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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 12:54 AM
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Re: Overclock the Imagio

Originally Posted by Lagz0ne View Post
work fine with this post:
currently: i'm stable with 748Mhz, no SoD issue or hang up (2 days). (Install the overclock software in main memory)
thanks! this actually helps a lot
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 11:13 AM
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Re: Overclock the Imagio

Overclocking has breathed new life into my phone for sure, feels like a brand new device! I have been running 825 MHz (anything above that locks her up) for about two weeks now without SOD, great program with the right scripts!
ROM: Teya 2.0.2 [21690]
Sense: 2.5.2021 CHT 2.0.0

Other: Sense 2.5.2019 in a Cab

Last edited by jmart518; 08-10-2010 at 02:05 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 01:13 PM
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Re: Overclock the Imagio

Works great! You can defintely tell a speed difference.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 03:42 PM
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Re: Overclock the Imagio

Originally Posted by cdcarson View Post
Works great! You can defintely tell a speed difference.
I saw this in the instructions:


does this mean the device is now never going to sleep? won't this impact battery life significantly?

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 04:02 PM
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Re: Overclock the Imagio

Originally Posted by mlevin77 View Post
I saw this in the instructions:


does this mean the device is now never going to sleep? won't this impact battery life significantly?

There are other scripts IMO that work better, that don't require that reg edit. I am using one of the first ones that came out and it works great. Completely automated: safe speed on sleep and during phone calls, a speed boost for boot up and then set speed (what ever speed your device can handle) for the rest of the time.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: Overclock the Imagio

Originally Posted by jmart518 View Post
Overclocking has breathed new life into my phone for sure, feels like a brand new device! I have been running 825 MHz for about two weeks now without SOD, great program and scripts!
Would you mind posting the exact scripts that you are using. I am able to overclock to around 800+mhz but if I let it go to sleep, I get SOD and have to hit the reset button. I would love to have my running exactly the way you describe yours running.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 05:06 PM
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Re: Overclock the Imagio

Originally Posted by smartbusiness2003 View Post
Would you mind posting the exact scripts that you are using. I am able to overclock to around 800+mhz but if I let it go to sleep, I get SOD and have to hit the reset button. I would love to have my running exactly the way you describe yours running.
Sure thing, I take no credit for this script, all props to the original creator, I just changed values to fit my device.
This is how I have it set up, 825 MHz for start and boost, 604 for safe:

start_speed = 43
boost_speed = 43
safe_speed = 31

Adjust these values to whatever works on your device, rename the attached text file extension to .mscr.
Put anywhere on device and run it
Once you are sure that everything is working well without SOD, move the script to your start up folder (this way it will work anytime you reset your phone).

*Note do not change safe_speed value (leave it at 31) and make sure your other values work before moving to start up (if you pick values too high, you will be forced to hard reset). Example: If a setting for boost_speed doesn't work, don't try to set it for start_speed!
Attached Files
File Type: txt overclock.txt (2.9 KB, 40 views) Click for barcode!
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 05:20 PM
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Re: Overclock the Imagio

I really appreciate it. I ended up going with this (I too take no credit for these guys work):

This is a How to overclock and NEVER get SoD (Sleep of Death) guide using a Touch pro2 and Topaz with pictures.

There are now 2 programmers developing overclock tools for Touch Pro2 phones. iwfratz's program works ONLY for the Touch Pro2 GSM version (for now) and is easy to work with, you just simply install and open the GUI and that's pretty much it. Netripper's works for a pretty big variety of different phones so try which ever one out and just use the one you like the most. Netripper's requires other programs/scripts to get it to run properly while iwfratz's works right out of the box.

This is the link to iwfratz's overclock progarm that's ONLY for the Touch Pro2, this is the program that I am currently using now. Anything below this refers ONLY TO Netripper's overclock program.

With HUGE thanks to oruam57 for making this program that auto under/overclocks your device with EASE! No more installing scripts or fiddling with the hardware buttons on your phone!!

1st, download and install the latest cab on the first page of this thread made my netripper.
2nd, copy the .dll file you find in the Program Files folder where msm7kCpuSpeed was installed into your \Windows folder
3rd, download and install the SetCpuSpeed-1.0.cab that is attached to this post that was made by oruam57 and cabbed by arguenter.
4th, read the instructions below and also the readme that comes with the cab and change the settings in SetCpuCpeed accordingly .

Cab file is courtesy of aguenter and this is what he originally posted along with the cab, note that the cab contains the same files that are in the the .zip of the same name.
oruam, hope you don't mind but I've cabbed up your v1.0 for people having trouble getting it to work from the zip. The CAB installs the exe, c++ source, registry values, and the StartUp shortcut.

* You must still ensure that Msm7kClockLib.dll exists in your \Windows directory. If it doesn't you'll need to copy it there from your Msm7kCpuSpeed installation folder.

* This CAB forces installation to \Storage Card\Program Files\SetCpuSpeed for safety purposes. If your locale doesn't use \Storage Card for the SD path or you don't have an SD card this CAB won't work for you.

* The default overclock speed is set to 633, and throttle speed is 604. To modify these speeds open your registry editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Msm7kCpuSpeed, and edit the PerformanceLevel and ScreenOffPerformanceLevel values in DECIMAL mode, NOT HEX. The speed values seem to be the same as they were in the script:

41=787 MHz
40=768 MHz
39=748 MHz
38=729 MHz
37=710 MHz
36=691 MHz
35=672 MHz
34=652 MHz
33=633 MHz
32=614 MHz
31=604 MHz
30=576 MHz
29=556 MHz
28=537 MHz

If your device fails to boot due to an unstable clock speed, pull the SD card and soft-reset, then lower the PerformanceLevel value in the registry per the instructions above. When you've done that you can reinsert the SD card and perform another soft-reset and everything should be fine. This is the purpose of forcing the CAB to install to the SD, it's a safety net.

Huge thanks to oruam and everyone else working to make this stable, the script was great but now that we have a native process it's even better! Without the MortScript overhead we no longer have the 1-2% constant CPU utilization and can squeeze even a few more MHz out of our Msm7k's.

Uninstallation procedure:

Killing oruam's process causes the device to hang, and because the uninstaller kills the process to remove the executable...well, you see the problem I'm sure.
To easily uninstall the CAB without problems perform these steps in order:

1) Pull SD card
2) Soft-reset
3) After WM/Sense/etc has loaded completely (and you get the error message about the shortcut target SetCpuSpeed.exe not being found), insert the SD again
4) Uninstall CAB
Major breakthrough in making this thing 99% complete! Thank you oruam57 for this program and netripper for making this all possible!

NOTE: For Topaz users your SAFEST overclock, I believe, is 691MHz, Rhodium users it usually is 710MHz.

If you still can't get this to work then send me a pm and I'll be glad to help , I can only tell you for sure that it works on Rhodium/Touch Pro2 because that is my device and no SoD but I did change the registry value "CheckTime" to 150 instead of 200.

But if it works for you, and no SoD, then why fix what's not broken ;p?"

I just tried this and it is working great. Jmart, thanks for your quick reply. I am too impatient sometimes! LOL
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 11:59 PM
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Re: Overclock the Imagio

Originally Posted by jmart518 View Post
Overclocking has breathed new life into my phone for sure, feels like a brand new device! I have been running 825 MHz for about two weeks now without SOD, great program and scripts!
which rom are you using? i can get only 748Mhz
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2010, 12:21 AM
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Re: Overclock the Imagio

Originally Posted by Lagz0ne View Post
which rom are you using? i can get only 748Mhz
I am actually running my own ROM. I don't believe that OC is ROM dependent though, it is more on your device. Even though we have the same phone, the tolerances of our cpus may very. That is if you are having system lock up, but if it is just crashing programs, then that will be ROM dependent.

I could be completely wrong on all this (been a long day) and this has been my first OC experience.
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