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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 05:04 PM
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Re: Best Free Im Software Ever!!

Jivetalk is definitley one of the best out there.
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Old 08-27-2008, 05:17 PM
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Re: Best Free Im Software Ever!!

Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post
I didn't say this was the best app. I said this was the best IM app. if your going to quote me and try to make me look bad the least you could do is be correct and check your facts while you do it. Also, I posted it s that people could enjoy it. Not try to discredit it. If you don't like my post you don't have to read it or use the software. Have a nice day I'm done communicating with you.
lol. ok in your opinion what makes this better than palringo? if you want people to hear your opinion you gotta back it up with more than a link to the file...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 05:25 PM
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Re: Best Free Im Software Ever!!

lol-these types of threads are fun watching
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 11:21 PM
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Re: Best Free Im Software Ever!!

A quick list I'm sure there are others:

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Old 08-28-2008, 01:21 AM
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Re: Best Free Im Software Ever!!

Originally Posted by nautica2450 View Post
lol. ok in your opinion what makes this better than palringo? if you want people to hear your opinion you gotta back it up with more than a link to the file...
Well, in my opinion:

1. It looks better.
2. It doesn't disconnect on its own every hour or so.
3. You have more customizable options.
4. Better sounds.
5. It saves chat logs.
6. It has myspace messenger.

I found an app. I liked it and I shared it along with my opinion on it. If anyone else should read it, try it and enjoy it great for them. If anyone should try it and not enjoy it well then its not for them. The most important thing to remember is that I am not forcing it on anyone. You can take it or leave it.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2008, 03:09 AM
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Re: Best Free Im Software Ever!!

here's the main thread as well.


come on jimmie, ur a senior member, posting a thread when there's dozens of others? CAPS and all?

i use beejive over palringo,

i like beejive's options and clean interface.
i like the today plugin
i like the options of the chat screen styles, i.e. bubbles/traditional/[one more also]
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Last edited by No1ustad; 08-28-2008 at 03:14 AM.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2008, 04:05 AM
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Re: Best Free Im Software Ever!!

This is the same version BeeJive I OEM'd the other day, still has the issues with using older version of MSSQLCE in it. BeeJive needs to step up and update their stuff if they expect it to work in custom roms I guess.
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Old 08-28-2008, 09:29 AM
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Re: Best Free Im Software Ever!!

Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post
I didn't say this was the best app. I said this was the best IM app. if your going to quote me and try to make me look bad the least you could do is be correct and check your facts while you do it. Also, I posted it s that people could enjoy it. Not try to discredit it. If you don't like my post you don't have to read it or use the software. Have a nice day I'm done communicating with you.

Calm down and relax bro. Being we are all here talking about an IM app, me saying 'app' applied to an IM being its the only app we are here talking about so chill out.

Im not here trying to make you look bad. Im trying to get you to open your eyes and see that BeeJive isnt you only option and certain not just because it was free. I can see now however that you still didnt really understand my first post and Im not going to try to bother to educate you in other areas.

Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post
Well, in my opinion:

1. It looks better.
2. It doesn't disconnect on its own every hour or so.
3. You have more customizable options.
4. Better sounds.
5. It saves chat logs.
6. It has myspace messenger.

I found an app. I liked it and I shared it along with my opinion on it. If anyone else should read it, try it and enjoy it great for them. If anyone should try it and not enjoy it well then its not for them. The most important thing to remember is that I am not forcing it on anyone. You can take it or leave it.
Not trying to pick here so please relax and dont blow up on anyone. We appreciate you sharing. It is how we all learn about other software and believe me, the developers appreciate it also.

I use IM+ 5.35

1. Look are important. isnt that why we customize or phones and clothes and cars, ECT?
2. The only time I have IM+ drop is when I drop signal, what problematic apps have you had this issue with?
3. Options, options, options, they all have options but you have to tell em what your are that make it better than another (IM) app.
4. Sounds can be imported
5. IM+ saves chat logs but just dont be chatting and get caught by your other half.
6. IM+ uses MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Jabber, Google Talk, ICQ and Mysapce.

And just for the record this isnt discrediting BeeJive but only comparing the two.
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Last edited by weedahoe; 08-28-2008 at 09:41 AM.
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2008, 09:33 AM
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Re: Best Free Im Software Ever!!

I got tricked. Ha. This programs still sucks as bad as it did the first time it was posted and called Jive Talk. Beejive/Jivetalk man should have seen it coming.
JiveTalk Alpha (0.9.0) updated 6/10/08. All this time and they still haven't put in a today plug.
Palringo don't have a home plug either but it has a smaller footprint. Honestly all this time and it looks like they haven't changed it at all. IMO it still sucks. Palringo and im+ still for me.
Went back to a BlackBerry..................

Last edited by Lsme420; 08-28-2008 at 09:43 AM.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2008, 09:38 AM
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Re: Best Free Im Software Ever!!

Originally Posted by Lsme420 View Post
I got tricked. Ha. This programs still sucks as bad as it did the first time it was posted and called Jive Talk. Beejive/Jivetalk man should have seen it coming.
JiveTalk Alpha (0.9.0) updated 6/10/08. All this time and they still haven't put in a today plug.
Palringo don't have a home plug either but it has a smaller footprint. Honestly all this time and it looks like they haven't changed it at all. IMO it still sucks. Palringo and im+ still for me
The today plug should be there. The newest version is Make sure you've checked settings-> today-> items to see that BeeJiveIM is checked for the today plug-in. Also, make sure you soft reset after the initial install.
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