pro is current using WinMo 6.1 and is one of 3 phones on their home page -- so I'd say they still support it.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not a big Palm supporter by any means! But just being clear that really only Microsoft "makes" windows mobile
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  #292 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 09:45 PM
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Re: text messages from the future Y2KX issue

It's not a problem with the Windows Mobiel operating system. If it was, then it would be happening on T-Mobile and AT&T too.

It's clearly something on the network, as Sprint has been telling customers.

Think about it- using the phone's time for when the message was received works just fine, but using the network's timestamp for when the message was sent doesn't work... It's clearly a network issue.
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  #293 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 09:46 PM
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Re: text messages from the future Y2KX issue

Originally Posted by cptok View Post
In fairness - HTC, LG and any other only "make devices that use windows mobile". And the Treo Pro is current using WinMo 6.1 and is one of 3 phones on their home page -- so I'd say they still support it.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not a big Palm supporter by any means! But just being clear that really only Microsoft "makes" windows mobile
It's past tense. They "made" Windows Mobile phones. Now, Palm is exclusively WebOS.
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  #294 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 09:51 PM
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Re: text messages from the future Y2KX issue

If its network related, why are only PocketPC's getting this issue?

I believe it has to do with Windows Mobile interpreting the timestamp the network uses.
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  #295 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 09:53 PM
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Re: text messages from the future Y2KX issue

Originally Posted by strra View Post
he said there are people working on the towers and the computers and it should be fixed within 3 days
i hope so!

Originally Posted by mutation9 View Post
I never checked yesterday, but today (1/2/10) all of my 01/01 texts all read 01/01/10.
whats your location?
I am on Verizon using the stock 6.1 ROM... It is tweaked with cabs and Reg hacks, but the ROM itself is unchanged.
just to let you know i think your rom already has this tweak built in

so i called a vzw tech suport rep today and she didnt know what the h i was talking about. she pretty much told me what i expected to say which was reprogram my phone with *228. anybody try this and see if it fixed it? also is it *2289 to reactivate my phone and update my towers? i asked the lady and she said i was talking nonsense. man i had tech support. sometimes i know more about phones then they do!
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  #296 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 10:02 PM
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Re: text messages from the future Y2KX issue

Originally Posted by titaniumgiant View Post
Thanks for posting the fix!
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  #297 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 10:35 PM
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Re: text messages from the future Y2KX issue

Originally Posted by ⌥ saumaun ☢ View Post
If its network related, why are only PocketPC's getting this issue?

I believe it has to do with Windows Mobile interpreting the timestamp the network uses.
Well we don't really know if anyone else is getting it or not. We're mostly Winmo users on this forum so that is pretty much all we know. We don;t know if RAZR users or whatever have this issue.

Also, it's not affecting WinMo users on T-mobile or AT&T. Even Sprint customners that have their Touch Pro 2 SIM unlocked don't have the issue on a T-Mobile prepaid SIM, on the same phone they have the issue on Sprint if they switch to CDMA.

Maybe none of the other phones we have reports on are even getting the time stamp from the towers. Maybe all of the phones it is confirmed to work on are already set to use the phone's received time stamp instead of the network's sent time stamp...
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  #298 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 10:52 PM
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Re: text messages from the future Y2KX issue

Lol. Dad has a Blackberry on AT&T without an issue. Sister has a Samsung Glyde on Verizon without an issue. So from what I've seen, it is only Windows Mobile.
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  #299 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 11:17 PM
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Re: text messages from the future Y2KX issue

Here's my take on this. The "issue" seems to be with the SMS gateways putting an incorrect sent time stamp on the SMS (relatively well confirmed at this point). Just like email - where you can decide if you want the "received" column to be when it was sent by sender or received on your server - SMS clients do the same thing.

It's my bet that in fact, with the possible exception of T-Mo, ALL SMS messages actually have the bad time stamp from the gateways for the "sent time", but that it is the SMS clients use of received time rather than sent time making the difference as to whether it is an "affected device".

So it comes down to what the client does. Verizon stock ROM's appear to have default of using received timestamp - so no problem. Same for other devices and OS's. Cooked ROM's like Mighty do not have that reg entry and so were using sent time, and nobody paid much attention to this little difference - until all hell broke loose on 1/1/16!

It is a valid and healthy debate as to whether it is more valuable to use received time or sent time. In the email world, this has been debated a lot - and yet few people actually know which one they are using. In Outlook Express - the default is "Received" - i.e. the time it hit your server inbound. But "Sent" is a non-default option you can put in there and display if you wish by customizing the columns.

Personally - I don't care much which one is displayed. Although, at the moment, I wildly prefer to display "Received" time!! Once the carriers fix whatever gateway bug was malforming the sent date, we will then have that choice to keep the reg entry, or delete it and go back to sent time. In the meantime - I don't see this as a Windows issue as such - but rather a nice feature that windows actually allows configuring the display of either the sent time or the received time.

I might be wrong on this one - but I'll test tonight with a non-windows phone. Turn off the device so that it delays the SMS message a few minutes. Then turn on and see what time displays. I'm betting on Symbian it's the received time..... Possibly so on Android as well. In which case, those devices would not display the problem - although the sent time field may still be just as wrong on those "unaffected" devices.

So I very much agree that the current "reg fix" is not a fix for the real problem. That will be the gateway providers fixing the sent timestamp. But then... once the carriers really do fix this - look at what we've figured out! We now know that we can configure our incoming timestamps on SMS just the way we choose via a simple reg setting.

Last edited by cptok; 01-02-2010 at 11:32 PM.
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  #300 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 11:37 PM
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Re: text messages from the future Y2KX issue

Originally Posted by ⌥ saumaun ☢ View Post
Lol. Dad has a Blackberry on AT&T without an issue. Sister has a Samsung Glyde on Verizon without an issue. So from what I've seen, it is only Windows Mobile.
Windows Mobile phones aren't having the issue on AT&T either. Take your dad's AT&T SIM and pop it into your Touch Pro 2. Set your Touch Pro 2 to GSM mode so it uses the AT&T SIM instead of Sprint service. Bet you don't have the issue anymore...
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