I'm trying to resurrect the old GTX feel that I had back in Sense on my Touch Pro 2.
Here's what I've got so far:
Currently I've condensed it enough that I still have a free screen.
Beautiful Widgets for the clock.
Pure Calendar for homescreen tasks.
Metro square icons by artukas613 and janneman22. Re-edited by me.
Icon changer: BetterCut
Launcher (Google, EVO, Utilities, Games, Apps): Apps Organizer.
Panel widget: SwitchPro Widget
Wallpaper: Me, it's a blade of grass desaturated.
Now the only thing I need to figure out is how to re-skin widgets. Which I fear is going to be almost impossible.
I also have two questions:
1 - Can the Sense (Apps, Phone, New+) launcher be reskinned without root?
2 - And I'd like to find an RSS feed that is skinnable or contains no background images. Just plain, simple, text. If it can list 6+ stories that'd be a plus too. Smaller the text the better.
Here's an alternate wallpaper. It reminds me too much of Firefox. I'm split between the grass blade and the stripe. But I'm leaning towards the blade.