173.63MB of storage memory - not enough.
48.54MB of Program memory - definatly not enough.
Not enough? I think you are misunderstanding the poster here - I'm pretty sure the poster means that these numbers are for available memory (after bootup), not total memory. Compare this to the roughly 30MB of available storage memory that you get on a stock 6700 from a carrier right now (after they apply all their junk), and you see that 174 MB of available storage memory is an enormous and very significant improvement.
Here are the unofficial specs I have seen most often for the total memory we can expect to see on the Titan (this was reported awhile back on Engadget, specifically for the Verizon XV6800):
256MB storage memory
96 MB program memory
In terms of total memory, this is double the storage memory and 1.5 times the program memory of our 6700's - sounds excellent to me. In particular, 256MB of storage memory on the Titan is a best-in-class spec for any current or near-term WM device right now that I have heard of. See the uber HTC Advantage and the vaunted upcoming i-Mate Ultimate line - all have 256MB.
based on this the +'s are keyboard opening the opposite direction and a collapsable stylus? uhhhhh....
I agree that there are a lot more things on my wish list that I don't see here (VGA screen and GPS come to mind). But I don't think the Titan is getting enough credit for the improvements it does have. To me, the biggest I have seen are the doubling of storage memory, upgradeability of the high-speed data from EVDO Rev 0 to Rev A, and the reportedly much slimmer form factor (given how chunky our 6700's are, this is really good news to me). As for EVDO Rev A, I have seen some promising speed test reports from people who have been able to try it using PC cards where it has been rolled out (I recall someone wrote that he found it to be indistinguishable from his DSL speed).
Based on luv2chill's very interesting info above, it also might be quicker and able to handle more simultaneous work due to the multi-core processor and built-in graphics accelerator splitting up the workload. The other notable items I have seen for the Titan are faster WiFi (g) and Bluetooth (v2 w/EDR). So we may find that "faster in every way" turns out to be a common theme for this device...