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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 04:55 PM
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Evo Resolutions

Plain and simple. I will gather the known issues people have experienced and will experience with this unit to inform future buyers.This list needs to be supported and if anyone feels easily insulted then you MUST skip this thread and eat your cheerios.
2 Built quality-
002: Has less issues
003: New backdoor color but inferior build.

Fragile Glass-
Glass Shatters easily even when dropped on carpet.

Front Lcd Glass-
Glass peels upwards an feels springy.

Bad battery Life:
Short comming results

30 FPS Cap-
Hardware or software is capped.Maybe future fix?

Snapdragon CPU-
Underperforms compared to even the 1st Gen Iphone.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 04:58 PM
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Re: Evo Resolutions

Originally Posted by AndroidTroll View Post
Snapdragon CPU-
Underperforms compared to even the 1st Gen Iphone.

I'm interested in this. Honestly haven't done much reading about this but what are you basing this off of??
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 05:02 PM
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Re: Evo Resolutions

Originally Posted by AaronP220 View Post
I'm interested in this. Honestly haven't done much reading about this but what are you basing this off of??
yes i would like to read the data and evidence supporting this claim as well.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 05:08 PM
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Re: Evo Resolutions

I don't think we can substantiate the glass breakage being an issue due to one person dropping it and having it break on a carpet (if that is what actually happened). Time will tell after more people have unfortunate accidents with the phone to tell whether or not the glass holds up well. I thought the youtube vid with the glass scratch test was pretty impressive personally.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 05:10 PM
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Re: Evo Resolutions

I have dropped mine in the driveway, numerous times in the house on hardwood without any problems. The only thing to show I have dropped it is a couple of tiny scratches on the right side from the driveway. So my glass seems to be holding up fairly well......
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: Evo Resolutions

"Snapdragon CPU-
Underperforms compared to even the 1st Gen Iphone."
Where are you getting this from? The Evo is on par with the ipad in page loading even on WiFi and the ipad is using Apple's newest processor, not to mention mobile safari has been way more optimized than andriod browser.

"Fragile Glass-
Glass Shatters easily even when dropped on carpet."
Your basing this off of less than 5 reported incidents out of over 100k phones sold?
You might want to do the math on how small of a percentage this is, plus it's been reported that they've already broken new iphone 4 screens dropping it from 3ft. Also one of those crack pictures look like the phone was actually hit on the screen in the corner.

"30 FPS Cap-
Hardware or software is capped.Maybe future fix?"
Should be software, since the snapdragon has proven on the nexus one to go higher than 30 fps. This is a valid complaint though

"Bad battery Life:
Short comming results"
As google said at their I/O conference if you aren't getting a days worth out of your android device then something is wrong. Yes there is a bug in the calendar that can cause the phone to never go to sleep, but you have plenty of us out here who are experiencing better battery life than on previous smartphones.

"2 Built quality-
002: Has less issues
003: New backdoor color but inferior build."
Beyond the new door I don't see a difference between my 002 and my bro's 003. Hardware revisions get changed all the time, sometimes new vendors for parts come out and that's technically a hardware revision.

"Front Lcd Glass-
Glass peels upwards an feels springy."
This is definitely not something to let the manufacturer get away with. When producing hundreds of thousands of products you are bound to make a few bad ones. No process is perfect. So yes someone should check for this and return and exchange, but let's not make it seem like ALL of the phones are like this.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 05:12 PM
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Re: Evo Resolutions

Originally Posted by AndroidTroll View Post

Snapdragon CPU-
Underperforms compared to even the 1st Gen Iphone
It must be nice in that planet where you live... nah good troll attempt tho.
Some Samsung fold phone > Treo 600 > Treo 650 > Treo 700p > Treo 755p > HTC Touch Pro > HTC EVO

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 05:13 PM
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Re: Evo Resolutions

Originally Posted by CarlaDarla View Post
I have dropped mine in the driveway, numerous times in the house on hardwood without any problems. The only thing to show I have dropped it is a couple of tiny scratches on the right side from the driveway. So my glass seems to be holding up fairly well......

You sound like Mrs.AaronP220....
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 05:16 PM
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Re: Evo Resolutions

Originally Posted by Donatom3 View Post
"Snapdragon CPU-
Underperforms compared to even the 1st Gen Iphone."
Where are you getting this from? The Evo is on par with the ipad in page loading even on WiFi and the ipad is using Apple's newest processor, not to mention mobile safari has been way more optimized than andriod browser.

"Fragile Glass-
Glass Shatters easily even when dropped on carpet."
Your basing this off of less than 5 reported incidents out of over 100k phones sold?
You might want to do the math on how small of a percentage this is, plus it's been reported that they've already broken new iphone 4 screens dropping it from 3ft. Also one of those crack pictures look like the phone was actually hit on the screen in the corner.

"30 FPS Cap-
Hardware or software is capped.Maybe future fix?"
Should be software, since the snapdragon has proven on the nexus one to go higher than 30 fps. This is a valid complaint though

"Bad battery Life:
Short comming results"
As google said at their I/O conference if you aren't getting a days worth out of your android device then something is wrong. Yes there is a bug in the calendar that can cause the phone to never go to sleep, but you have plenty of us out here who are experiencing better battery life than on previous smartphones.

"2 Built quality-
002: Has less issues
003: New backdoor color but inferior build."
Beyond the new door I don't see a difference between my 002 and my bro's 003. Hardware revisions get changed all the time, sometimes new vendors for parts come out and that's technically a hardware revision.

"Front Lcd Glass-
Glass peels upwards an feels springy."
This is definitely not something to let the manufacturer get away with. When producing hundreds of thousands of products you are bound to make a few bad ones. No process is perfect. So yes someone should check for this and return and exchange, but let's not make it seem like ALL of the phones are like this.

Well said!

About the glass breaking thing. Go drop most glass items on a hard surface from waist height and see how many of them fair well. Why would you expect a phone to do the same, especially considering it's screen is probably thinner than most glass items? If you don't want your screen cracked don't treat your phone so rough.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 05:20 PM
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Re: Evo Resolutions

Originally Posted by AaronP220 View Post
You sound like Mrs.AaronP220....
LMAO! You get a thanks

I dropped mine in the driveway the second day I had it I would say I average a GOOD drop every two days or so lol. I finally got a case to hold me over until I find one I really like, but I take it on and off because it bothers me a lot so I don't see it being to helpful. If you don't want your screen to shatter don't drop it lol! Very simple.
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