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View Poll Results: did the OTA break your evo
This poll will close on 08-27-2010 at 04:33 PM
yes 32 13.33%
200Duece, 2kmy477, 84guy, acleansc4, Agent0Hibachi, al7601, Alksion, andikiru, andyjj7, Big Redneck3100, BigDinCA, biscodude, blackte4, Blaqdymun, blkhwkz, bofo100, Boo Boo, BrandiBran, BrianBaker, BRIVERS73, buschmn00, bver, camscell, capthr, cerchiarax, Chef Ben, chino331, cj10488, clockcycle, codeman05, coereuel, consiglere, coppermine18, cpiman, cruise350, cyespocket, dak408, danielt14, davidwh5, demolasko, dgreaves, dLo, domotang, Donatom3, donnatn, drksilenc, drnick5, dsmile, dumpringz, dutchman71, dynofrk666, elguero941, EvanTribley, ez2bgman, Fabulas, famosamos2002, FastRX8, fbalonis, fendi503, Fitz, fr0st, freeza, gator352, gbh, Genjinaro, GERONIMO.USMC, GhettoBSD, grants04, GregCT2010, GreggR, gutrrob, hankbear, helirob, HomerJay, hozo, HTC_nut, iceturkee, insomniac, irablumberg, Itascabill, izzyforreal, j10376, JabaThaHut, Jarkmackson, jayrodclg, jaytv, jbbosu, JeffKay, jfelhofer, jgatter, jrmcse, juggaman, jye75, JZ*, Karl, kdawg1700, KDmospd, kellte2, kend01, knlmwq, kshimizu47, ktfrank, lantronik, laythy, lballer69, LeoKnightas, lhuff, lilbrulesall, linhpham2, linzgeneral, lipidfats, locdog, londawg314, Lord Bricks, lowery23, lrguno, Lukas718, m3xicanprid3, malibu_23, marcus_early, Mary_holk, Mazzakre, meekell, Merdinh, MikeOD, MikeSkiX, mikothy69, minkus82, mr_creeper_98, myn, nadcicle20, neuteboomt, NinjaMom, njward75, NuLLKiLL, nuxbag, one0one951, OR78, orez_28, p-slim, parousia15, Peruano_Loco, pgh1969pa, phat78boy, pinkbunniz, pirish, PPCGeeks4ME, Quiksmage, r.mauldin, rayveno, regulator207, Richcop, rkiechle, rocknrone, Rocky, rogerwalker22, rudyru01, rydah805, sakuul, sargeslaughter, sbarlak46, sd4shizy, seven2, skeptikal, skoobz, slopokdave, smgoma, sombra, Soulmatic, SRT10Viper, starletgt92, stas333, SunnyGeek, Tailgator, taylor7667, tdubbs27, tech, themogul8, TheMostToys, themuffinman, thomson, thxdts, Ticklemepinks, TimBal, tokuzumi, trackin, TreyBeno, trickysr, Turbopowr, TWiST, uc4life, unlnvlslble, upshot, vdubt3, Vegasden, vindication84, walkie-talkie, Will7272, Wolfie77, wrn1138, xcopmanx, xdalaw, xwendyx, yang88she, zanda61, zone23
208 86.67%
Voters: 240.

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