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trewardtx 06-23-2011 12:30 PM

Re: I hate Engadget

Originally Posted by rileyd5 (Post 2118720)
ok, sounds good. Thanks.

Agreed, I guess in the end it doesn't matter what Engadget thinks. All that matters is what the 3d owners feel about it and they will be more informed with day to day usage.

i agree with you man.....at the end of the day we the consumer determines if it is a good phone or not.....we are the ones buying the phone so just because somebody gives a product a bad review it actually doesnt mean that its a bad product.....only YOU know how valuable YOUR phone is to YOU.... not some lady giving a half ass review....i can see if it was like Oprah and shelled out lots of Evo's to her audience just because she liked the phone....then maybe that opinion might matter.....but at the end of the day its YOUR preference, YOUR money, and YOUR contract with Sprint....not the reviewers

infinitemethod 06-23-2011 12:41 PM

Re: I hate Engadget

Originally Posted by trewardtx (Post 2118752)
i agree with you man.....at the end of the day we the consumer determines if it is a good phone or not.....we are the ones buying the phone so just because somebody gives a product a bad review it actually doesnt mean that its a bad product.....only YOU know how valuable YOUR phone is to YOU.... not some lady giving a half ass review....i can see if it was like Oprah and shelled out lots of Evo's to her audience just because she liked the phone....then maybe that opinion might matter.....but at the end of the day its YOUR preference, YOUR money, and YOUR contract with Sprint....not the reviewers

The main reason why I was so annoyed with Engadget and that reviewer was with the comments people were having. There were so many saying, "oh, well this doesn't sound like a good option", or "this isn't even a worthly upgrade".

These people apparently don't look at other review sites. This is a huge upgrade from the EVO 4G and that isn't just my opinion, the specs and the way it runs speak for themselves.

gTen 06-23-2011 02:11 PM

Re: I hate Engadget
When you compare you compare to things out at the time...is it a huge spec bump from the
Evo? definitely..but there are better specced phones out and on the horizon...Based on that review what ultimately lowered the score from a 8 (based on sensation) to a 7 was that wimax as is, is currently inferior to competing 3.5g/4g technologies in terms of speed and battery.

While the camera was also considered lacking I think the wimax vs HSPA+ is what made the difference here..

tumtum101 06-23-2011 02:28 PM

Re: I hate Engadget

Originally Posted by john80hotkey (Post 2118714)
he made references to the iphone so I dont think he was comparing the screen to the evo OG he said from 3" to 4" is a big difference and sure to make the battery die faster.

Actually it was reviewed by a creepy goth chick (the non-sexy kind) Myriam Joire -- Engadget Editors

I read this review last week and was not impressed either. A lot of the criticism was unwarranted. Almost felt like Engadget was paid by HTC's major competitors to bash the phone. I don't care, I want one!

gator352 06-23-2011 06:09 PM

Re: I hate Engadget
Engadget has ALWAYS been biased towards apple. Period. That's why I don't read reviews on there that has anything to do with smartphones....I just skip the article and keep moving. Although, there have been times I wanted to bash the writers and editors heads in to show them they are whacked and in need of some serious help!

Ruh 06-23-2011 06:20 PM

Re: I hate Engadget
I don't know how I missed the engadget review, but I went to check it out earlier and it is nice to see the reader comments in support of the Evo 3D. When I read a review I usually jump down to see the comments before I actually read the review to get a feel for what I am about to read.

lasteclispe 06-23-2011 07:34 PM

Re: I hate Engadget
At this point I'm pretty sure apple owns engadget / cnet. The only reason those sites exists is to hype apple products. I never listen to anything thet say. I have been checking cnet everyday for the past 3 years as a test and every single day on their headlines there is either something hyping apple or putting down microsoft / android. If you dont believe me start checking for yourself.

And people who say reviews dont matter are idiots. Reviews are all that matters to most people. Reviews are the reason 90% of the world think the iphone is the best phone out. There are tons of phones out that will sh!t on the iphone all day and night. The only reason the iphone is even relevant is because I'm pretty sure apple paid off all the review sites to hype their product. And it has clearly worked.

chong67 06-23-2011 07:52 PM

Re: I hate Engadget
Where do they got all these lastest information? They must have inside information.

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