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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2008, 07:32 PM
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possible to remove CAMERA piece from 6800?

Hello, ive had my mogul for about 2 years. love it.
i use GPS goog maps, WMWIFI router, flashlight, webrowser all the time.
problem is I just got a government defense job and they wont allow camera phones into the building. so i have to leave the thing in my car.
So has anyone taken apart the mogul and removed/de-soldered the camera lense part?
is it possible?

also, if not possible, any sugestions on what phone i should get (SPRINT only) that has real GPS and wifirouter capabilities and a decent onphone webbrowser?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2008, 07:54 PM
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Re: possible to remove CAMERA piece from 6800?

Wonder if a battery door that totally covers the camera could be made. Then there would be no camera in view only a small bump over it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2008, 08:10 PM
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Re: possible to remove CAMERA piece from 6800?

The camera removes completely from the phone its just attached with a ribbon cable to the board. taking the camera out and using a no2chem rom with the camera disabled and not even cooked into the rom should work as there would be no way to use the camera. I don't know if the camera is part of how the led is attached on the back though, would suck to loose the light. I use the light on the camera with nue light 100X more then i have ever used my camera.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2008, 08:18 PM
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Re: possible to remove CAMERA piece from 6800?

I work in the military and our rules that were just changed was nothing that can capture data like thumb drives or anything like that cameras, or film nothing even GPS or anything that transmits a radio. So soon you might not even be able to have a phone. But the best you can do its tape and that wont be good enough. Not even our civilians that work with us can have anything like that. Might b better to when you get your breaks to walk out side and check from your car. You will get in alot of trouble if youu just cover up the Camera and go inside last month a kid had a SD card in his pocket and we havent seen him since got taken out in hand cuffs and everything so be careful on what you do. If you got a good job like that dont risk it. And you will have to fully remove the camera out of the phone if you want to have it with you. so that means you taking off the back and then just cutting off the camera. just be sure you want to risk killing the phone because you do want to be with out you phone for a few hours.

Last edited by dc13; 12-28-2008 at 08:24 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2008, 09:10 PM
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Re: possible to remove CAMERA piece from 6800?

Originally Posted by dc13 View Post
I work in the military and our rules that were just changed was nothing that can capture data like thumb drives or anything like that cameras, or film nothing even GPS or anything that transmits a radio. So soon you might not even be able to have a phone. But the best you can do its tape and that wont be good enough. Not even our civilians that work with us can have anything like that. Might b better to when you get your breaks to walk out side and check from your car. You will get in alot of trouble if youu just cover up the Camera and go inside last month a kid had a SD card in his pocket and we havent seen him since got taken out in hand cuffs and everything so be careful on what you do. If you got a good job like that dont risk it. And you will have to fully remove the camera out of the phone if you want to have it with you. so that means you taking off the back and then just cutting off the camera. just be sure you want to risk killing the phone because you do want to be with out you phone for a few hours.
i just now took off the casing and unscrewed the board and unplugged the camera and cut off the camera and put a yellow piece of paper over the hole too. do you think i should take off the mini sd too?
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