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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 12:33 PM
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biglee - it appears in both videos that you are using the handset, not BT headset to make the calls.

Confirmation works for all of using our handsets - the issue is confirmation does not work when we initiate VC using our BT headsets.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 12:36 PM
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I am. It works the same with BT, but I used the handset so everyone could hear the confirmations, etc. When I press the BT on my headset, it beeps and then does the same as it used to.

Earlier this week, when BT audio was set to open the Audio Gateway, I could only use the headset. Once I switched it back to voice speed dial, it works like it did before!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 04:54 PM
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What ringer do you guys have set in Notifications so that VC will announce the caller upon receiving a phone call?

Text Messages and Emails are being announced just fine. Just phone calls are not.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2007, 06:20 PM
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I can't seem to get text or emails announced. what ringer do you use to have them announced?

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2007, 11:14 PM
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A - I can't complete calls using my BT
B - I am not getting any announcements over my BT (i.e. text and emails)

Both of these things were working fine on my 6700.

Please I need help. I specifically signed on tonight to find a solution to this very issue.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 12:27 AM
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There are some files on XDA that I got to get Voice Command working on Windows Mobile 6. This isn't the only handset that has issues.

There was an internal build of WM6 with a slightly newer version of Voice Command inside it that they took the files out of. It consists of a replacement executable, and a few DLL files. Overwrite them as necessary (Wherever they are at - in \Windows or \Program Files\Voice Command) - and do the INITVOL registry tweak for the software that we all know and love, and you'll be all set.

Mine allows me to give commands via Bluetooth, and announces incoming calls (as well as calendar reminders and corporate email) over my ring tone on my Mogul.

It's file "voicecommandreplacementfiles.zip" in the thread "can someone extract VC 1.6 from faria's rom?" on the third page.

Hope that helps.

Oh... and USE THE DEVICE TO UNZIP THE FILES!!! (To save yourself a LOT of trouble.) Actually use the "ZIP" utility on the handset, or else may you fare misery from the "converted to mobile" format of each file inside the zip file.

Also, VoiceCommand has to be NOT "Enabled" to copy over it's executable. If it is "Enabled", you'll get a sharing violation message saying you cannot overwrite the file. Reenable it after all four files are overwritten.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by SuperH
There are some files on XDA that I got to get Voice Command working on Windows Mobile 6. This isn't the only handset that has issues.

There was an internal build of WM6 with a slightly newer version of Voice Command inside it that they took the files out of. It consists of a replacement executable, and a few DLL files. Overwrite them as necessary (Wherever they are at - in \Windows or \Program Files\Voice Command) - and do the INITVOL registry tweak for the software that we all know and love, and you'll be all set.

Mine allows me to give commands via Bluetooth, and announces incoming calls (as well as calendar reminders and corporate email) over my ring tone on my Mogul.

It's file "voicecommandreplacementfiles.zip" in the thread "can someone extract VC 1.6 from faria's rom?" on the third page.

Hope that helps.

Oh... and USE THE DEVICE TO UNZIP THE FILES!!! (To save yourself a LOT of trouble.) Actually use the "ZIP" utility on the handset, or else may you fare misery from the "converted to mobile" format of each file inside the zip file.

Also, VoiceCommand has to be NOT "Enabled" to copy over it's executable. If it is "Enabled", you'll get a sharing violation message saying you cannot overwrite the file. Reenable it after all four files are overwritten.
Are Registry Tweaks the only way to get this work the way it did on the 6700? I am not comfortable messing around with the phones registry not to mention I don't have any software installed that would enable my accessing it.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Nikkirox_1
I am not comfortable messing around with the phones registry not to mention I don't have any software installed that would enable my accessing it.
The registry shouldn't be feared, a lot of changes you make with software just make the necessary registry changes with you. If they are well documented on here you will have less to worry about. If adverse effects come from a registry change made and you are unable to change it back, it's easy to solve, with a hard reset. Just remember to backup often! I have pretty much given up on this software package working well in its current state. My question is more for Microsoft, when will we see WM6 support in the app itself!
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 03:34 PM
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I did the INITVOL hack to modify the registry to allow louder volume. I didn't have this software on my 6700 so I don't know how it functioned out of the box.

At a minimum, those four files need replaced with the ones I referenced. After that, it seems that VoiceCommand 1.6 not only works, but it works 100% on the HTC Mogul
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by SuperH
I did the INITVOL hack to modify the registry to allow louder volume. I didn't have this software on my 6700 so I don't know how it functioned out of the box.

At a minimum, those four files need replaced with the ones I referenced. After that, it seems that VoiceCommand 1.6 not only works, but it works 100% on the HTC Mogul
I was wondering the same thing. How is it announcements and voice recognition worked fine on the 6700 but doesn't on the 6800. I went to MS site and they didn't have any stuff on the WM6. They still have stuff about WM5. They need to update their site pronto.
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