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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 10:25 AM
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My Programs So Far, Some You Might Not Have Found

M&M Marshall DialPad Skin Black (OK Dialpad skin. Looking for one with call history modded as well)
M&M Marshall WaitCursor Skin (Great WaitCursor Skin. Loving the look.)
Codyppc Threaded SMS (Seems to work reasonably well, but says I have texts unread on soft reset when I don't. Haven't tried any other threaded SMS prog's, anyone want to recommend which is best?)
DinarSoft MemMaid (Seems reasonably useful, haven't decided whether to pay after the trial yet. Advice?)
Grumps Iphone-Wow Edition (Seems a little buggy. I don't really use it often)
SomeGuy sMMS (Haven't tried it yet... Supposed to let me send / receive picture messages. Also looking to hear which picture MMS you find best?)
Microsoft .NET CF 3.5 (Needed for some programs.)
HTC Home (That's my Today Screen)
HTC Audio Manager (Absolutely amazing. Love editing my ringtones right on my phone.)
Q Inbox Extender (I needed Mark all read. Nough said.)
emunutz HTC Home Customizer (Loving it. )
Palringo (IMO, best AIM client far and away.)
Skunkworks FlashVideoBundle with TCPMP (Loving the YouTube.)
Flash Player ActiveX (Run some flash app's)
Opera Mobile (Not a huge fan. It's a giant memory hog. I don't think I'll pay after the trial. Opera Mini 4.1 beta is OK. Still waiting for the perfect Mobile browser)
AOL IM 2.0 (Always good to have a backup)
SHAPE IM+ (I gave it a try. I like Palringo much better.)
Oxios Memory (I don't notice much of a difference. What does it do, exactly?)
Google Maps (Love it.)

Suggestions? Flames?

I'll also go look for and provide links for anything you can't find. Most things you'll find with a quick google search.

One last thing. I want to add more icons to the bar at the very bottom, where palringo automatically docks. Anyone know how to edit that bar?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 10:35 AM
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Re: My Programs So Far, Some You Might Not Have Found

imo google maps cant hold a candle to MS livesearch... it's much more robust and still free... try it out. everything else you listed is pretty much par for the course though.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 10:36 AM
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Re: My Programs So Far, Some You Might Not Have Found

To solve your unread texts issue, delete all of your texts, uninstall threaded SMS, soft reset, Make sure the count says zero, then reinstall.

As far as the perfect browser, get over to skyfire.com and sign up for the beta.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 10:56 AM
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Re: My Programs So Far, Some You Might Not Have Found

Originally Posted by chappy View Post
To solve your unread texts issue, delete all of your texts, uninstall threaded SMS, soft reset, Make sure the count says zero, then reinstall.

As far as the perfect browser, get over to skyfire.com and sign up for the beta.
I signed up for skyfire but they're not accepting app's for the current version anymore. Any idea when a new version will be out?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 10:58 AM
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Re: My Programs So Far, Some You Might Not Have Found

Originally Posted by chappy View Post
To solve your unread texts issue, delete all of your texts, uninstall threaded SMS, soft reset, Make sure the count says zero, then reinstall.

As far as the perfect browser, get over to skyfire.com and sign up for the beta.
Also: Thanks so much for the SMS help. I thought it was something like that, but wanted to be sure.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 11:22 AM
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Re: My Programs So Far, Some You Might Not Have Found

Originally Posted by bryanbarash View Post
I signed up for skyfire but they're not accepting app's for the current version anymore. Any idea when a new version will be out?
Beta 2 is supposed to start sometime in the summer.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 11:26 AM
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Re: My Programs So Far, Some You Might Not Have Found

Originally Posted by bryanbarash View Post
I signed up for skyfire but they're not accepting app's for the current version anymore. Any idea when a new version will be out?
From an email that I got from them about a week ago.

On March 1, we reached critical mass for our immediate beta needs and created two phases for our beta program – Betas 1 and 2. If you signed up between February 8 and March 1, you are in Beta 1. If you signed up after March 1, you are in Beta 2. We created these two groups so we can manage demand, and the only difference between the two is timing. It’s our way to ensure we can sufficiently support everyone as well as leverage all of your feedback to influence a stellar 1.0 product.

Beta 1
Beta 1 is happening now and each week we extend invitations to download Skyfire on a first signed up, first invited basis. It will take us several more weeks to get to everyone signed up during the Beta 1 period. Rest assured, we will get to everyone in Beta 1 by the end of April. At the launch of Beta 2, all Beta 1 users will automatically be added to Beta 2 with no action required on their part.

Beta 2
At this point, we do not have a firm date for the launch of Beta 2. However, we know it will be sometime in Summer 2008. We can tell you with certainty that it will be worth the wait aswe have many exciting new features in the works. For those of you in Beta 2, you will be notified by email as soon as we launch Beta 2. You will be invited to download Skyfire on a first signed up, first invited basis starting with sign-ups on March 2.Thank you for your feedback.

For those of you with Skyfire installed on your phone, we are anxious for your feedback and suggestions. If you haven’t already, please let us know what you think at feedback@skyfire.com. Thanks to all of you that have already sent your feedback. We appreciate the insights, feature requests and bugs discovered. In summary:
  • You like the fast page loads, full web content support, video and audio playback, and a good user experience.
  • You want better zooming, multi-line text entry, a way to delete bookmarks, custom start page, etc. – we’re working on it and more.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 11:43 AM
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Re: My Programs So Far, Some You Might Not Have Found

Has anyone put a list like this together for our WM5 friends? Some of these sound like things I'd like to try but doggonit, some are (or looked) like semi-dangerous hacks for the wm5 crowd (like Cody's threaded SMS)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 11:53 AM
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Re: My Programs So Far, Some You Might Not Have Found

Originally Posted by WhollyMindless View Post
Has anyone put a list like this together for our WM5 friends? Some of these sound like things I'd like to try but doggonit, some are (or looked) like semi-dangerous hacks for the wm5 crowd (like Cody's threaded SMS)
you'd have to search the archives for that... wm5 lists go back aways...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 01:25 PM
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Re: My Programs So Far, Some You Might Not Have Found

I've never used WM 5 so I can't help there...
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