Re: Sprints 99.00 Everything Package
yeah, telenav comes w/my data plan, but I lost the program when I did my custom ROM. TeleNav.com & Sprint.com has it where you can add it, but w/a GPS Bluetooth or other external device. I guess that it hasn't updated since the newly released ROM from HTC. If I can't find the TeleNav program that released w/the ROM update for Mogul earlier this month, I will then flash back to that ROM. Oh well! It was fun while it lasted.
Re: Sprints 99.00 Everything Package
Re: Sprints 99.00 Everything Package
...don't want anybody crying about the 99¢...The plan is $99.99. For details go to www.sprint.com/simplyeverything
Much Luv, iZm
Location: Central FL
Provider: Sprint/Nextel Handsets:
Re: Sprints 99.00 Everything Package
amen... mods, where are ya? please close this one...
“If you are literally serving shit to American children, or knowingly spinning a wheel where it is not unlikely that you will eventually serve shit – if that’s your business model? Then I got no problems with a jury of your peers wiring your nuts to a car battery and feeding you the accumulated sweepings from the bottom of a monkey cage. In fact, I’ll hold the spoon.” -Ralph Dunlop- |
Re: Sprints 99.00 Everything Package
wtf the telenav was only part of what could be a useful thread about the everything plan. Mod licking is at an all time high it seems.
Re: Sprints 99.00 Everything Package
now this one is more meaningless than it seems, but as it is stated earlier, it has been discussed many times in the threads and is considered a waste that goes a long way. i ain't kissing up to no one, but suggesting the best procedure for something that has already been posted too many times.
Re: Sprints 99.00 Everything Package
If You Had Telenav On Your Phone And Lost It. The Same Thing Happen To Me I Accidentally Deleted It. I Did A Hard Reset And It Put The Telenav Back On There For Me.
TWBrooks, Thanks