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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 12:43 AM
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Re: Sprint rep knew i DOWNLOADED TASK KILLER?

Collecting "anonymous" statistical data for marketing (what Google does, or at least claims it's anonymous) is one thing.

So is opening user's useage data per government agency request (ideally backed by a judge issued search warrant, although they seem to try and get away with it)

Making user download and browsing information accessible to Sprint rep / tech / CS would be a major invasion of privacy, probably illegal, and very likely to get them in deep trouble.
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 01:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Amamba View Post
Collecting "anonymous" statistical data for marketing (what Google does, or at least claims it's anonymous) is one thing.

So is opening user's useage data per government agency request (ideally backed by a judge issued search warrant, although they seem to try and get away with it)

Making user download and browsing information accessible to Sprint rep / tech / CS would be a major invasion of privacy, probably illegal, and very likely to get them in deep trouble.
100% illegal on a federal level. Sprint would go down in flames if this were true. Im sure the sprint rep just made an educated guess based on the horrible information they give to customers about android.

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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 04:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Amamba View Post
Collecting "anonymous" statistical data for marketing (what Google does, or at least claims it's anonymous) is one thing.

So is opening user's useage data per government agency request (ideally backed by a judge issued search warrant, although they seem to try and get away with it)

Making user download and browsing information accessible to Sprint rep / tech / CS would be a major invasion of privacy, probably illegal, and very likely to get them in deep trouble.
Yeah I would like to hear what happend with this situation.(if you decided to contact Sprint about this) Because they shouldnt be doing that.

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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 07:55 AM
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Re: Sprint rep knew i DOWNLOADED TASK KILLER?

hi everyone, i just wanted to say that, i use to work for boost customer service an since boost is affiliated with sprint, most of all the systems we used were sprint systems, i worked in tech support, so we had a system that was a sprint system, that kept track of anything that was downloaded or purchased, mainly purchased from like boostlive, like games, ringtones etc, whatever you could download or purchase from boostlive which is like the market for boost, but like i said it was a sprint system, this system was designed to show what was purchased from boost market, so that if a person called an said, this ringtone not working right or the game i just purchased an downloaded is not play right, then the rep or tech support person can use that system to refund the persons money back to there acct, so there are systems that sprint uses that can see what was downloaded from the market but for purposes of refunding something you purchased, now i dont exactly know how the system may work as far as smartphone purchases or downloads, but like i said it was a sprint system we were using for that with boost, with all that said, it is a possibility that one of the systems sprint uses can keep track of certain apps downloaded from the market, but sprint cant keep track of apps that or installed on the phone that you download from somewhere else. plus they dont just constantly monitor what you download, the only thing they may be looking for is the data usage, which they have systems that monitor that, but they just dont go around trying to spy on individual accounts, to many accounts to do that, the only way they may flag an account to monitor is if the system detects something unusual, then it may be looked at, but as far as google, cant say if or how they may be monitoring or collecting data from us.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 10:45 AM
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Re: Sprint rep knew i DOWNLOADED TASK KILLER?

Why is everyone so paranoid?
Rooting your phone is not illegal, it will however just void your warranty. One of my co-worker (very stupid) took his rooted phone to a sprint store because his voicemail upgrade icon would not install or go away. The rep just looked at him and say "you jailbreak your phone didn't you?" and gave the phone back to him and said they can't do anything to the phone.
I restore his phone back to stock and have him went back to the store and the rep just smiled and helped him.

What i am trying to say is that Sprint needs customers, what ever we do to our phone is beyond them because we are still paying for their service. They also know that word of mouth is very important, If we can root our phone and tell our friends about it, they will possibly move from what ever carrier they belong to and go with Sprint.

Plus the majority of the apps are free with adds and of course Google is getting most of the app revenue so Sprint doesn't really care. Whatever you do to your phone, just set it back to stock before you bring it in or send it in to get it repair.

  #96 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 02:11 PM
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Re: Sprint rep knew i DOWNLOADED TASK KILLER?

this is very true
  #97 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 09:03 PM
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Re: Sprint rep knew i DOWNLOADED TASK KILLER?

Originally Posted by masterpero View Post
hi everyone, i just wanted to say that, i use to work for boost customer service an since boost is affiliated with sprint, most of all the systems we used were sprint systems, i worked in tech support, so we had a system that was a sprint system, that kept track of anything that was downloaded or purchased, mainly purchased from like boostlive, like games, ringtones etc, whatever you could download or purchase from boostlive which is like the market for boost, but like i said it was a sprint system, this system was designed to show what was purchased from boost market, so that if a person called an said, this ringtone not working right or the game i just purchased an downloaded is not play right, then the rep or tech support person can use that system to refund the persons money back to there acct, so there are systems that sprint uses that can see what was downloaded from the market but for purposes of refunding something you purchased, now i dont exactly know how the system may work as far as smartphone purchases or downloads, but like i said it was a sprint system we were using for that with boost, with all that said, it is a possibility that one of the systems sprint uses can keep track of certain apps downloaded from the market, but sprint cant keep track of apps that or installed on the phone that you download from somewhere else. plus they dont just constantly monitor what you download, the only thing they may be looking for is the data usage, which they have systems that monitor that, but they just dont go around trying to spy on individual accounts, to many accounts to do that, the only way they may flag an account to monitor is if the system detects something unusual, then it may be looked at, but as far as google, cant say if or how they may be monitoring or collecting data from us.
THANK YOU. i know i wasn't hearing things, and I'm pretty sure I'm not crazy. Now once and for all, those crying that this is impossible stop posting lame educated guesses. And those posting about paranoia or "the sky is falling" crap, read the entire thread please. See my previous post in reference to why I started this thread. Mods this might be a good time to let this die and /thread. Thanks.
  #98 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2010, 05:03 AM
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Originally Posted by meccadon123 View Post
THANK YOU. i know i wasn't hearing things, and I'm pretty sure I'm not crazy. Now once and for all, those crying that this is impossible stop posting lame educated guesses. And those posting about paranoia or "the sky is falling" crap, read the entire thread please. See my previous post in reference to why I started this thread. Mods this might be a good time to let this die and /thread. Thanks.
Ok, just because his response supports your bullshit claim doesn't mean its right. That's called a logical fallacy. The FACT is that the market is tied 100% to your google account. Spri t has nothi g to do with it. That is why when you use the market on an unactivated device over wifi, it still works exactly the same. The actual bytes are channeled through sprint, but the content isn't made known to them. In the case of buying ringtobes and stuff from boost, they can see it because the purchase was made FROM BOOST. If you somehow managed to buy an app from sprint themselves, they would know about it, but you didn't. You got it from a market place owned, maintained, run, and monitored by google and google alone. The sprint rep didn't know. This is not an educated guess. Look up the licensing rights to the Google apps.

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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2010, 04:28 PM
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Re: Sprint rep knew i DOWNLOADED TASK KILLER?

Damn man, take a deep breath.
  #100 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2010, 04:40 PM
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Re: Sprint rep knew i DOWNLOADED TASK KILLER?

Originally Posted by masterpero View Post
hi everyone, i just wanted to say that, i use to work for boost customer service an since boost is affiliated with sprint, most of all the systems we used were sprint systems, i worked in tech support, so we had a system that was a sprint system, that kept track of anything that was downloaded or purchased, mainly purchased from like boostlive, like games, ringtones etc, whatever you could download or purchase from boostlive which is like the market for boost, but like i said it was a sprint system, this system was designed to show what was purchased from boost market, so that if a person called an said, this ringtone not working right or the game i just purchased an downloaded is not play right, then the rep or tech support person can use that system to refund the persons money back to there acct, so there are systems that sprint uses that can see what was downloaded from the market but for purposes of refunding something you purchased, now i dont exactly know how the system may work as far as smartphone purchases or downloads, but like i said it was a sprint system we were using for that with boost, with all that said, it is a possibility that one of the systems sprint uses can keep track of certain apps downloaded from the market, but sprint cant keep track of apps that or installed on the phone that you download from somewhere else. plus they dont just constantly monitor what you download, the only thing they may be looking for is the data usage, which they have systems that monitor that, but they just dont go around trying to spy on individual accounts, to many accounts to do that, the only way they may flag an account to monitor is if the system detects something unusual, then it may be looked at, but as far as google, cant say if or how they may be monitoring or collecting data from us.

That is one hell of a long sentence.

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