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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by gigatigga
Who wants to volunteer their 6800 and crack it open and see if its got one of these

Shadowmite says if it does, that the likelihood of enabling standalone gps is A++.

I'm not brave enough to open mine, who wants to do it!?
It’s show trinity, they recently release a rom update that enable GPS, makes you wander

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 08:31 PM
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well my hinge is a little loose give me a few minutes
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 08:54 PM
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listen save yourself pening the phone. It does have a GPS chip. Just like the PPC 6700 had one. Just like the HTC hermes had one. But it is not enabled. Also it is not WIRED which is important because it means that even if you enable it on a firmware level and OS level it will not pickup a signal because there is no internal antennae. And you wouldnt even be able to wire an external antenna to it because it doesnt have the physical connections for it.

GPS on this device is completely not gonna happen. To get your hopes up is just pure foolishness. The trinity didnt have gps enabled when it initially came out because it was unstable at the OS level. It was built with gps activated and the internal antenna connected. That is why a simple rom update got it functioning. Short of getting the GPS firmware upgraded, wiring an internal antennae and getting it working on an OS level this aint happening.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 08:58 PM
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i marked what i think it might be. the internal antenna seems to be situated on top of the phone, which is a huge improvement over the A900, Razr, or the Katana phones that sprint has that palces it at the bottom of the device. this could be a GPS Thing if the first pic is accurate or could be used jsut as a ground for the phone. ive seen similar devices in other phones as well.

links are in my sig for pics of the inside of the device.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 08:59 PM
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 09:12 PM
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I'm not putting any hopes into getting GPS from HTC or Sprint. I bought a Holux M-1000 BT GPS receiver on ebay for 50 bucks, a PDA window mount from Verizon (I work there so it's pretty cheap) and some velcro with tape on the back. I put a little strip of velcro on my E-pass (for toll roads) and it's opposite on the back of the GPS unit. So when I'm driving, I can put the PDA in a nice easy to see area, my GPS unit has a great line of sight and TomTom for navigation.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by mcq3000
listen save yourself pening the phone. It does have a GPS chip. Just like the PPC 6700 had one. Just like the HTC hermes had one. But it is not enabled. Also it is not WIRED which is important because it means that even if you enable it on a firmware level and OS level it will not pickup a signal because there is no internal antennae. And you wouldnt even be able to wire an external antenna to it because it doesnt have the physical connections for it.

GPS on this device is completely not gonna happen. To get your hopes up is just pure foolishness. The trinity didnt have gps enabled when it initially came out because it was unstable at the OS level. It was built with gps activated and the internal antenna connected. That is why a simple rom update got it functioning. Short of getting the GPS firmware upgraded, wiring an internal antennae and getting it working on an OS level this aint happening.
You appearently don't know much about what actually happened with the trinity. It most certainly was not shipped with the GPS enabled, quite the contrary it was shipped with the GPS completely dormant and not functional even in the radio's firmware. Granted the GPS radio was eventually leaked which allowed the first functioning of the GPS standalone mode. However as a result, we now have the prototype functions to export into a different radio's firmware in theory. The pictures he has taken show the proper size and structure for a gps antenna, though without high res photos and removing that stuff around it it's hard to say for certain, but that certainly looks more like a gps antenna then a cell antenna to me.

Any chance someone can take their apart a bit further?

And to 94tbird, Thanks so much for your help so far, it's really a great start and looks a little promising...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2007, 12:09 AM
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Does anyone still have a copy of the internal photos accidentally leaked by the FCC a while back? Might help. To add some more fuel to the fire, if you read the FCC testing reports on the web they do mention GPS in a couple documents:

"2. The EUT is a CDMA850/CDMA1900 (1XEVDO / 1XRTT / IS-95A/B) Pocket PC Phone with wireless LAN, bluetooth, and GPS functions. This report is only covered the functions of CDMA1900. The wireless LAN and bluetooth functions are covered in another test report, which........."

If no one else volunteers, I'll have some time this weekend to tear my 6800 apart to get some clearer pics.

Glad to have you on the case Shadowmite.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2007, 01:17 AM
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I'll post up some pics as soon as i get it taken apart. phone wont be here until about 12:00 pst I hope.

Shadowmite is there any pics in perticular that would help or just the main board from all angles?

I'll see if i can find the fcc docs.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2007, 07:23 AM
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i did take it apart further. the other side of the voard is flat and jsut has the lcd and keyboard wire attatchments on it. didnt feel the need to post it since we are looknig for a GPS antenna. and it definately wont be inthe flip considering there are no additional connectors coming from the lcd side of things.
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