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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 01:01 AM
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Re: One Of Problems With The Battery

What is the charger called? Is it for sale anywhere like a Radio Shack or Best Buy? Has it appeared that leaving it charging for longer will allow it to charge fully? I leave mine charged overnight and I get approx 12 hrs of use. That is with calls, a lot of texts, facebook updates/checks, games, etc. After reading your post I wonder if it is because of the extra charge. Yesterday I charged phone for about 5 hrs. I left it uncharged all night with live wallpaper and it was at 94% eight hours later. It lasted me another 8 hrs of full use before going to 10%. I do notice that the battery typically goes from 100% to 94% in like 10 minutes and that bothers me. However, I do find that it stays charged longer in the middle (64-48%) and then when it finally goes down to the red, it still stays charged for quite some time before powering off.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 01:07 AM
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Re: One Of Problems With The Battery

I would never take my Body Glove off every night, open the phone, and remove the battery just to get a few more percent. I toss it on the cord in the car frequently, as needed.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 02:55 AM
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Re: One Of Problems With The Battery

Originally Posted by NuLLKiLL View Post
Hey there smart guy I hope you know the battery in your EVO came from china and the EVO itself came from there too.

Did you read my posts??? I didn't say I was using the batteries that I got with the charger (which were touch pro 2 batteries) I was using the stock red EVO batt.

Why do you feel a need to come into my topic and call me an idiot? I mean really yeah your right the phone is lying and it's not really going longer without a charge. Hell the battery usage screen is lying and I made this up just to screw with you!

All I am saying for a 3rd time is that an external charger works better. You get about 20% more out of a battery.

Now here's a question why do people feel the need to post even though their post say nothing? Is it a reflection of how empty and pointless there life is? Are they the people when you see them coming you try to act busy? The ones when you are screwed and have to talk to them you feel like a little piece of your brain dies in the process?

Sorry just getting a little hot I am cooled now. If I offended you good your stupid posts that had nothing to do with my topic offended me so we're almost even now. I remember why I rarely start threads and generally only post to answer questions!
WTF is your problem?! I never once called you an idiot. But I will now call you an a$$!

Facts are facts! I have had quickcharge on my TP2 forever and it stayed charged a hell of a lot longer than the EVOs do. And they charged a hell of a lot faster. So really, I don't think there is anything "quick" about the evo charging. And even if their was, the fact that my TP2 holds charge longer in a faster time charging, that pretty much shoots the theory of the time to charge being the reason for your crappy battery life!
[ edufur ]
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Last edited by edufur; 07-14-2010 at 02:59 AM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 09:24 AM
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Re: One Of Problems With The Battery

Originally Posted by edufur View Post
WTF is your problem?! I never once called you an idiot. But I will now call you an a$$!

Facts are facts! I have had quickcharge on my TP2 forever and it stayed charged a hell of a lot longer than the EVOs do. And they charged a hell of a lot faster. So really, I don't think there is anything "quick" about the evo charging. And even if their was, the fact that my TP2 holds charge longer in a faster time charging, that pretty much shoots the theory of the time to charge being the reason for your crappy battery life!

-------DONT TASE ME BRO!!!! lol seriously guys calm down----its not that serious, i think NullKill was just trying to start a post adressing a common problem and help if anyone needed an explanation to the what why and how of the whole thing------its all good, its understandable to get alittle heated about post responses but in the end, both partys take away from the original purpose of the post, so with that said-------DONT TASE ME BRO!!! lol no lets get back to our scheduled program, carry on soldiers.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 11:02 AM
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Re: One Of Problems With The Battery

Originally Posted by NuLLKiLL View Post
Guys I'm not talking about how to change setting which I have done. I am saying the phone will say the battery is fully charged aka green light in about 2 hours. The charger I got takes around 4 hours or more to fully charge a battery.

One type of charging is called a fast charge which is what the phone does. The other would be a long or trickle charge. The latter, a trickle charge, is a better charge as you will get more life out of the battery. A quick charge on the other hand will still read as full but it will dissipate faster EI it going from 100% to 96% while in standby after 30 mins.

I believe HTC is aware of this and that was their weird statement about fully charging then unplugging turning phone off charging again blah blah....

If I am incorrect about the time it takes for a battery to charge or if I am the only one who has had the percent drop from 100% too fast then I apologize.

This thread was started and posted so people would have an explanation for what was happening and a fix. I do not have a problem with the battery but found this made it better.
No chargers for lithium ion batteries "trickle" charge.

You are right about fast and slow charging. The box charger puts out 1,000 amps (faster), where as generic or other brand chargers and the usb put out 500 amps (slower).

I am not sure slower is actually any better, deeper or longer lasting. Heat is usually the killer, keeping the battery cool would give it a longer over all life (but don't confuse that with longer battery usage).

I can probably safely say that even at 1,000 amps it is with in safe charging parameters.

But you all can read up on here and make your own conclusions; http://www.batteryuniversity.com/
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Last edited by clockcycle; 07-14-2010 at 11:06 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 01:00 PM
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Re: One Of Problems With The Battery

You are correct I am thinking back to nicad days! I was happy to figure out what the heck was going on. I had conditioned my battery and done the HTC BATTERY DANCE and I would still lose the top 10% 15% for no reason. I just wanted to share a very cheap way to fix this and you get two touch pro 2 batteries as well.

Now the real question is this something they can fix with software? I'm thinking so as I'm betting this is a precaution so the phone doesn't over charge batteries and go boom. I also noticed my phone never gets hot when charging like my TP did.

To I think it was Lipidfats it does suck having to remove the back. I agree 100%! The back does start to lose a little stiffness after repeated removing but it still attaches firmly just don't have to yank quite as hard to get it off. I doubt I will even use this a regular charging method for that reason but the wife has a hero so it works great for her.

To anyone who I have offended I am sorry. We all get a little defensive when we start a thread, I don't know why? I'll see others threads and the OP getting mad about stupid comments and I laugh my ass off.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 01:36 PM
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Re: One Of Problems With The Battery

Originally Posted by NuLLKiLL View Post
Well I have to charge my phone every night if I intend on using it the next day. I am a moderate to light users. The most I will have the phone on is an hour and a half a day. I have had 2 replacement dues to issues we all have heard so I have seen this with 3 different EVOs.

One of the biggest reason we have crappy battery is the EVO's quick charge! If I remember right I heard the phone quick charges the battery's so it's charged in under two hours. Guess what that's not a full charge!

I bought the 10 buck two battery's and a charger deal from ebay. Not only has my phone not exploded but I noticed the charger would take over 3 hours to charge a battery. Hmm... Then I noticed my phone didn't go from 100 battery to 94 or something in 10 mins. Heck if I have the phone on for 10 mins on a new charge it usually doesn't even use a percent. I put a new battery in it this morning. I have had the screen on for 14 mins according to the battery usage. I downloaded the free copy of let's golf and have sent about 10 txt. My battery is at 98%!

Just something I found out. If you want better battery life get an external charger as apparently the EVO is great for everything expect charging a battery!
Do that math bro...

Battery is 1500 mAH. Battery charges at around 7-800 mA. Which would mean it fully charges in 2 hours.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 05:35 PM
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Re: One Of Problems With The Battery

I left my phone charging last nigth with the slow charger (0.5 amp) at 12 am, at 6 am the light was green and I unplugged the phone, I did not touched and ten minutes later a plugged back with the quick charger (htc) and a 7 am when I was leaving the light was yellow.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 05:56 PM
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Re: One Of Problems With The Battery


Is there a point to this thread anymore?
I feel as if everyone is just slinging sh!t at each other.

If someone says something you didn't know before than thank them and use their knowledge to better improve your own.

Here's what I do in order to save battery life software side.
For all of those whom have SwitchPro Widget, use the "Data Connection" selector. When ever I'm not on the internet I turn off my data connection. If I leave my phone idle and leave all my background tasks running I'll drop only about 2% over the span of an hour.

Yesterday I charged my EVO 100% via the phone (Not an external charger) and went for 10 hours while at work on moderate usage. My battery only drop to about 80% doing so. I sent maybe 10 texts, received 15 emails and read some articles on Opera Mini. I then left for a friend's house afterwards and from hour 12 to 16 used my EVO heavily. 3G enabled and streaming pictures and music via HomePipe.

Afterwards I did some heavy texting and finished off 17 hours of use and had 66% battery life.

I'm running stock Android with LauncherPro. I'm sure Sense was running in the background as well. Stupid Sense.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 06:12 PM
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Re: One Of Problems With The Battery

So I read in the other thread about the battery stopping charge after it is fully charged and decided to try out what others suggested.

Charged it overnight and in the morning, unplug the phone for a few minutes. The battery would drop a few percent. Plug it back in to recharge it until light turned green(took about 10 minutes or so for me). Then when I unplugged it, it stayed at 100% for a good 30 minutes idle until I started texting, but it slowly dropped from there. This is a big difference from what I was experiencing from before where I would drop about 8-10% in 30 mins before it actually started to slow down.
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