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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 09:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Pibe38
My initial impressions and observations...
  • Wow I don't know if I should say this... anyone feel the Mogul feels cheap? I mean, the d-pad, the soft keys... I don't know, I feel my 700wx is more robust, like made of better quality materials.
  • I have not installed any apps yet, but I'm worried about the low amount of Program (RAM) memory available.
  • Activating was very easy and the rep I got was very friendly.
  • Windows Live would not sync my personal settings, so sync'ing always failed. Also, why the heck does it have to sync my Hotmail contacts? I don't want to do that but apparently is required to sign in to Messenger?
  • If you for example go to Settings and scroll down all the way down with the thumbwheel, you will not be able to switch tabs. Instead, the thumbwheel keeps jumping from the bottom icon to the current tab.
  • Screen rotation was very quick as far as I have noticed.
  • Both the Software and Music Store are worthless as they are just links to websites, save yourself a Today plugin and add them to your favorites.

Time to start installing apps... will report later!
Looking forward to your thoughts after you've had more time with the device.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 10:56 AM
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Is anyone having battery problems? I charged mine thsi morning it was done around 730 its not 1045 and its already at 60% and I haven't really used it much.... I dont like this at all
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 11:03 AM
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i haven't really had battery problems. I charged it for most of the day yesterday, took it off the charger around 11PM. left it off teh charger all night, woke up this morning (to an alarm set on the phone, was kind of quite, needs some tweaking), sent a handful of texts, installed a few apps, and surfed the internet for about 20 minutes on the phone, and it's now 11:02AM EST, so pretty much 12 hours later, and I still have 80% battery left.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by ViPaDawG
i haven't really had battery problems. I charged it for most of the day yesterday, took it off the charger around 11PM. left it off teh charger all night, woke up this morning (to an alarm set on the phone, was kind of quite, needs some tweaking), sent a handful of texts, installed a few apps, and surfed the internet for about 20 minutes on the phone, and it's now 11:02AM EST, so pretty much 12 hours later, and I still have 80% battery left.

ughhh ur so lucky. I think my battery is fucked up and I need a new one. I probably have to call sprint to get one I dought any stores would actually have them.

Anyone else get emails sent back to them when they send one out? I have a gmail account on my screen so wheni get a message it lets me know but everytime I sent one out to someone it sends me back that message.. WAt can I do to stop that?
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 11:14 AM
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my store hasn't received anything on the Mogul yet. the only reason i know its out is because i randomly checked the sprint site monday cause i was bored. if we do get anything i'll post up what we've gotten.

Check Out GameFly

RIP Sprint Mogul: 3/3/08
Hello Sprint Touch
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 12:26 PM
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Couple of new things...
  • My battery works fine, maybe even better than I expected it to. Charged it last night for 4 hours as it said on the manual, activated the phone, installed some apps by downloading them from the 'net, sync'ed with my exchange server, played with the settings, etc. and I still have 60%. Keep in mind I unplugged it last night at 9 PM EST and it's now 12 Noon EST.
  • I'm very ticked off with the thumbwheel on the left hand side, it serves no purpose whatsoever, the driver that controls it needs to be revamped. I installed iLauncher and when I scroll down with the wheel and get to iLauncher the wheel will keep going down to the next plugin instead of scrolling through the shortcuts on iLauncher as it does with the HTC Home plugin included.
  • I cannot believe we cannot re-map the Windows and OK button. How am I supposed to map SmallMenu to the Windows key and the iLauncher Task Manager to the OK button? This is big for 1-handed navigation and I was able to do it on my 700wx.

So far these are the new things I have noticed. I guess Palm did do an awesome job at customizing WM5, I'm seriously thinking the Mogul may not be the device for me, but this is only the second day, so I still have more time to keep exploring as I may be missing something.
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 02:03 PM
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Security hole - lock code bypass

If anyone else is protective like me and has a lock code set up on their phone, check this out.

1.) Lock the phone (setting it to lock in 0 minutes and pushing the power button is an easy way).
2.) Call your phone from another phone, and answer your phone.
3.) Push the OK button (may work with other buttons) while you are in the call (this should bring you to where you can see the talk, end, call history, and mute buttons).
4.) Push the hang up button.
5.) Push the OK button again.

You should now be at your regular today screen, bypassing the lock screen / lock code entirely. If someone cannot replicate this by using these same steps, please let me know that I am crazy. Will probably record video later.

Anyone have other quirks?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Pibe38
Couple of new things...

...I cannot believe we cannot re-map the Windows and OK button. How am I supposed to map SmallMenu to the Windows key and the iLauncher Task Manager to the OK button? This is big for 1-handed navigation and I was able to do it on my 700wx....
To me, one-handed operation is a big deal, and I think the fact that you really can't effectively type anything with one hand on this phone is a real problem.

When sending a text message or e-mail on my 6700, I would often use the popup keypad that looks similar to the keypad on a standard phone. Am I missing something here, or did they entirely omit that type of touch screen input on the 6800?
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by garov55
also installed htc today s plug from the htc touch rom works great..
Can you shed some light on this. I would like to know more as it sounds interesting. I have a Mogul as of yesterday and would like to try this.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by damigs
Originally Posted by garov55
also installed htc today s plug from the htc touch rom works great..
Can you shed some light on this. I would like to know more as it sounds interesting. I have a Mogul as of yesterday and would like to try this.
I am assuming it is this.. http://freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-down...ugin-v1-0.html
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