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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2008, 06:24 PM
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Titan as a GPS Tracking Device???

Is there an app out there that will use the internal GPS and the EVDO web to send tracking data?

For example...I would like to stick my phone in the glove box of my kids car and monitor where they are at or are going.

Example two...hide phone in spouses purse to see if she goes to a hotel with her boyfriend.

Example three...you lose your phone and want to know where its at.

Just a thought...
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Old 04-05-2008, 06:50 PM
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Re: Titan as a GPS Tracking Device???

Originally Posted by cmylxgo View Post
Is there an app out there that will use the internal GPS and the EVDO web to send tracking data?

For example...I would like to stick my phone in the glove box of my kids car and monitor where they are at or are going.

Example two...hide phone in spouses purse to see if she goes to a hotel with her boyfriend.

Example three...you lose your phone and want to know where its at.

Just a thought...

First....if your spouse has a boyfriend, that is a problem....what difference does it make WHERE she goes with him?

Sprint Mobile Locater....$15.00 a month.....

I think there is an app also that is meant more for anti-theft, but could be used for that purpose..... might be good for a lost phone as well....
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Old 04-05-2008, 06:54 PM
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Re: Titan as a GPS Tracking Device???

Funny, but this should be written, I can see many uses as well. Plotting to Google KML would be nice.

NoniGPSPlot is the only one I know of, but it cant to my knowledge send anything, you could just plot it when they got back. But wouldnt be REAL time, for that you would need a free implementation of mobile locator as was said.
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Old 04-05-2008, 07:05 PM
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Re: Titan as a GPS Tracking Device???

check TrackMe

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2008, 10:49 PM
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Re: Titan as a GPS Tracking Device???

Try Sprite Terminator.

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Old 04-06-2008, 01:06 AM
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Re: Titan as a GPS Tracking Device???

TurboGPS will do it...and you can export the tracks (KML) to display them in GoogleEarth, I believe...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2008, 02:06 AM
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Re: Titan as a GPS Tracking Device???

Thanks for all the responses. I've heard of a few of these but not sure which one will give real time tracking status. I will look at all of your suggestions.

Thanks again.
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Old 04-06-2008, 02:11 AM
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Re: Titan as a GPS Tracking Device???

Also look at GPSGATE. www.gpsgate.com

It takes the gps data from your phone and uploads it to the server. From here you take a second copy of gpsgate (pocket pc, PC, web interface) and the data is routed to the second copy.

I use this solution. I can simply run gpsgate on my pocket pc sitting in my living room and it would look like I was sitting on my busa driving around town.

Also in the event that my busa was stolen, I can send a link to the police department where they can track the bike in real time through a web interface.

Hope this is of help.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2008, 05:58 PM
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Re: Titan as a GPS Tracking Device???

Originally Posted by Darkflame808 View Post
Also look at GPSGATE. www.gpsgate.com

It takes the gps data from your phone and uploads it to the server. From here you take a second copy of gpsgate (pocket pc, PC, web interface) and the data is routed to the second copy.

I use this solution. I can simply run gpsgate on my pocket pc sitting in my living room and it would look like I was sitting on my busa driving around town.

Also in the event that my busa was stolen, I can send a link to the police department where they can track the bike in real time through a web interface.

Hope this is of help.
Looks like this is the winner. Thanks
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2008, 07:23 PM
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Re: Titan as a GPS Tracking Device???

I haven't taken the time to look at all the different programs, but it seems that for this to work you must have a data connection or GPS turned on for tracking to work. Is this the case?
I mean what's the chances your phone gets stolen while having an active data or GPS connection, you know? That means you would have less than 2 hours until a dead battery anyway...
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Last edited by kraygh; 04-06-2008 at 07:26 PM.
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