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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 04:34 AM
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Originally Posted by otacon72 View Post
Tried a Touch and didn't like it... I have big hands and a full touch screen doesn't work for me at all... I need to have some hard keys and the keyboard on the Mogul is perfect for my hands. I just got my Mogul this past week and right out of the box I upgraded to the new ROM. I have not had any freezes at all... I don't hack the reg much either, battery, performance tweak is about all I do. The more you tweak the more it's going to crash....that's been my experience at least. To each his own...I like the Mogul...
Hey I'm not saying I don't like the mogul - it's just that unfortunately the issues I'm experiencing with it aren't worth the pros. Yeah I expect a more complex piece of electronics to be a bit more buggy just by the nature of the beast - but at the same time, these issues aren't weird bugs that come about when a particular series of events occur - they're issues integral with the lauded features of the device. Bluetooth is great feature if it works

I will also miss the wifi - yeah you can just tether the thing with a usb cable if you want to use the phone as a modem, but it's just so darn cool being able to fire up wmwifirouter and be on my way. In fact that's how I'm posting this via my laptop through the wireless connection.

I haven't altogether given up on the mogul yet... I'll give the touch a try and if I feel that the bugginess isn't that much improved with it, I'll probably just wait it out with the mogul and hope the next ROM solves the issues (though honestly - I've seen posts as far back as August of people thinking that the issues would be resolved in November... now we're entering into 2008 and all we have to show for it is the 2.17 ROM which in my experience is still worse than the 2.09 ROM).

And I agree with those who say that the mogul is more of a hardcore business productivity tool - there is absolutely no substitute for a real hard kb in my opinion - especially when I'm carefully wording a reply to the CMO or VP of a company regarding a sensitive matter (ie., where I'm handling millions of dollars of their money). There's something about a real keyboard that makes it easier to formulate my thoughts - yeah kind of a weird intangible thing but I'm sure there are many that would agree.

The lack of multiple buttons is also lame on the touch - I think they're a pretty crucial time-saver when you have limited landscape on your screen. I'm hoping that AE button will serve the same purpose well enough - honestly the main things that I use the most are the (ok) back button and my messaging quick button. The internet explorer button really isn't used much by me as I'll use IE and opera mini interchangeably depending on the site I want to browse (mobile optimized sites on IE and full versions on opera).

I have thought about downgrading to WM5 as I've heard it helps with some of the issues - but though I could do that fairly easily, as a matter of principle I don't think I should have to go such an extent to make a device actually usable - especially for something that normally is sold for about $500!
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 04:40 AM
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Originally Posted by willysp View Post
The HTC Touch (the older GSM version) has 200mHz. The Sprint Touch (HTC Vogue, the newer CDMA version) has 400mHz, same as the Sprint Mogul (HTC Titan). The GSM Touch also has less memory than the CDMA Touch.

My Touch also lasts longer on a charge than my Mogul - likely due to the lower power consumption screen in the Touch (the price you pay is decreased off-axis quality from top or bottom).
yep - older version had the 201 mhz texas instruments processor. When I first read reviews I was scared off by those reviews because the older version was not received well at all by most sites.

When I discovered that there are two different versions I researched for the sprint version and almost all of the reviews I've read of the CDMA sprint version have been very positive.

I have to admit the first time I saw it I was dubious about it's real usability and processing power - egg on my face when I realized that it's actually on par with the kaiser/tilt in terms of memory.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 04:44 AM
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Originally Posted by superevilllama View Post
another thread...
Funny thing though... I have yet to see a thread in the touch section of someone saying "fed up with issues with the touch - going to the mogul". I was really hoping that the reason why so many people were having issues was because they were doing a lot of hacks to their moguls. But even after two hard resets and only having stable apps installed on my machine I'm still experiencing issues.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 04:53 AM
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Originally Posted by supark View Post
After a couple weeks with the mogul I've decided to exchange it for a touch. I'm going to miss the hard KB on the mogul but the common issues with the mogul just have been bugging me too much. I'm not willing to wait another month with the thing for a new ROM that may or may not solve some of the issues. My main problems have been the following:

1) stability - whether it be lack of enough RAM or the deficiencies of the ROM, I found myself soft-resetting the mogul at least 5-6 times a day with the 2.09 ROM. This is with fairly non-intensive use, with conscientious closing of apps when I wasnt using them. I'd have random freezing with only 2 or 3 apps running. With the 2.17 ROM it's almost unbearable - the thing freezes up a least 30% more and it's noticeably slower.

2) bluetooth - I mean come on, how come they can figure it out with teh touch and the tilt but the mogul has so many issues? I have a decent handsfree kit installed in my car and which I've had absolutely no issues using with my old Samsung A900 or Moto Q9c. With the mogul however it's pretty much unusable - I've tried it on several occasions and I either get very low volume on my end if I can even hear anything and the person on the other end will get a ton of signal noise. I didn't think it would bug me this much - but I drive a stickshift and I'm coming to realize how much I really do use my handsfree kit.

3) build quality/form factor - less of a big deal but I'm used to small/light phones so the brickishness of the mogul bugs me a little - if it was a quarter of an inch thinner it'd be absolutely perfect size wise. Also the rear cover is so flimsy and cheap feeling - the entire phone just feels cheap. The screen has already developed a bit of play after only a couple weeks of use. Considering my usage habits I don't think this thing isgoing to live long with me.

So yeah I'll see how I like the touch and go from there... I was using my buddy's iphone the other day though and was reminded again of how large the screen is and how awesome the GUI is. The lack of any real hard keys bugs the crap out of me though - there isn't even something to manually flip the screen in case the gyro doesn't read how the screen isbeing positioned quite right.

I've been dinking around with touchpal though on the mogul and I gotta say it's really pretty decent - the main pain being that the size of the keyboard makes entering data into fields difficult - especially with opera mini where it will throw out an error if you try and reorient and resize the screen miduse.
jesus dude, stop crying. Use a Startac for a week and see how you feel about the Mogul. Maybe then you're perspective with change and the grand scope with enhance/instill appreciation. All your "problems" are superficial. I reset my Mogul once every two days with Quick Menu & 2.09...and it's only cause I WANT to. How lazy/spoiled are you that you don't want to wait for the new updates? C'mon now!
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 05:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Chef Ben View Post
jesus dude, stop crying. Use a Startac for a week and see how you feel about the Mogul. Maybe then you're perspective with change and the grand scope with enhance/instill appreciation. All your "problems" are superficial. I reset my Mogul once every two days with Quick Menu & 2.09...and it's only cause I WANT to. How lazy/spoiled are you that you don't want to wait for the new updates? C'mon now!
I don't understand why people react so personally to critiques of the mogul.

Your justification for the bugginess of the device doesn't make sense - just because there's something out there worse than the current tune of the mogul doesn't mean it's acceptable. Hey I'd love it if sprint came out with a new ROM that solved all the "superficial problems" - but from reading posts from almost a half a year ago with similar optimism, I wonder how long people will really have to wait for a ROM that actually makes the mogul work like it was intended to.

Freezing 5-10 times a day and for all intents a non-functioning bluetooth may be superficial concerns to you - but for me they're fatal flaws. It's not about being lazy or spoiled - it's about paying hard-earned money for something and wanting it to work as it's advertised, not via a multitude of hacks.

Again I'm not saying it's complete failure - on paper and when it's actually working the way it's supposed to, it's a great toy/productivity tool.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 07:11 AM
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Also currently in talks with sprint about switching out my mogul for a touch or something similar... I don't use bluetooth too much besides for stereo headset so that isnt so bad, But ffs, Im not a fan of constantly having to restart audio manager because windows thinks its a great idea to kill it off due to low memory... Id agree that I think sprint had a great idea on paper, But gimped it with too low memory, to have 64mb of ram and have the os take up 40+ was a very poor decision. Thats not a "superficial" problem, and to say that is quite funny. Thats a flaw, a pretty bad one at that. if you are ok with paying 200+ dollars for a windows mobile device with a low amount of ram, more power to you, but I personally feel like mogul owners got f***ed over on this one. Sprint should have took the same route as verizon and did more testing/development before they released this device.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 08:59 AM
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Originally Posted by supark View Post
Funny thing though... I have yet to see a thread in the touch section of someone saying "fed up with issues with the touch - going to the mogul". I was really hoping that the reason why so many people were having issues was because they were doing a lot of hacks to their moguls. But even after two hard resets and only having stable apps installed on my machine I'm still experiencing issues.
I have both a Touch and Mogul. Honestly, the Touch doesn't have issues like the Mogul's 'out of memory', BT audio, roaming freezes. The only issues I have with Touch are the creaking back cover and the poor off-axis screen quality. As soon as my rebate for the Touch is processed (of course with Sprint, that's another long, complex and difficult process), it'll get ESN swapped to my primary line. The Mogul will then go on a shelf waiting to be swapped (most likely) for an 800w next year. If the Mogul has reasonable BT quality, didn't freeze and had more memory, I would keep it.

And I've done no hacks to my Mogul - BT quality and freezes exist with a clean flash of stock 2.17 followed by a hard reset. Very vanilla.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by supark View Post
I don't understand why people react so personally to critiques of the mogul.

Your justification for the bugginess of the device doesn't make sense - just because there's something out there worse than the current tune of the mogul doesn't mean it's acceptable. Hey I'd love it if sprint came out with a new ROM that solved all the "superficial problems" - but from reading posts from almost a half a year ago with similar optimism, I wonder how long people will really have to wait for a ROM that actually makes the mogul work like it was intended to.

Freezing 5-10 times a day and for all intents a non-functioning bluetooth may be superficial concerns to you - but for me they're fatal flaws. It's not about being lazy or spoiled - it's about paying hard-earned money for something and wanting it to work as it's advertised, not via a multitude of hacks.

Again I'm not saying it's complete failure - on paper and when it's actually working the way it's supposed to, it's a great toy/productivity tool.

I also don't understand why some folks can't take criticism of the phone that they own. No phone is perfect. There are things I like and dislike about both the Touch and Mogul.

And, like you, I believe the Mogul is fatally flawed. Unusable BT and freezes are show-stoppers for me. I believe that HTC and Sprint don't know how to fix it - perhaps a design problem, perhaps because of all the crippling that Sprint does. (The Touch has neither problem, so I believe it's a fundamental problem with the Mogul.) And if they ever fix it sometime next year, by then its small memory will be a competitive showstopper. WM 6.1 will almost certainly require more memory.
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 09:36 AM
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I guess I'm in the minority as I went back to the Mogul after using the Touch. I didn't like not having wifi, and a keyboard. I did like the form factor though. Read problems where memory card being wiped on the touch and I didn't want to experience that since I have a lot on there already.

Anyways, I went back to the Mogul, built some custom roms using DCD 1.6.7 kitchen and I've been golden. My memory starts out at 26MB free and hovers around 22 after a few days. This is with a HTC Home, Quickmenu, SPB Phone Suite.. I haven't had to reset my phone in a week since I did the custom rom. I have bluetooth working in my car well now whereas before my friends said I was choppy. I also used BT while using the GPS wiith Tom Tom and talking on the phone without any problems. My battery life seems to be pretty good. Definitely better than my 6700 that I had.

Anyways, sorry too hear a lot of people having problems. I can understand the frustration. My wife has the Q and it's been nothing but headaches for her.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 10:31 AM
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I'm one of the few that loves the Mogul I guess. I'm running dcd 1.67's kitchen with some other apps cooked in. I just got a BT stereo headset for the Mogul and love it. I rarely reset my phone and haven't run into any memory issues.

Same story on the Q over here...the wife has a Q and hates it. I always hear "I should have picked up a Mogul!"
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