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View Poll Results: What do you want on your todayscreen?
i will keep using the TF3d.
08ms3red, 50Pesos, abovelegit, afbond03, ajaxingtonI, al3azim, albertan, amathophobia, AnglHuntr, anish3232, antjones21, ARob1979, avhokie, ayman86, a_lucas4, bacspasm, bastimret, Beherrschen, benjio123, bigb252, biggggant, BigNick2776, bigshady, Blaqdymun, Boombostic, Brandon_387, Briz600, brooose11, bwhite4801, Calkulin, captspaulding1000, cataclysm13, Certs, chapinrico, chappy, cheez371, chidlebaugh, choppacity, clockcycle, cmurder84, CNeufeld, cocochannel, coldfire2122, coojoe1000, copperstar, cornelious2, corneliuscrisco, COWHEAD, cpiman, crollison, dabackwoodboy, dabug911, DaOnlyRecless, DaPeeps, daryllh, david7586, davidbeaudoin, dclarizio, deck, dev1nsan, deviant.ones, Dexter13, DHarvey, dicast, digit0904, djk1, dogunwo, domingeaux, Donatom3, doughamm, Dragoon123, drnezzy, Drumrintheline, Drybonz, dsibarra72, dtuma1980, Earl42, ecker, eenieMINI, elwuero, EnemyNSA, Epicregret, eptd, ervman1, EvgeniX, Fa310tx, FatFrosty, fay, fcarig03, fergdogg23, fiera4973, fr4nk1yn, frankie945, frifox, fx72, gamer007, gatolsf, gator352, gimme5, gizhola, Glossman, goku614, gottx, groo08, Grumps, gsvnet, GTO1988, halcyoncmdr, hankbear, hawkyman, Hayabusa1300cc, here2lose, hibby50, hizduser, hodd, ian1210, ilkevinli, iLogiK, imneveral0ne, Indie, infinitemethod, iwillfearnoevil, jahruh, jaypr9, JBCOBRA, jbmercha, jc25914, JCerna, jdevitt1000, jgatter, jgeib, joecrabman12, Journeyjeans, jr5416, jrn6264, jthomas8946, jwfos22, k5beason, kam3l3on, karana, kellybrf, kennstar, kevank, khalid7412002, killerkhatiby009, king_tee, knilob, Koga, krymzon40, lancejt, land2634, laynpipeallday, leanne, leongus, lilivo, LilRico, loginatnine, LoriInWA, los128, luckiepressure7, LuLuTheMonk, lxcivic4life, mabmarc, Manarch101, MannyPR, marcdonn, marcus_cruz, Mattemer, matthew23, mattwwb, mcp2k, Mendozilla, mgioia2, mknr, mobiledude, Mr. X, mr.squonk, Mrbonner, MultiMatt, Mustang46L, nashmage, Nick99EXB, NighthawkIX, nitroxxl, Noname in HNL, nox357, nsx-g88, nursie, nvrnugh, nxtech3, ocbizlaw, oneandsix, ou2mame, Oxymoron238, p2k, pacha248, parvin, patrascu, pdappcgeek, pdpnwo, peaayetee, Peaches, Perasite, phreaq, pixelwix, pkny, Plutonium0587, Quigs, Rabid_Gypsy, racedog, rainfreak, rapat, rappsyman, rattlertech, ravic, reekolu, rell0202, renko, reprod, rhacy, rhamburger, richardrk, richontop, rikk0, Riley, Runnin_IT, ruskiyab, S1dewinder, Sauske, savage25rcracer, sbello81, SBR_L3GION, Scrotum, set001, sfaure03, sfxc13, shadowhawk2021, shahab211, shawn67, shortstack2000, silver25u, SirNathaniel, skeeterman, sketchy09, SlamTheDoor, slimdizzy, slowputer, smeg36, SmknJoe, Snu661e, soopamac, soundworkspr, spideo, SprintTouch08, stillryan, Success100, Surur, svtyler11, swtswng, syanni85, t2z, tap0utt, tcatnat, tcb203, tehkingo, Tenny, terQ, thacounty, TheAccuser, TheDude1120, themystx2, Thetaman, Thetruth111, thezero4, thiagomme, threethirteen, Tiberius85, tim-bit, TimBal, timmytjoe, Tinkturtle, tmidle8575, tn_friend, tobeychris, toinejuan, TONEEDO, traketo, TriniGirl007, tssm0n, TweetyBear, vaderalston, Vertigo, viciv, Vip3rV333, vtec27, wcor, wenyen, willysp, Xo0oM, xraydoc, xxza, yettihead, Young DC, youngc88, zagguru, zagleft1, [sammich]
309 80.05%
i will (or will soon) be going back to the normal WM style Today screen. 77 19.95%
Voters: 386.

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