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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 02:11 AM
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Re: Sprint HTC EVO....S*ck it iPhone

Okay, I have a hero and I love it. But I work for Verizon and carry a Droid as well. I carry both phones. Now I'm not to sure how it's going to look when I whip this out at work... lol
I think they might try to fire you from jealousy
Verizon has the eris, which us a very solid device, but much much uglier than the hero.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 03:05 AM
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Re: Sprint HTC EVO....S*ck it iPhone

Sigh...I wish it had a physical keyboard, but just recently getting a Hero myself. I welcome a super snapdragon Android phone with open arms (though no way no how for the overpriced debut $$$).
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 09:19 AM
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Re: Sprint HTC EVO....S*ck it iPhone

Originally Posted by nikeguy208 View Post
Okay, I have a hero and I love it. But I work for Verizon and carry a Droid as well. I carry both phones. Now I'm not to sure how it's going to look when I whip this out at work... lol

Just tell them that you are an individual consumer before you are an employee, and it's your personal choice.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 03:31 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC EVO....S*ck it iPhone

Originally Posted by TCKelsey View Post
Is the evo gonna have its own plan? or will the simply everything plan work for it?
sprint mentioned that they're still working on plans and will announce them at a later date, hopefully they'll just stick with the everything plans they'll have now or worst case rework what they have across the board, but that statement also implies that they're considering charging a premium which would be unfortunate but wouldn't surprise me because they already charge a separate, higher rate for 4g aircards
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 03:43 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC EVO....S*ck it iPhone

Originally Posted by jbearamus View Post
sprint mentioned that they're still working on plans and will announce them at a later date, hopefully they'll just stick with the everything plans they'll have now or worst case rework what they have across the board, but that statement also implies that they're considering charging a premium which would be unfortunate but wouldn't surprise me because they already charge a separate, higher rate for 4g aircards
Although, if you look at their mobile broadband-only plans, the 3G/4G, and the 3G only are the same price monthly. Soooooo.......and this is speculation, based on assumptions I'm making in my own brain.....4G may be a part of the Simply Everything plans. But, I'd even be willing to pay up to an additional $10/month for the 4G service (I'm wired for 4G in my home area).
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 03:48 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC EVO....S*ck it iPhone

Originally Posted by tokuzumi View Post
Although, if you look at their mobile broadband-only plans, the 3G/4G, and the 3G only are the same price monthly. Soooooo.......and this is speculation, based on assumptions I'm making in my own brain.....4G may be a part of the Simply Everything plans. But, I'd even be willing to pay up to an additional $10/month for the 4G service (I'm wired for 4G in my home area).
actually i just did, and yeah the plans are the same price, which is hopefully a good sign
i swear when 4G first launched i saw plans running @ $79.99 but whatever, faster speeds for the same price is always a good thing
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC EVO....S*ck it iPhone

And according to this:


Dan Hesse said 4G is included in the SEPs....
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 05:24 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC EVO....S*ck it iPhone

I want it. But part of me is reluctant to get another HTC sense phone. If history repeats itself, by the time this comes out I'm sure another build of android will be out. So in theory the EVO won't be updated until at least Jan 2011. Most likely around the same time EVO2 will be announced. iPhone killer? I doubt it. To be a real iPhone killer, the phone would have to be available on other carriers and priced reasonably the same. Sure for us Sprint users it's most definitely an iPhone killer but in general I dunno..

I also love how news of the EVO came out and now Sprint is the best again. Completely forgetting about how Sprint is still blowing smoke up our asses about official 2.1 for the Hero which is out now and we all have. Now if news of the EVO came with a press release about a complete 360 of sprints update policy that would be awesome.

Who wants to bet on prices? I'll go first no less then 699 unsubsidized.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 06:08 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC EVO....S*ck it iPhone

^^^^ that's the beauty of our life style. I remember these exact same topics and threads back when the htc touch (vogue) came out. then the talk of the update. then the same thing with the hero. its just a revolving door we play in. when evo comes out we'll be bitching bout an update. then we'll be gripping for the new phone. imagine this, what do you think the next big daddy phone will be? last year the hero then the N1. what's better than the evo? I can't wait to find out! but for the time being, the evo is mine!

Sent from my HTC Evo on Sprinticlear 5.2G using Tapatalk

Hero is flying
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