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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 11:32 PM
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Re: Unable to use 4G when USB tethering?

Originally Posted by lkillen View Post
So now you are going to suck down 250 GB/month over Sprint? Look, the tethering is illegal and for casual use. It is also an issue where Sprint is talking about dropping unlimited data plans. It will be people like you that break the camels back and ruin it for all of us.
You are using so much bandwidth that your ISP is dumping you and now you want to do the very same through an unpaid process that is clearly against the law? You will probably be dropped from Sprint to. Why not do the adult thing and sign up for the Hot Spot and buy your bandwidth? You will have all that money left over from not having to pay for ComCast.
Woah man, I just needed the connection for a couple of days, and certainly not planning on using it the same way I use my traditional broadband connection...just needed to get some work done. Once the new month starts, my bandwidth is reset to 0.

I really don't appreciate that you assume some level of immaturity here, you do not know me, and you certainly have no comprehension of how I use my internet access...for all you know I am a web developer and have multiple projects that require an immense amount of bandwidth, which I am.

BTW, what does "tethering is illegal and for casual use" exactly mean? Do you make the decisions who gets to use their bandwidth and for what? What would casual be?

These are obviously rhetorical questions. Thanks for participating.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 11:52 PM
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Re: Unable to use 4G when USB tethering?

you mean you actually get a 4g signal? i thought that was like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 12:04 AM
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Re: Unable to use 4G when USB tethering?

Sorry to say it, but yes I do...But I also live in Philly, so if that says anything to you I just don't get the bandwidth that speed tests reflect, but it is usable...think about a 512k DSL connection with lots of noise and attenuation on the line and that would describe it!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 12:56 AM
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Re: Unable to use 4G when USB tethering?

Tethering isn't illegal, we and we already pay for unlimited data, and now $10 more for"premium" data lol.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 01:58 AM
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Re: Unable to use 4G when USB tethering?

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
Tethering isn't illegal, we and we already pay for unlimited data, and now $10 more for"premium" data lol.
To tether with Sprint it cost $20. Tether using a Sprint phone without paying Sprint the $20 is steeling. Bottom line to tether without paying Sprint that is illegal.

Premium data, wether it be 4G or not is in stone get use to it. Thanks to my EVO I am using 10x more data then I was with my TP2. I bet I am not the only one using more data thanks to the Evo. This phone is basicly a mini laptop. Heck I can do so much more with this phone then with my TP2 with little hastle. Upgrading to this phone from my TP2 was like upgrading from 56k to cable, even though the speed is the same I am able to get a lot more done.

Why are you still even using an Evo, your still obviously twat hurt over the $10 extra charge. Its been 3 months now man, let it go. I was a strong supporter for trying to avoid and get rid of the $10 extra fee but its not going anywhere and I am not going to waste anymore of my time fighting a lost battle.

I found otherways to recoupe that $10. I added a friend to my line. Between me, my wife and a good friend we pay aproximatly $55 per line for the $1500 ED plan. Thats with my work discount and insurance on all three lines.

Oh and 3G data is capped at 5GB, 4G data is unlimited. Only 4G is unlimited.

Last edited by twilk; 09-29-2010 at 02:14 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 10:35 AM
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Re: Unable to use 4G when USB tethering?

Read your contract. You may tether using Sprint's Hot Spot service.

I am not the data police. I have only tethered once on my EVO, just to see if I could. Since I can do so much on the phone, in and of itself, I seldom find a need to connect it to a PC. The point I am making is that a Phone is not a substitute for an ISP.

Casual use, like sitting in an airport waiting for a flight, on a beach surfing the web is one thing and will go unnoticed. Using EVO to replace an ISP is another and will result in data caps for the rest of us.
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