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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 01:27 PM
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Re: This just in from the Sprint Facebook page

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
I did this, and while it would be nice to have a simple hack like we had on WM, at least we do have a way to force Roaming. The only issue I have is that I don't see any indicator that I'm on a different network, like on WM, when roaming, a little icon like a christmas tree came up. How can we tell we are actually roaming?
Here's what's cool about this.. If you do speed test or whatever or look at your network information, it will say "sprint" so I don't think we are technically roaming... but if you dial *2 it will connect you to verizon's customer service, not sprint. I absolutely know for a fact it is using different towers through because I was getting less than .1 Mb/s in my room before it and now I get between .8 and 1.2. So far it's not showing up anywhere on my bill that I was roaming (it would be free even if I was, we have Sprint).
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 01:44 PM
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Re: This just in from the Sprint Facebook page

I can tell you first hand, it will show up on your bill as roaming. I also, have free roaming so it doesn't matter, but I did have a bunch of roaming data on my last bill.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 01:47 PM
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Re: This just in from the Sprint Facebook page

When youre roaming a little triangle will pop up above the service bars. I only noticed it because when I rooted and flashed it switched from use sprint only to best available. Had to turn that off because I tether and would've most certainly have had data roaming charges.
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