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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2011, 02:18 PM
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Bose Bluetooth Earpiece

I have a new Bose bluetooth earpiece. Works great on phone calls, but won't work with the other audio, music, video features of my EVO. Am I doing something wrong? Do Bluetooth earpieces only work with the phone? Any advice is appreciated. Sorry if this has been posted already.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2011, 02:37 PM
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Re: Bose Bluetooth Earpiece

You've got ME on that one.... I hope someone else can help... I checked all my bluetooth settings on my phone hoping I could find something like the setting in the TP2 that sends system sounds to the bluetooth earpiece...
But since all my bluetooth devices are Stereo and sound enabled now... I haven't run into this issue. Good luck.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2011, 04:30 PM
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Re: Bose Bluetooth Earpiece

You need to verify that the BOSE earpiece is A2DP compatible. If it's the one im thinking of (about 140.00 ) it doesnt support A2DP
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2011, 02:07 PM
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Re: Bose Bluetooth Earpiece

the bose single ear bluetooth that is right ear only does not support a2dp...
Disclaimer: I am a BBYM mgr. The opinions expressed here are my views and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Best Buy.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2011, 02:14 PM
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Re: Bose Bluetooth Earpiece

Neither do many other single ear pieces... However... Even going back to my Moto Q and my Touch and My TP and my TP2... I was able to listen to music via my single ear, earpiece... Winmo has a setting that allows you to send all sounds to your earpiece... I believe it's under system sounds.

I have not seen such a setting in my EVO...
I'm wondering if there's an APK that can do this or if Android is simply not able to do this.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2011, 02:30 PM
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Re: Bose Bluetooth Earpiece

This might be worth a try.



Let us know if it works.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2011, 06:25 AM
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Re: Bose Bluetooth Earpiece

Seems a bit costly not to support those features. Return it and ask for your money back.. it's worthless. Try the Blueant T1, it does what your looking for. I'm using currently.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2011, 08:55 AM
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Re: Bose Bluetooth Earpiece

i Have The Jawbone Prime And It Plays Everything Via BT, its one of the few single ear A2DP Bluetooth Devices, and battery life is great and its in HD Sound only 150 i believe
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Originally Posted by KarlE View Post
when i show my EVO to iphone users they go wow loook at the big screen
then i go watch this..
i can hold my phone anyway a want and calls dont drop..
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2011, 11:17 AM
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Re: Bose Bluetooth Earpiece

Originally Posted by AZTECHKA View Post
This might be worth a try.



Let us know if it works.
Did you try this OP???
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2011, 06:39 PM
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Re: Bose Bluetooth Earpiece

Blueant Q2 does A2DP as a single earpiece. Been running it for months now and works great with my EVO. Got it on Amazon for 73 bucks. Well worth it in my opinion.
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