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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2011, 03:17 PM
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Unhappy HELP! Constant Network Error! Tons of info inside, please help :(

I know. It looks like a lengthy read. But all the information you could possibly need I've provided. Please let me know what you think. Also, I've done some searchign around but none of the scenarios I found were a result to flash back to stock sprint RUU.

The error reads as follows: "Attention. A network error has occurred. Retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen."

What actually happens: Anytime I open Marketplace, Facebook app, send a message through KakaoTalk or GroupMe, pretty much anything that uses the 3G, 4G data, it doesn't work. The message only comes up when I try to use the marketplace app. All other apps just say there was a connection error, connecting to the server, etc.

When I hit "Retry" it goes right back to the same dialog pop up, as if it doesnt even re"try". The top notification bar goes from 3G and then disappears, then goes from 3G and just continually disappears. It doesnt matter if I have 4G on or WiFi, it will just goes back to 3G when attempting to gain data, and then disappears and the error happens.

My Timeline of events: I first had been running Synergy and everything was fine. Suddenly my wall charger (or any wall charger for that matter) stopped working when plugged in. The car charger still works, but no HTC wall chargers, odd. So I decided to use that insurance for good and bring it into sprint. Gotta unroot and all that jazz first though. I downloaded the "RUU_Supersonic_1.32.651.1_Radio_1. ase_171253.exe" and found a way to connect my phone to the PC, and finished the wizard. Mind you, before I did this, I went into recovery (while on synergy) and did a dalvik cache wipe, data/factory wipe and cache wipe, then went back into hboot and ran the wizard from there. Everything went fine, the ROM install was successful, I no longer have recovery and it was the stock sprint ROM.

Where things got fishy...: After it was running through all the constant reboots and things, I let the phone sit while I did other things. I came back to it, signed into my gmail and facebook fine, then went to marketplace. I started downloading all my purchased apps and since that was going to take some time, I let it sit again and went off.

Fishy part: I come back to he phone, and would normally just pull down notification taskbar, and hit clear all notifications, since it said a bunch of things had sucessfully installed, but I notcied it also said "System update complete." Hmmm, I didn't start any system update...did it do it automatically? It had to of. I went to check for an OTA (HTC software update) and it found "System upgrade 1.47.651.1 (30.15 MB) - FOTA update." I canceled it since I pretty sure doing an OTA update on a rooted ROM is a no-no.

So what the heck is the problem here, I never had these issues before until I went back to the stock sprint ROM. I've already updated PRL a few times, does nothing.

Should I go back and reflash it and this time make sure it doesnt do a system upgrade until I've turned S-OFF back to S-ON? Once the phone is S-ON is it safe to update OTA?

My About Phone details are a sfollows:

Firmware version: 2.1-update1
Baseband version:
Kernal version: 2.6.29-a2443432
Build number: 1.32.651.6 CL171253 release-keys
Software number: 1.32.651.6
Browser version: WebKit 3.1
PRI version: 1.90_003
PRL version: 60683

Any help, advice, suggestions are welcome!!!!! Please hook me up fellas, I'm a little bogged down about the upset.
Evo 4G
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2011, 04:33 PM
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Re: HELP! Constant Network Error! Tons of info inside, please help :(

Maybe sprint is having network issues in ur area just like they've been in my area for the past 9 months in the form of slow 3G speeds but be careful when u call because they will almost never admit it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2011, 04:46 PM
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Re: HELP! Constant Network Error! Tons of info inside, please help :(

I live in saint louis and have never had probalmes liek this before. they literally JUST started happening after i did flashed the RUU
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2011, 05:29 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.7; en-us; Incredible 2 Build/GRI40; CyanogenMod-7) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

Originally Posted by TheLovatScout
I live in saint louis and have never had probalmes liek this before. they literally JUST started happening after i did flashed the RUU
Did you update your radio?

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2011, 08:20 PM
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Re: HELP! Constant Network Error! Tons of info inside, please help :(

Your software is REALLY old, you need to update it. I have read somewhere that the older software does not work properly on the new hardware. If you just received this from Sprint, I am sure it did not come with this software. I assume you rooted it, then flashed this older software.

You can get a newer RUU from Shipped ROMs , click the android, then SUPERSONIC.

Lets compare software versions :

Firmware version: 2.1-update1 ???
Baseband version: Baseband version:
Kernel version: 2.6.29-a2443432 Kernel version:
Build number: 1.32.651.6 CL171253 Build number: 4.54.651.6 CL134969
Software number: 1.32.651.6 Software number: 4.54.651.1
Browser version: WebKit 3.1 Browser version: WebKit 533.1
PRI version: 1.90_003 PRI version: 2.15_003
PRL version: 60683 PRL version: 60681

As you can see, you are pretty far out of date. But at least you updated you PRL?
Blah Blah, like everyone else, if I helped you please click THANKS...or send me $1000.00 in PayPal.
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