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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 05:27 PM
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Re: New Replacement EVO

Hey zone ! Good to see ya ! My situation was pretty much the same. I called them and requested a new one and it was 3 weeks or so before they got one in. It was a nib and quick and easy. Best RS i ever dealt with and the most helpful guy out of most places i've been in ever. I'm usually not much of a RS fan but this guys runs the place right.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 10:49 PM
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Re: New Replacement EVO

As of now all evo replacements are going to be brand new phones. They barely have enough to sell so how are they going to have refurbished phones? When I had my tp2 a couple of weeks ago I got it replaced and it was a brand new in box unit. The problem now is that some of the phones come with a different brand lcd, i think its epson and they say it less quality than the original screen. They did this because of shortage and not wanting the same thing that happened with the incredible. The evo would have been even better with the amoled screen. Oh well, I guess I will upgrade my evo when the next great phone comes out. Hopefully sprint will make an awesome phone like the evo with just 3g and this way avoid the $10 premium charge since 4g won't be in my town for a while.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 10:54 PM
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Re: New Replacement EVO

Originally Posted by yankees45us View Post
As of now all evo replacements are going to be brand new phones. They barely have enough to sell so how are they going to have refurbished phones? When I had my tp2 a couple of weeks ago I got it replaced and it was a brand new in box unit. The problem now is that some of the phones come with a different brand lcd, i think its epson and they say it less quality than the original screen. They did this because of shortage and not wanting the same thing that happened with the incredible. The evo would have been even better with the amoled screen. Oh well, I guess I will upgrade my evo when the next great phone comes out. Hopefully sprint will make an awesome phone like the evo with just 3g and this way avoid the $10 premium charge since 4g won't be in my town for a while.
You have not beem doing your homework. In fact, everyone i know including myself that have gotten replacements they have been remanufactured units.



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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 06:35 AM
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Re: New Replacement EVO

I got a replacement from Radio shack 2 weeks ago. Original was one purchased on release day. Version 002. Had pretty bad light leakage especially by the home button. It was pretty noticeable even in rooms that were not that dark.

My replacement is version 003 with a novatec screen. Same screen as my 002. By the home button if you are in a pitch black room, you see the slightest bit of light coming through. If it wasn't for the big deal of this issue, I really would have never noticed it on this one. I had to actually look for it.

It was manufactured on 6/24 and already had the newest Sprint update installed on the device.

Loved my first EVO more then any other phone, love the new one even more if that is even possible!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 08:04 AM
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Re: New Replacement EVO

Originally Posted by Iron.Wraith View Post
Hey zone ! Good to see ya ! My situation was pretty much the same. I called them and requested a new one and it was 3 weeks or so before they got one in. It was a nib and quick and easy. Best RS i ever dealt with and the most helpful guy out of most places i've been in ever. I'm usually not much of a RS fan but this guys runs the place right.
Its been about 4 or 5 weeks which really didn't bother me because I wanted to get one that has all the problems fixed. So I'm an early adopter and get a later model. Mine will of course be NIB and I'm guessing I will get another 30 days because he has to do a return and then a new purchase. Its been more than 30 days and RS only has a 30 day return policy. 45 more minutes its just like launch day..

Just got my replacement (7/24/10):

Manuf: 6/30/10
Hardware: 0003
Software: 1.47.651.1
PRI: 1.40_003
PRL: 60668
Display: Novatek


Last edited by zone23; 07-24-2010 at 10:40 PM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 06:22 PM
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Re: New Replacement EVO

On my 3rd replacement. I loved the 1st one. I had it for a little over a month and it was great, but then when you changed the battery it wouldn't come back on. I hated to go to the Sprint store, but I had to. Next one was bnib, but the battery drained so fast they had to replace it. 3rd times a charm. This one is as good as my 1st one, and it was bnib too. They even gave me the accessories
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