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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 03:03 AM
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Re: My thoughts on the Keyboard

I agree that the on-screen keyboard is a poor substitute for a hardware KB. On my TP2, I have a hard time using the on-screen one without using the stylus. I have big hands. The physical KB works great, though. And the EVO doesn't have a stylus either, does it? That makes highlighting text for copy functions, etc., very difficult.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 03:11 AM
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Re: My thoughts on the Keyboard

im pretty good with my ipod touch keyboard and the evo is bigger so i think ill be fine. ill still be sad to say goodbye to my real buttons. im glad its capacitive, the tp2 screen would have been much better if it was too.
other than the keyboard(which i think ill be fine without anyway) i think the only thing i wish that was different on this phone is the screen colors supported. being that they want this used for movies and stuff more you think they would have went with a higher bit. think of how amazing that 4.3" screen would look with 24bit.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 03:20 AM
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Re: My thoughts on the Keyboard

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
I agree that the on-screen keyboard is a poor substitute for a hardware KB. On my TP2, I have a hard time using the on-screen one without using the stylus. I have big hands. The physical KB works great, though. And the EVO doesn't have a stylus either, does it? That makes highlighting text for copy functions, etc., very difficult.
The onscreen keyboard is just fine on the EVO. The capacitive screen allows it to be finger friendly, even with big hands as i have huge ones. No need for a stylus as to the TP2 a resistant screen which makes it more difficult to use On-screen functions and calls for a KB. The Incredible On-screen fit me just right and I'm coming from all KB phones - mogul/tp/tp2 and now this killer phone: EVO!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 03:31 AM
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Re: My thoughts on the Keyboard

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
so it's got hdmi right.. like I really want to see a keyboard on my big tv...
Erm...I don't think their goal for including HDMI out was so you could see a giant keyboard on your HDTV.

I'm on the fence about a physical keyboard, but I must say this. I currently have an HTC Touch and it's been a great phone up until quite recently because the touch screen functionality is pretty much shot for some reason, though I don't know why. It's sustained no physical abuse at all. All of a sudden the touch screen became really unresponsive and completely out of alignment, no matter how many times I try to realign it. I've even tried a hard reset on the phone twice and it's just not fixable. The Evo is coming out just in time, because I'm due for an upgrade, and since my phone is no longer working correctly...

That said, because 95% of the Touch phone's functionality is tied directly to being able to use the touch screen, it's seriously crippled when the touch screen isn't working. Trying to type text messages has become so frustrating I've almost thrown it against the wall so many times the past few weeks. I think a physical keyboard would have been a welcome addition to the Evo, but like someone mentioned already, it would increase the weight and size of the phone and for some (not me) that may be a deal breaker. It would be nice to not have to touch the screen for all your typing needs, and I too am a little OCD about fingerprints, and this thing is going to be a magnet for those. Maybe they'll release an updated model in the future with an included keyboard if demand is high enough. Especially if they see how many people aren't willing to leave their Touch Pro 2 behind because of that reason.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:08 AM
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Re: My thoughts on the Keyboard

Thanks for posting about the keyboard. This was BY FAR the biggest concern about getting this phone. I told myself I would never get a phone with on-screen since I hate them so much. The TP2 keyboard is top notch in my opinion. I figured since the screen is so big that I would give it a try. Plus a lot of the top phones out right now don't have a keyboard. I'm sure I will get use to typing on it, but man I can type pretty fast on my TP2. I love texting people from my TP2 to an iphone. It's not even close. The pro's of the evo far outway the biggest con (my biggest con anyway) the missing hw keyboard. Once I am forced to use it I suppose the better I will get at it.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:10 AM
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Re: My thoughts on the Keyboard

Originally Posted by kash23 View Post
The onscreen keyboard is just fine on the EVO. The capacitive screen allows it to be finger friendly, even with big hands as i have huge ones. No need for a stylus as to the TP2 a resistant screen which makes it more difficult to use On-screen functions and calls for a KB. The Incredible On-screen fit me just right and I'm coming from all KB phones - mogul/tp/tp2 and now this killer phone: EVO!
So what do you use to highlight/select certain text on a page to copy?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:15 AM
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Re: My thoughts on the Keyboard

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
So what do you use to highlight/select certain text on a page to copy?
Your finger. It really isnt that hard and with the increased size of the screen, it makes it that much easier. Just like with every phone that you arent used to, you will learn the tricks once you get used to it. I came from a diamond to the hero, jeez, it was like night and day. Now, i cant even imagine how I got by with such a small touch screen.

Thats how sweet the signal is in my office!!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:33 AM
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Re: My thoughts on the Keyboard

Originally Posted by Sim-X View Post
Once I am forced to use it I suppose the better I will get at it.
That's the point
We shouldn't ALLOW companies to FORCE us to do anything.
Don't BUY products being FORCED on you and companies will have to take action and provide a hard keyboard for these devices.
Vote with you wallets, my friends.
Companies only understand ONE thing....MONEY
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:47 AM
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Re: My thoughts on the Keyboard

Originally Posted by tt C6 View Post
That's the point
We shouldn't ALLOW companies to FORCE us to do anything.
Don't BUY products being FORCED on you and companies will have to take action and provide a hard keyboard for these devices.
Vote with you wallets, my friends.
Companies only understand ONE thing....MONEY
The problem is a lot of people don't care about the keyboard. Look at some of the top phones right now. iphone3gs, droid incredible, nexsus one, touch hd2 - just to name a few. Not saying they are gonna stop making keyboard phones but it sure seems like a lot of the new phones coming out don't have a keyboard. I do like the fact of a thinner device and no sliding movement but with this big of screen hopefully it isn't 2 bad.
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