Originally Posted by TalynOne
have the service. I'm paying $20 for data plus Sprint Nav. Without Sprint Nav, it's $15 for data.
The difference makes it $5. So unless the Sprint guys in my area are lying to me about the price of the regular data plan, that's that.
Originally Posted by gof
I agree with all your reasoning. Always up to date, traffic info, etc. It's great...as long as you've got signal. The trouble is that one time you're out in the boondocks trying to find Aunt Tilly's in the dark, during a snowstorm, the kids are yelling, and your phone is beeping no signal. Sorry, but I'll take the inconvenience of a slightly out of date (12 months) map and POI list to avoid that situation.
Besides, when your airplane is circling, you can whip out your phone (in flight mode) and still see where you are 
Well I'm not going to twist your arm. Lol! And like I said, both server-based and stand-alone-based have their advantages and disadvantages. For me, Sprint Nav has the best combination of utility and value, and outweighs the inconvenience of being limited to areas with cell coverage.
And to be perfectly honest, personally, I'd probably purchase a stand-alone dedicated GPS unit if I found myself constantly traveling around the boonies, anyway.