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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 12:53 PM
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Re: TP2 to INC...

That's so strange about the missing drop down arrow! It should pull up the task manager. What radio version is it running? Maybe it never got updated at the factory. Either way, enjoy your Incredible. I haven't been able to put mine down since I bought it. I am away from home on business but will definitely start rooting when I get home.

I found this website that offers a one click 5-min procedure. What does everyone else think about unrevoked.com?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 01:47 PM
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Re: TP2 to INC...

I just ran the unrevoked 3.2 yesterday on my Inc after I have upgraded OTA to 2.2 a week ago. It worked like a champ but I haven't had a chance to mess with being rooted yet to see what all I can do. This is really growing on me despite some of the WinMo stuff I'm used to (including the hardware keyboard). Honestly though, I sometimes think if the TP2 had had a 1Ghz processor if it still wouldn't be a badass phone. I think the reason I'm enjoying it so much is really just the additional speed. That and the market is nice.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 09:56 AM
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Re: TP2 to INC...

Originally Posted by oldpueblo View Post
I just ran the unrevoked 3.2 yesterday on my Inc after I have upgraded OTA to 2.2 a week ago. It worked like a champ but I haven't had a chance to mess with being rooted yet to see what all I can do. This is really growing on me despite some of the WinMo stuff I'm used to (including the hardware keyboard). Honestly though, I sometimes think if the TP2 had had a 1Ghz processor if it still wouldn't be a badass phone. I think the reason I'm enjoying it so much is really just the additional speed. That and the market is nice.
I agree on that 1ghz for the WinMO...I would have stayed with it a bit longer just got so frustrating waiting for apps to open. The Incredible does not miss a beat...
Droid Incredible (rooted on Virtuous v2.5 ROM)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 10:03 AM
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Re: TP2 to INC...

Originally Posted by smokeydriver View Post
My TP2 kept having issues. Verizon sent me a pre-owned TP2 the other week. The drop down arrow on the top right corner is missing, and even Verizon has no idea how that can be. They offered me the Ally and 1 other phone I can't think of, but refused to send me an Incredible. After calling the Executive Office and speaking to the VP of customer relations, they offered to let me purchase the INC & then issue a full refund AND allow me to upgrade again whenever I want by changing my upgrade date whenever I wish. My INC should be here Tuesday. I hope to have time to figure out this rooting stuff and just knock it out the second it arrives. This may not be the perfect place to ask, but I have one question regarding rooting- does it loose VVM or VZNavigator like putting MightyRom did on my TP2?
With 2.2 they added the VZNav but you will not use it when Google Maps is free with voice Navigation and has a BEAUTIFUL look over Verizon one and it has a monthly cost. Yes the VVM is still there and was in the 2.1 OS.

Rooting changes nothing about the OS. You can be stock and rooted like I was before the custom room. Rooting changes one of the partition in the Linux platform which gives you control over the system options of the device...nothing changes as looks or performance goes...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 10:56 AM
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Re: TP2 to INC...

Yeah, the missing drop down arrow is quite odd....I have the exact same software versions on both my old phone and the new replacement one. I put a shortcut link for the task manager, which is basically the same as the drop down. Now, I just need to MightyRom the new one (so if anything ever happens to the INC, I'll have a badass backup phone waiting). I'm happy to be getting the Inc (should arrive tomorrow). I am planning on, as soon as I get the INC, rooting and doing that whole unrevoked.com stuff. Anyone thing I should stick to the stock phone for a while before doing all that, or skip the BS, and get right to the fun stuff? Any great suggestions for a newbie INC owner coming from TP2 would be SUPER helpful!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 01:37 PM
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Re: TP2 to INC...

Just a heads up, I finally got the "cloaked" wireless tether working after rooting. I had to go with the experimental one found here for some reason, the others just wouldn't hand out an IP.

Downloads - android-wifi-tether - Project Hosting on Google Code


I'd rather tether via a cable though if anyone knows how that can be accomplished. Now if only I can find a media player that will keep my place in my audio books I think my last need will be met. Well battery life hasn't been the best after coming from the TP2, but I've come to terms with the fact that it probably has to do with powering a 1GHz processor and 8GB of onboard memory. I've just learned to turn off stuff as I'm not using it, leaving everything on all the time was a luxury I had with the TP2. And pro tip, the TP2 battery fits into the Inc and works like a champ. Its just slightly more juice but I'll take all I can get.


Last edited by oldpueblo; 09-13-2010 at 01:43 PM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 10:44 AM
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Re: TP2 to INC...

Originally Posted by oldpueblo View Post
Just a heads up, I finally got the "cloaked" wireless tether working after rooting. I had to go with the experimental one found here for some reason, the others just wouldn't hand out an IP.

Downloads - android-wifi-tether - Project Hosting on Google Code


I'd rather tether via a cable though if anyone knows how that can be accomplished. Now if only I can find a media player that will keep my place in my audio books I think my last need will be met. Well battery life hasn't been the best after coming from the TP2, but I've come to terms with the fact that it probably has to do with powering a 1GHz processor and 8GB of onboard memory. I've just learned to turn off stuff as I'm not using it, leaving everything on all the time was a luxury I had with the TP2. And pro tip, the TP2 battery fits into the Inc and works like a champ. Its just slightly more juice but I'll take all I can get.

Touch Pro 2 battery works in the Incredible - Android Forums
you can use the cable the instructions are in the pdf file of the manual that came with the device...I saw it somewhere also on xda wiki where you have to setup a dial setting on the PC for the phone...it's old school and very doable...I tether since I am a tech and need to test people PC so this way I do not have to make a dialup connection on their unit...just connect via wireless. I also can secure the wireless as well from the phone..

Stock battery sucks...a lot of people like me got the Seidio Inn 1750mAH battery over the 1300 that it comes with... Exact same size and excellent battery life. I think Verizon released a larger one now but it was late in the game. This battery is assume...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 10:53 AM
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Re: TP2 to INC...

Originally Posted by smokeydriver View Post
Yeah, the missing drop down arrow is quite odd....I have the exact same software versions on both my old phone and the new replacement one. I put a shortcut link for the task manager, which is basically the same as the drop down. Now, I just need to MightyRom the new one (so if anything ever happens to the INC, I'll have a badass backup phone waiting). I'm happy to be getting the Inc (should arrive tomorrow). I am planning on, as soon as I get the INC, rooting and doing that whole unrevoked.com stuff. Anyone thing I should stick to the stock phone for a while before doing all that, or skip the BS, and get right to the fun stuff? Any great suggestions for a newbie INC owner coming from TP2 would be SUPER helpful!
This is why I like MM rom they were clean but still very stock like. I would root the stock and just stay there until you get a feel for the device. Rooting has no affect on the look or performance just gives you control to master all the device functions. When ready for a custom rom and looking for a person who is as picky as Mike do Virtuous ROM he is a carbon of MM. Stock rom but without all the mess...you can add stuff if you like but just with MM this guy assures a clean rom and stable based on his cooking... I was rooted stock for about 3 months then now a month in on a custom rom. I was forced this way because I was not happy with all the extra crap Verizon added to the new 2.2 update....too much bloat ware...

Huge learning curve with the Linux commands since I am a Window Mobile guy so this took a long time to understand rooting and SHELL commands for Linux, etc..

[ROM] Virtuous v2.6 (9/4/10): Stock Sense/Froyo v3.21.605.1 w/Fixes & Enhancements - xda-developers
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 12:33 PM
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Re: TP2 to INC...

Originally Posted by parcou View Post
you can use the cable the instructions are in the pdf file of the manual that came with the device...I saw it somewhere also on xda wiki where you have to setup a dial setting on the PC for the phone...it's old school and very doable...I tether since I am a tech and need to test people PC so this way I do not have to make a dialup connection on their unit...just connect via wireless. I also can secure the wireless as well from the phone..

Stock battery sucks...a lot of people like me got the Seidio Inn 1750mAH battery over the 1300 that it comes with... Exact same size and excellent battery life. I think Verizon released a larger one now but it was late in the game. This battery is assume...
I want the free tethering though, isn't that built-in function a charge service? I actually already own and use a Verizona aircard, but there are a few places deep inside data centers where it just doesn't work but my phone barely retains one bar and can tether.

Also just an FYI, the seido battery is supposed to not be much of an upgrade. I realize you say it gives you excellent battery life, maybe you just got lucky. There's a thread around here where a guy does a lot of tests and it doesn't hold anymore juice than a 1500 in most cases.

Battery Testing Results... - Android Forums

Maybe there was something odd about his testing, I just figured I'd toss that out for everyone else. It might still be a good buy.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 10:50 AM
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Re: TP2 to INC...

Originally Posted by oldpueblo View Post
I want the free tethering though, isn't that built-in function a charge service? I actually already own and use a Verizona aircard, but there are a few places deep inside data centers where it just doesn't work but my phone barely retains one bar and can tether.

Also just an FYI, the seido battery is supposed to not be much of an upgrade. I realize you say it gives you excellent battery life, maybe you just got lucky. There's a thread around here where a guy does a lot of tests and it doesn't hold anymore juice than a 1500 in most cases.

Battery Testing Results... - Android Forums

Maybe there was something odd about his testing, I just figured I'd toss that out for everyone else. It might still be a good buy.
This is good info. I had my Seido battery since May so there were no other options at the time over the OEM one. Technology is better so I would do the OEM HTC one if I were doing it now based on the results...

I do use the free tether wi-fi but I am rooted. Cannot find the link but I did save the info to make the 3G Hotsstop free...

3G Mobile Hotspot

The following steps will allow you to use the 3G Mobile Hotspot that comes with the OTA 2.2 update and not have Verizon charge you for using it:

1. On your phone, bring up the dialer and dial ##778. This will load EPST.
2. Select EDIT.
3. Enter 000000 for the password.
4. Select SECURITY.
5. Select the username that has yournumber@dun.vzw3g.com.
6. Edit the username to read yournumber@vzw3g.com (delete "dun.").
7. Click the back button to return to the list.
9. Repeat steps 5 and 6.
10. Click on MENU and select COMMIT.
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