So I am sort of new. I did a lot of searching and spend a good 6 hours figuring out how to flash my HTC PPC-6800 from Alltel to Metro PCS and get Web and MMS on it. I went to the Metro store, they said they could flash it for me for 40 dollars, and that was the only way to get my ESN in their system
So I tried to clone the mogul to my other phone that I had by Metro and then pulled the battery and put away the old phone. But, yes there is aways a but it seems, I could not access the NVM folder to edit the ESN. I guess the modem driver from alltel had blocked it. And I was tired and metro was closing soon so I had them flash it for me.
So now I am having another problem. I cannot get the WEB on my phone after following all of the instructions from the first and second page of this post. I have everything in correctly, the proxy and what now, but it keeps telling me my user name or password is wrong.
Any Ideas? I am trying really hard, and I have searched for hours upon hours, I just cant find anything else to help.