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View Poll Results: What Do you Rate your EVO3D?
5 - This Device achieved all my expectations and more 30 53.57%
4 - This Device met my expectations but didn't overachieve 16 28.57%
3 - Indifferent. It met my expectations somewhat 5 8.93%
2 - Did not meet my expectations but not terrible. 3 5.36%
1 - Did not meet any expectations, terrible. 0 0%
Other (DOA, Problems, etc.) 2 3.57%
Voters: 56. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 06:03 PM
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Tell us Your Thoughts!

We're gonna put up an article later this week detailing the release and summing up the opinion of a few different sites - eventually ours too.

Tell us what you think! We scaled it from 1 to 5 for your convenience.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 06:19 PM
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Re: Tell us Your Thoughts!

I had to give it a 5. I am way impressed. The 3D is better than I expected.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 06:58 PM
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Re: Tell us Your Thoughts!

3D is amazing to what I thought it was going to be. It should shut up all those non-believers.

The speed is incredible, boots up insanely fast

Swype is cool also

Definitely a very positive experience for my first LEGIT android phone. (TP2 doesn't count lol)
Saving over $17 a month with a 25% Discount
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 09:09 PM
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Re: Tell us Your Thoughts!

Quick, responsive, and very, very nice. I do like the 3D more than I thought. I was just going for specs and the 3D is very nice frosting.

I've made several calls and haven't had any issue with the call quality. At all. With different people on different phones. Maybe my ears aren't tuned properly or I'm not an Audiophile, but I don't hear degredation and I was able to turn the earpiece speaker up loud enough to hear the person (never hit the max volume and wished it was louder). Two calls were on the subway in Chicago too. A+ on call quality for me. One review had me questioning it...

Hope it stays great as I use it more for calls. Everything else is perfect thus far.

Except S-On. Of course.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2011, 01:06 AM
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Re: Tell us Your Thoughts!

This phone has impressed me more then i had originally thought. I loved and still love the Evo 4g, however the Evo 3d is just that much more feature pack of a phone. People can say that 3D is a gimmick on the phone, but unless you have actually tried it and see it in action, you will have a totally different approach to it. Before its release ive read that some people have compared the 3d to the Nintendo 3ds, and i must say the Nintendo 3Ds doesnt even come close to the Visual 3D you get on the Evo 3D. The 3Ds gives me headaches for a short period of viewing, however i have not had that problem yet with the Evo3d and i have watched well over an hours worth of 3D clips and shots. That was originally my only gripe that i had for the 3D, im very happy to say that the Evo3d visual doesnt give me headaches. The 3D is a plus and everything on the phone is just awesome, its stupid fast, call quality is great ( i dont get why some site reviewers say that call quality was mediocre), and battery life so far is very impressive. This is a very worthy successor to the Evo4g.

Last edited by Deathsicle; 06-25-2011 at 01:09 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2011, 03:40 AM
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Re: Tell us Your Thoughts!

loving mine
PPC6700 > Treo 700P > HTC TP > HTCTP2 > HTC EVO 4G
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2011, 06:43 AM
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Re: Tell us Your Thoughts!

This phone is the shiznit! I bewiggled my shiniggle at all the options available. Although, side by side to my OG EVO, I can tell the 3D is smoother but not all that much faster. Worthy upgrade yes! Worthy upgrade from an OG EVO? Depends on how much of a spec junkie you are and if 3D is a must have.

But I'm loving it nonetheless!
Just Brilliant, Quietly....
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2011, 07:09 AM
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Re: Tell us Your Thoughts!


The specs on this phone are solid and what makes it shine. The dual core processor along with high res screen is what sold me on it. The original Evo has a better body and felt much more solid to me. The phone is overall decent nothing to blow you away like media want you to believe. 3D should not be the selling point on this phone and people need to look at the complete picture.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2011, 09:15 AM
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Re: Tell us Your Thoughts!

Picked mine up almost 24 hours ago now at the store. I wont lie I was on the fence about buying it. I had the evo 4g phone love it great phone still love it. The 3D is a worthy upgrade however. Battery live is much improved biggest stock battery HTC has ever used I think, processor is amazing and actually I am very impressed with how good the 3D images are on the screen. I did not buy the phone at all for the 3D but having used it works pretty good and is fun to show ppl. That being said I absolutely hate where they put the charging port on this device. Makes holding it in the car or any time it is plugged in a PITA. Cord should have been made to plug straight into the bottom like all the other HTC devices ive owned. Other than that no complaints thus far.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2011, 08:42 AM
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Re: Tell us Your Thoughts!

Originally Posted by faiz23 View Post

The specs on this phone are solid and what makes it shine. The dual core processor along with high res screen is what sold me on it. The original Evo has a better body and felt much more solid to me. The phone is overall decent nothing to blow you away like media want you to believe. 3D should not be the selling point on this phone and people need to look at the complete picture.
I used to think 3D was a gimmick, but not anymore after seeing it live....it's a cool bonus.....@ $199 for the phone, it's not like they're trying to sell for a premium based on 3D.

I agree, the technology is still young, but that just makes this phone ahead of it's time & state of the art!

Just like HD, 3D will gain momentum eventually.
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