palm pre theme! show your support...
i created that thread at xda...if you want it too, please show your support! i do have one dev currently working on it! edit: make that 2 devs working on it! Last edited by fixxxer2012; 03-13-2010 at 06:49 PM. |
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Re: palm pre theme! show your support...
Guys, it is spam...
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Re: palm pre theme! show your support...
I remember when someone created a WebOS theme for the PalmOS. Palm didn't like it. I think as long as this is different enough from the WebOS, it should be fine.
"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence showing you ever tried" -Someone Really Smart
Re: palm pre theme! show your support...
I've spent a lot of time with pretty much every phone OS there is, and android makes the most sense to me, webOS multitasking management excluded.