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Re: Evo 4g skip
Someone posted somewhere on here, ATT developed a whole new plan set at a higher cost for the iPhone and people ate it up. This will be no different. Think about $10 a month, 33 cents a day.
I bet most people complaining get a $4.50 Starbucks mocha a day. thats a 135 a month habit. I've said for years, people add up the little costs.. they ain't so little. |
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Re: Evo 4g skip
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Re: Evo 4g skip
Iphone was a "first sibling" phone and was revolutionary . Plus the features of the phone were accessible to everybody. EVO is a cousin (better) to the HD2 and is charging $10/month for its usage. Video chat is not a premium feature if not a lot of people have the phone. When the phone was first announced in March ...the buzz was super crazy and everyone I hoped Sprint would not F Up....the patter continues. The name of the game is to get as many subscribers as you can .....if the $10 charge was a necessary evil....then Sprint should sucked in as many subs as possible then charge later on. They stole some but prolly just lost as many. ![]() |
Re: Evo 4g skip
Ahm..isn't 4G considered revolutionary?
That said everyone has to understand that sprint is run by an executive board and a CEO..and in those kind of businesses they don't care about the company or it''s future..all they care about is getting more money NOW! Remember, Sprint is the NOW Network! and Sprint wants money Now! (sorry couldn't resist the pun) What they are hoping is by adding this as an addon they will receive some money to show good on the Quarter reports to keep investors happy. They are not thinking of actually "selling it" to increase their subscribers base. They hope to make up for it subscriber wise with the 199$ price tag. Even though it may be worse for us, for average american people like when they don't have to pay upfront even if tis more over time.
Earn some spare cash and get cash back at stores like NewEgg and more:!F94VXV35D5MV2 (My shameless referral link) ![]() ![]() |
Re: Evo 4g skip
Re: Evo 4g skip
Re: Evo 4g skip
iphone gravitated from the brand rather then the phone itself
Oh and next 4g phone will be made by Samsung..I'm hoping for it to be the Galaxy S Pro or better..that thing makes an EVO look so last year >.> |
Re: Evo 4g skip
Some sprint stores have their evos in stock ( of course they can't show it off). My friend is playing wit it right now and she is saying buy sprint stock, its easily the best phone she's ever laid eyes on
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Sprint Evo
T-Mobile Nexus One ------------------------ Google is the next skynet |
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