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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2009, 08:14 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 and SERO

Originally Posted by black88mx6 View Post
I purchased two phones from the same seller. I waited a week before I activated my phones and they both are good.
that must be of some relief to the OP, i know it'd take a load off my back if this happened to me.

purchased a Touch Pro 2 on ebay aswell. all went smoothly. very satisfied, better than best buys laggy service
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2009, 08:22 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 and SERO

Originally Posted by black88mx6 View Post
I purchased two phones from the same seller. I waited a week before I activated my phones and they both are good.

I think this guy purchases though a corp account, which is why you don't get the phone shipped in your name. You prob got the following email.


Your order is currently being processed and your item will be delivered to you within next 48 hours.

Unfortunately we are having some issues with our shipping server and your package may arrive to you in a different receiver name.

If this can be a problem for you in receiving the package please contact us immediately. In this case your package will be handled manually and it may take up to 5 additional business days for your order to be shipped.

If we do not hear from you in next 24 hours your order will be automatically processed and you will be receiving an additional email containing the UPS tracking number.

If you agree to these conditions please be ready to receive the package in next 48 hours at the shipping address you have provided us and DO NOT refuse the UPS package if the name on the package is not yours.

We apologize for this inconvenience and Thank You in advance for your understanding.




The phones ships activated, and I believe that the seller must remove the phone numbers from the activated corp account before you can then use it on yours.

Sometimes it seems that you get the phone before the seller gets the info to remove the corp account, and therefore shows that the phone is already activated. On your packing slip there is a phone number, most likely for the new phone.

Both my phones activated ok and are still working today.

This is all theory, and your millage may vary.

Yes, I did get that same E-Mail. I have a good feeling I'll have my TP 2 in the end, but its going to suck waiting. BTW, is what he does illegal?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 and SERO

Since it is only theory what is being done, there is no way I call tell if its legit or not. I hope that you get your phone activated ok. This seller has a connection with another seller that did get shutdown a while back. That name was infitelusa.

This name was involved with an insurance scam last year. I don't think the same thing is happening here because there is no return slip for your old phone. Also in the box is the original packing slip from sprint with corp account info.

Last edited by black88mx6; 12-23-2009 at 11:04 AM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 11:32 AM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 and SERO

Originally Posted by black88mx6 View Post
Since it is only theory what is being done, there is no way I call tell if its legit or not. I hope that you get your phone activated ok. This seller has a connection with another seller that did get shutdown a while back. That name was infitelusa.

This name was involved with an insurance scam last year. I don't think the same thing is happening here because there is no return slip for your old phone. Also in the box is the original packing slip from sprint with corp account info.
I wonder if it is possible for him to clear the ESN or did something go wrong ordering it from the corp account? It seems that much of his process is automated and vast majority people have everything go smoothly, but when something does go wrong it doesn't look like the prognosis is good. Any feedback that mentions a ESN issue is negative, no positives saying ESN was cleared up and everything worked out.

I just noticed that the emails about the shipping after I purchased the item did orginate from a infitelusa@gmail.com address =/

Update: It was just a mistake and he released the ESN, I now got my Touch Pro II working and on its way to MightyROM.

Last edited by Kezzerxir; 12-23-2009 at 01:08 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 03:20 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 and SERO

Originally Posted by Kezzerxir View Post
I just noticed that the emails about the shipping after I purchased the item did orginate from a infitelusa@gmail.com address =/

Update: It was just a mistake and he released the ESN, I now got my Touch Pro II working and on its way to MightyROM.
That adds a bit more to my theory, they do ship with phone numbers already activated to a corp account.
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