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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 02:25 PM
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Upgrade from Apache to Mogul???

I was just offered a pretty good deal from Sprint to upgrade to the Mogul. I luv my Apache, especially now that we have the WM6 Kitchen.

For those that have upgraded from Apache to Mogul, would you recommend upgrading or just stay w/ the Apache......I'm just torn which way to go.

any info would be appreciated, thx!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 02:43 PM
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i upgraded from my apache to the mogul last friday, and i like it so much better. i was using the apache with wm6, and so many people said they didn't need to upgrade to the mogul now, but i'm glad i did. just seems to work alot better for me.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 03:03 PM
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I made the jump about two weeks ago and it was a great move. The 6800 is definitely superior, and I've had NONE of the memory issues you may have heard about.
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Old 12-27-2007, 03:27 PM
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I jumped from a Verizon Apache to the Mogul mostly for SERO. I like the Mogul a lot better though. It's thinner, lighter, no external attenna, etc. Overall it's just nicer to use, hardware wise.

I also haven't had all the issues that others say they have had. Granted I put 2.17 on the first day I got it, but I have had no bluetooth issues, battery life issues, memory issues or anything else. I'd say the Mogul handles WM6 way better than my Apache ever did as far as available memory. Also, my battery life has been great. I always have push mail on, I use my phone as a WiFi AP for 2-3 hours of commute time every day, and other regular usage. My battery always lasts me to the end of the day. Bluetooth is clear with no connection drops and I have all the normal services available. I haven't tried A2DP yet.

All in all a worthy upgrade if you feel like spending the money. I'd say go for it.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins View Post
I was just offered a pretty good deal from Sprint to upgrade to the Mogul. I luv my Apache, especially now that we have the WM6 Kitchen.

For those that have upgraded from Apache to Mogul, would you recommend upgrading or just stay w/ the Apache......I'm just torn which way to go.

any info would be appreciated, thx!
After getting my hands on the Mogul, I wouldn't even consider going back to the Apache. It's so much more aesthetically pleasing. I really like the way the keyboard springs in and out, and the larger onboard memory/rom space is great.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 04:18 PM
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I am about to have a forced upgrade (my 6700 died, mogul is the replacement offered by sprint)

How did you get a "deal/offer" from sprint to upgrade? I still have one 6700 activated (we bought his & hers units )
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 04:49 PM
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Sprint just swapped my 6700 for a mogul 2 weeks ago after my usb wouldnt sync/charge. I love it, it's just a better crafted device functionality-wise. Although we did the impossible by forcing wm6 onto the 6700, once you have a mogul you can see where the effort fell short on apache, this device was built to run wm6. you'll be floored by the abundance of storage memory that comes with it right out of the box.

when you make the jump, you wont regret it. I may make some enemies with this statement, but the apache cant compete with the mogul. It's our nature to 'justify' any situation that we are stuck with so that it no longer bothers us. I was 'happy' when helmi put wm6 on the apache because i had no option of upgrading to mogul: couldnt afford it out right, contract was nowhere near renewal time, and my apache for the most part was in tip top shape. Helmi's groundbreaking ROM bought me some extra time with my beloved device. But the day came when my 6700 had issues, i took it in to the sprint store and within 10 mins they came out with that sweet yellow box... did i protest? No. Did i say "well isnt there something you can do because now that the apache has wm6 i really dont need you to give me a mogul..."? HECKS NAW! I saw that crisp box and kept my freakin mouth zipped hoping they wouldnt see the sheer glee in my eyes and give it a second thought!

It was a win-win for me. bringing in a 2 year old scratched up, dented apache netted me a brand new mogul with no cost out of pocket = priceless....
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 04:55 PM
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I have to agree with the others so far. I've had the Mogul since mid/late November (you might have seen my post in the Apache forum about how that come to be), and I've been very happy with the Mogul. The latest ROM update made the difference in battery life and memory problems for me. Bluetooth hasn't been a problem, and there are some great Kitchen tools now for those who like to play.


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Old 12-27-2007, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by schettj View Post
I am about to have a forced upgrade (my 6700 died, mogul is the replacement offered by sprint)

How did you get a "deal/offer" from sprint to upgrade? I still have one 6700 activated (we bought his & hers units )
I had TEP on my 6700 and it dropped on a tile floor about a week ago. It would boot from a hard reset but freeze on a soft reset. I took it to the Sprint store, the tech took it to the back for about five minutes, and walked back with a new 6800 at no charge.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 06:41 PM
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I upgraded from a WM6 Apache to the Mogul and I would not go back. 6800 is faster and with the 2.17 ROM I get much better BT performance. My phone has been running for more than 2 weeks now and my Jawbone is still paired and working fine. VC works fine if you disable confirmations.
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