Originally Posted by ridleyj329
i could be completely off base here but this topic seems to be going waaay off course by way of caring or not caring who someone is or isnt. personaly i think forums are meant to be anonymous so that people can "practically" say and do what they want with no hard feelings. if we all wanted to become personal chums then wed all meet up somehow and go out for some cold ones.. sorry just had to get that off my chest.
Anonymity is the refuge of chickens who don't want to own up to what they post. I had over 10,000 posts on thedieselstop.com before I left there, and was visited by people from around the world, at my house, and in my pool. People using legit forums like this as shields are just little weenies, if they aren't ready to own up as to who they are. In a world where so many want to be famous, you think anonymity is a virtue? Why? Did you vote for Obama?