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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 01:41 PM
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Re: Who here is waiting on the EVO v2 with a keyboard and better specs?

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
How can I NOT blame the tweaks on winmo when I havent had to do them on any other handset BUT winmo? I didnt have to do registry tweaks on either of my android phones to get them not to be slow... I didnt have to flash any roms or any of that. Why would I blame it on HTC when they made the nexus as well? Your logic makes no sense... as usual. I've had winmo across EVERY single carrier except verizon and they ALL needed to be tweaked just to get the normal functionality that android gives me right out of the box. PLENTY of people that have made the switch have agreed with this I dont know why its so hard for YOU to believe.

And what kind of logic is "the tp2 was the best phone ive had" for the first week? Wouldnt that apply to ANY phone that i've upgraded to? And to be honest I didnt care much for winmo after the FIRST touch pro... I just so happened to get upgraded to the tp2 for free so I took it. Had it been required for me to buy it I never would've had it to begin with.

Funny thing about it is, tons of people have and are switching from winmo to Android so obviously im not alone in my thoughts. As a matter of fact, of most users that switch to android from other OS MOST of them come from winmo. And ive already posted the article on here since I know you'll be whining for a "source." But im not going to argue back and forth with you all day.. not my cup of tea.

Again, the nexus is the best phone i've ever owned point blank, period.
Okay then, just explain this to me...

If you "tweak" something and it then works fine for you, is it a brand new OS or is it the same OS, only configured how you want it?

Do you think Sprint and HTC were responsible for configuring the OS on the device before they sold it to you?

Do you see where I'm going with this?

I understand you like Android better. I don't care. My only point is that if you can "tweak" WinMo to make it work the way you want, and the "tweaks" that you made were all configurations done by Sprint and HTC, how is it NOT their fault that it wasn't configured the way you wanted?

Yes, I understand Android works well out of the box. That is because Google doesn't let carriers and OEM's tweak it as much as they wouild like. And for the record, people DO flash ROMs on Android as well.

I'm not going to get into it with you. It's just not correct to say the underlying OS is flawed just because Sprint and HTC (or whatever carrier) screwed up the configurations, which you later changed to work the way you wanted. If the OS was flawed, there would be no tweaks to make.

As for the TP2 being the best phone in the first week- like I said, I hated the TP after a week, and so did a whole lot of other GSM users who where coming from the Kaiser. The TP sucked, which was my whole point before you went on your WM hater rant. Lots of people hated the TP when it was still the newest device out. Nobody hated the TP2 until it was old and replaced by better devices. I understand that Sprint was an entire generation behind at that point so the TP was probably great to everyone that was using the Mogul. But to GSM users who were coming from the Kaiser, the TP sucked right out of the box to a whole lot of people. And plenty of people, myself included, dumped the TP and went back to the Kaiser. Nobody did that with the TP2. It remained the best phone ever until something newer was built.

Last edited by BlackDynamite; 04-13-2010 at 01:49 PM.
  #92 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 02:05 PM
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Re: Who here is waiting on the EVO v2 with a keyboard and better specs?


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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: Who here is waiting on the EVO v2 with a keyboard and better specs?

Originally Posted by cataclysm13 View Post

consider this stolen lol
  #94 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: Who here is waiting on the EVO v2 with a keyboard and better specs?

I tried TWO times yesterday to help steer this thread back on the right track, but no matter what I did or the warnings that I gave, it has once again been run off track like a runaway freight train.

So, since the OP's topic is nothing but a good memory in a string of bad and off topic posts, I am going to close this one down.

"I remember, way back in the day, this site was hoppin' with members, posts, and some great development."
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