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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 12:02 AM
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[ SOLVED ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

I've been having a terribly frustrating problem with my EVO for the past few weeks and I hope that somebody here can help me solve the mystery. Think of it as a challenge to your mastery of the great EVO! =D> Long story short, I have problems with both incoming voice calls and incoming texts, though it doesn't happen all of the time, I would say more like 1 of 5. Basically, on an incoming call I'm all too often unable to answer it, the slider either doesn't move at all or only budges just a bit. Following the missed call I can suspend the device and bring it right back on and then life returns to normal. On texts ( both Handcent and Chomp ) sometimes when I get a text the popup is not interactive as it should be. Again, once I suspend the device and then bring it back on I can interact with the popup. Given these similar behaviors it seems to me that the problem is with the device not coming out of sleep fast enough or something similar to that. I figured initially that it was either a ROM thing, a kernal problem, a widget incompatibility or perhaps some kind of corrupt data brought through by Titanium Backup. At this point though I've discounted all of those theories through the process of elimination. I've been through multiple ROMs ( both Myn and Azrael ) and I've uninstalled just about everything that seemed even potentially objectionable. I finally even did a totally clean flash and reload of all apps through the Market instead of using TB, but the problem persists. I've done plenty of searching on the problem and found plenty of people having the problem too but no real answers, just workarounds such as using programs such as 'No Lock' and 'Easy Answer'. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help, basics on my setup plus installed apps via Appbrain below.

EVO Hardware v. 002
Currently running Myn's Warm 2.2 RLS 4
Using Kings CFS kernal 11

kkryter's Apps on the phone

Update : Thanks to all for their help, but unfortunately things here have gotten even more puzzling and I really need somebody's help! Sprint isn't going to from what I've experienced...anyway, since I last updated, I've done several things to fix this as follows : I reverted back to a stock Sprint ROM as suggested. That didn't help and after speaking with Sprint I had to take it in to be looked at. Given this I un-rooted it and took it in and they didn't do crap, actually lied to me in fact, saying that they tried to call it on and off for an hour when in fact my call log showed 3 test calls within 1 minute and nothing else. They also stated that they updated my PRL yet it was the same when I checked it after they gave it back to me. Anyway, after that I had to call in and complain loudly enough for somebody to send me a replacement. They finally did so, and I received an 0003 hardware replacement in short order ( I'll give Sprint credit on that one. ). What do you know, it did the same thing! At this point I'm figuring it could possibly be something in common between the two, like a bad SD card or corrupt contact data in my Google account or something like that. Finally, I removed my SD, factory reset through the GUI, and then when it came back up didn't even set up Google of FB. IT STILL DID IT! I then updated to the latest OTA and still it continues. This tells me that it has to be something in my Sprint account, but when I called them they said that wasn't possible and gave me no options for recreating or resetting my account or what have you. Sooooo...anybody have any idea of what I can do from here? They said I need to bring it to them again for inspection before they will send me another replacement. Personally I don'[t think that will help anyway. After that if it still happens they might give me a different model. This is simply maddening, I really love my EVO and don't want to switch to the Epic. Thanks for you help if you can give it.

[Another Update] Well, this past Friday I finally received ( believe it or not ) replacement #3. As detailed above, #1 still exhibited this behavior and #2 I didn't even bother trying as it had the worst light leakage crack at the bottom imaginable. Anyway...#3 is doing the same thing and I'm now just about at the end of my rope as the saying goes. As before, I was able to get it to do this with stock and nothing installed. I just can't believe at this point that I could have gotten this many bad models, it has to be something else! What settings could there be on the network side that could be following me that might be making this happen? I was thinking about the stuff you get to using ## codes perhaps? The reason I mention this is because I did change one or two of those back on my very first EVO but it didn't start exhibiting this behavior until months later, do these live on the back end or on the device? I found them in the thread on XDA by a poster with the name of something to the effect of 'technofile'? His thread was originally about using Verizon PRLs on EVOs to get Verizon 3G but there were other things mentioned as well such as these codes to get to call quality settings I think. Please help, I love my EVO but if I can't reliably answer calls I'm going to have to try to get something else under the 'lemon law', probably an EPIC.

[ SOLVED ] As I said long ago when I started this thread, I've worked in an IT department for over 15 years now and have been using computers and gadgets for nearly 30, and never has a problem vexed me quite so much as this one, but I finally solved it!!! The answer, hard to believe, was...my leather case. Yep, I guess the magnet was too strong on my case and when the screen would rub up against it weirdness followed. I've used such casees with touchscreen devices for years and never had a problem, so either the EVO is especially susceptible to this problem or the case I had was made by the devil, who knows. Hopefully anybody else suffering the same problem will stumble upon this answer some day and it will save them a lot of trouble! Thanks to all contributed for their time.

Last edited by kkryter; 01-26-2011 at 03:36 PM. Reason: Solved problem!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 12:27 AM
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Re: Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

I have experienced the calling problem also, but only about once every couple of weeks. Sorry, don't have a solution.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 12:51 AM
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Re: Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

this happens on my EVO but only if I recieve a call while my phone is plugged into the charger. If I immediately unplug the charger from my phone, the "slide to unlock" works. Also pressing the power button once to go into standby and once again to wake up will also stop this fluke behavior.

Personally i think it's an issue with the kernel/rom as in the stock base roms which custom roms are made. No fix I'm afraid. However this glitch is extremely rare on my new hardware 0004 EVO.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 06:57 AM
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Re: Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

There may be a magnetic issue if you aren't holding the phone, but instead just dragging a finger on the screen while the phone is not being held
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 11:41 AM
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Re: Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Thanks for the information so far! Given how often this is happening to me I still think that this has to be something very rare or nearly unique to my current setup or flashing procedures or else there would be a lot more people experiencing it and therefore more information on how to fix it. I've definitely experienced a combination of what was suggested here when charging and I don't have it in my hand, but that's not what I'm trying to fix here as that doesn't affect me really since I multiple batteries and charge with a separate charger. At this point I'm hanging my hopes on getting some information from the 'Roam Control' author, it seems like the last most obvious possibility. Thanks again and please keep the suggestions coming if they occur to you, I'll try about anything at this point!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 12:23 PM
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Re: Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

I mis-spoke. My new 0004 hardware version EVO doesn't have this issue but my previous 0003 EVO did this as well as random power cycles which got very bad. Even holding the phone it would still randomly not respond to swiping down to unlock/answer calls. I had to have it replaced and now I don't have either issue. Im betting its an internal hardware problem with the phone itself.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 03:21 PM
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Re: Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx View Post
I mis-spoke. My new 0004 hardware version EVO doesn't have this issue but my previous 0003 EVO did this as well as random power cycles which got very bad. Even holding the phone it would still randomly not respond to swiping down to unlock/answer calls. I had to have it replaced and now I don't have either issue. Im betting its an internal hardware problem with the phone itself.
Man, I really hope that isn't the case here. I do have insurance but I think it would still cost like $100 to replace, right? I've worked in the IT business for many years, and troubleshooting step number 1 is usually to ask 'what's changed?'...I've tried to figure that out without much luck so far, but something just occurred to me, could the problem be deeper such as baseband version or PRI version or something like that? It seems like I did upgrade all of those just a while back using a flashable file, my current values are as follows, perhaps they don't agree with my 0002 hardware which is why they were never offered to me automatically? Can't recall what I was on prior to that.

PRI 1.77_003
PRL 60672
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 05:19 PM
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Re: Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

When all else fails, go back to a stock rom. There are bad apps out there that cause unusal problems. I installed I Heart Radio a couple of days ago. Everytime i went to start it, my phone rebooted. That is extreme and easy to see. A lot of apps track phone state. And event could be irratically firing when your phone rings. That is why you need to get back to basics and then move forward until the proble returns.
I am a software designer. I have spent a large portion of my life chasing low level memory leaks.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 05:23 PM
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Re: Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Originally Posted by lkillen View Post
When all else fails, go back to a stock rom. There are bad apps out there that cause unusal problems. I installed I Heart Radio a couple of days ago. Everytime i went to start it, my phone rebooted. That is extreme and easy to see. A lot of apps track phone state. And event could be irratically firing when your phone rings. That is why you need to get back to basics and then move forward until the proble returns.
I am a software designer. I have spent a large portion of my life chasing low level memory leaks.
Thanks for the advice, I had thought of that myself. Was also considering trying the 'Sprint Lovers' ROM given that it appears to come with BB and PRI and such and I figured it ought to be pretty close to stock. Thoughts? Also, did you have a look at my app list and if so do you seen anything that looks particularly suspect in relation to the problem at hand? Thanks!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 07:11 PM
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Re: Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Don't flash another custom rom. To really pinpoint the source of your issue go to "shipped-roms.com" and download the 3.29 stock sprint evo rom and run it from your pc/laptop. HTC Sync will have to be installed on your computer as well. Follow the "return to stock" instructions in the sticky thread. This is the best way to narrow down your problem. It is recommended by everybody and will give you the best clean slate possible.

I did this numerous times on my 0003 evo but my problems still occured every single time. I-Heart Radio may or may not be the actual cause of the rebooting issue for some of those who think it is... the more load you put on a faulty evo will trigger a reboot reguardless of application or rom. This is my own personal experience and I feel quite confident that my evo was defective and was definetely not rom or software related at the end of my trouble shooting with my previous 0003 evo.

Do your own trouble shooting from a pure stock sprint ruu.

Last edited by tx_dbs_tx; 12-11-2010 at 07:16 PM.
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