View Poll Results: did the sprint 2.16 work good for you?
yes, the update has been good with no problems.
Abyss, ALBOWSKI, Aloupha, arcanecho, argov, aseidman, BigMike49, bigmikemn, bigtaco, blasphemous_prime, Blitzed26, bnewton, Brandon_387, brianb, brisk, bsod169, bushd, bzxzlg, cabul, canospinach, cbalter, celcius0077, cencom14, Chillen, chokey154, Cicatrize, codyppc, criz, crowssong, D/\SH, dannytill, davep, Delwayne15, denttarek,, digiblur, djgarrett21, djk1, dmackdaddy, Donatom3, DRC, DYGIT, EDGE23, eehrhard, europeanvacation, far_star, geeserver, gerard187, gnehcob, gonzo1082, gxnext, hay112, honan, Hoshtaylor, iagodfather, icekold_56, iggy20, imneveral0ne, JackSchitt28, jayppc, Jeff Kirvin, JeffdaBeat, jimmy0215, jokergp, jromero0205, JSMZ, jutaman, KoukiFC3S, kpeng2, kubafett, landale, leetsauce, lokixlives, loveapple, ls3mach, MadHatter66, madsmurf, malach, MannyPR, markgamber, Matt, matt314159, maxxfantom, michaelj1981, moats75, monster28, Mr Crunk, msbullock, mstevens, neilson, nerdstrap, NissanGuy01, oakwestplayer, ooregulateoo, papped, pgdeaner, pharmdtlc, phazed, phidong, pim42, pixelwix, pizzzle118, Priest, Procter, PropagandaX, prototypedc, Q2010, redsix, reignefx, robertzas, roguemoog, ruined, saikoryuujin, saltytostitos, savy1, Scooter_in_WI, Scrufdog, secondechomatt, sfjonah, shakedown, Shaska, sherv, solrackm, soul88, soundworkspr, sprintdude07, Spydc, stevenp1200, stroths, suilobo, Sun1914, SuperH, Thesian, TITAN85, TONEEDO, trav230, TurboFool, Virtualboy, vkewalra, vMAC, want2tokyo, weav4444, wood, wzach, xmentalx, ycats, z28evans, ZenXD, Zious
152 |
38.38% |
no, the update didn't work. still have many problems.
adamjt, adrian2pm, ajac, ajbent86, alabij, andason, anurbanlegend, APOLAUF, auctions609, Big D5, bigbob580, biglee, boe, brandouno, budney, cjac999, Claude9039u, cmille34, CruiSin, cykococo, dan3284, deltaecho, dem0n2001, deviant.ones, diomark, dishe, DonC, doned, donnatn, drew95376, drurc8, dsgb73, DukeBlue, dukedvl, dutchman71, ebmorgan, epitaph, gearslam, gt3, Guessthis, gutier_luis, hippity.hoppity, holo, hyun1120, idiotekniQues, j-man22, JackG058, Jact, jaydubya12, JeffreyC2007, jhale83, jjbusch, JMat, JNILSEN21871, jnoble, joethebob, JohnH59, josephaoliva, jph8tr, jpurv, JudasD, jude_b23, keisorsoze, kevmo1965, kilmarac, kosh56, krlane, krohnjw, ksawatsky, Laddy, land2634, livejazz, Lsme420, mark1581, MartinM, mdecker79, meatlocker, mezozoy, miediev, mmark5903, Mrcoffee, mrenz999, mswlogo, myteematt, neuteboomt, NightMKoder, nosmohtac, pacmantom, Pitchblack98, pjhurth, Polen, promatchrcr, psywzrd, ramiel, rangie, ratatosk, redshift, revgam, RicoTreo700wx, rvashi,, saketkutta, sandiegodude, scottmail, screenpaver, shanzhen, signothefish, silversurfer20, specv, Speedy64i, stacia52, StarmanDX, stylz3, superman.namrepus, swebb, Tenny, the1andonlyoreo, thecalip, thornside, tpbklake, uacolon, Victor_A, vman51, vtgant, walla, willyksu, willysp, XIII, Yankees368, z3bu, Zacharybinx, zanda61, zarlof, zelet
140 |
35.35% |
haven't installed rom update yet. just like to vote on polls. lol.
1oddmanout, 353Entertainment, aiko, Alex2128, Analyzer52, beanex, bigdogg, BiGDoGGy4EvEr, black ice, bombzhome, bongkey, bugzy113, buzzman003, bwxd, Cerri, Chance, cohowap, conquer1, coolcmar, CTSLICK, cybersteve, darkl4805, Darkness231, dawyze1, DJKissler, DMogulS, domaingrey, drew454U, drunkinmonk, dwehking, Ese Joker, EtherealRemnant, freegood, geerant, getinked5, glidersgalore, gobmonster, greencat, groovadelickun, hammodie, hawai, hperry, idelgado782, j.aperez, James702283, jamesjay, jaydunning, jimh2k7, jloden78, jminor, jrob, juice233, k000, kalibar, kevxross, kitts, lexking, lucifer, mandangalo, mosalini, mossolb, msiegle, Mustang46L, mustangt, MWM.admin, nbpanjwa, neko988, nichol, Nveegle1, padrino, PaulitosWay, polargoat, poorlyduck, PootsworthIII, quendarius, R8R$, rfrankli, rockrerun, Rusty45398, rycelover, RYNstarO23, shifty, slevy007, slightlyevolved, smcnabb, Smoky350, somefun, sup191, Taintosaurus, techtech, thegirlwonder21, tlokitz, traketo, Twinsen, Vertigo, wdsoccer, wesjeff, Wheatie, wILLk0r3 818, wizz, wondabwoy, Yay 4 Juggs
104 |
26.26% |