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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 02:23 AM
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Cricket Roms -how to-

PST (MSL) MUST BE SET TO 000000 (six zeros) TO GET MMS/WAP

If you take your phone in to Cricket, depending on store and sales rep, they may suspend your internet and pic mail, and tell you they can't guarantee it will work. Also some setup may have to be done before and after your visit. If you call Cricket, and add the phone to a new line, or use as a replacement for existing, tell them it is a Moto Rzr V3C fully flased for Cricket from ebay, and you are using it to call in so they don't try and walk you thru the *228 process to get net and mms on your account. HAVE ESN READY!

Unlocker: Touch Pro

Unlocker: Touch Diamond (use 0.57)

Check attachment after reading. Save to SD card on phone. (internal storage on Diamond)

This is a how to for using any rom on cricket. My work is here, others are links.

http://www.x-drivers.com/catalog/fla...pst/12051.html You will need to set your MSL to 000000 after you find what it is in BAFMSL if it is not set to that already.

How to use qpst to set msl to 000000:
After you install BAFMSL to device. Find it in programs and run it. You will need to find your ESN on back of your device.
http://www.x-drivers.com/catalog/fla...pst/12051.html (QPST program)
http://www.forums.ppcgeeks.comshowpo...66&postcount=2 (instructions for QPST)
There are plenty of tabs, after doing instructions posted, and before closing, go to second tab (cdma) and change NAM name from Sprint to Cricket. (when you have your phone on, 6.1 it says sprint in upper right side, in 6.5 it says sprint on clock menu. It will change it to cricket)

You can use a 1x prl (try many til it takes) to get pst settings done over the air. Will give you working EVDO. Dial ##778# and press edit. If your code is not 000000, use BAFMSL grabber to find out what it is. Press View Info, and press PRL. Press and hold top line in prl to edit. Press OK, and let phone reset. Dial *228 Once Cricket programming takes, and your phone resets, it will have working EVDO. Dial ##778# to do simple edits to your pst to ensure net, and mms work. Click View Info and pick Security, HDR Auth User ID should be your 10digitphonenumber@mycricket.com and set password to cricket. PPP user ID and password need to match. Click view info and pick MIP Settings, MIP mode should be Simple IP only. This will not work until phone has been activated. Check to see if you have 1x or EVDO when you put the prl in. *228 wont work on an EVDO prl. When cricket updates their EVDO prl for your area, put the 1x prl that worked before back on and dial *228, it will give you the update, and won't change anything else you edited.

Or this:
Once you have done either of the two setups above, you will never have to do it again. Unless you find a rom, and it sets all this to sprint. (only found one so far)

Every time you flash a rom (that was not a specific rom for Cricket) you will have to do below over again. Bookmark this thread if needed.

There is an easy way and a hard way. Easy way gives battery icon at 100% at all times, even on dead battery. The speaker Icon is missing.

For Verizon version TP:

Spint/Alltel Touchpro:
Easy way:
Icon fix:
All roms tested this way, message sent notice wont stop.

Hard way:
Install regedit cab to SD card (internal storage Diamond) rest to device.
Install the cabs in the order they are numbered. One is an Alltel cab. Alltel mms/wap are almost mirror to cricket.

After cabs have installed, and phone has reset (depending on rom, you may have to reset after third cab even if it reset after second). Go to start/settings/connections/connections/advanced and set both settings to cricket. When done, double check to ensure they stayed to Cricket.

Go to text and press menu, select pic/mms options (diff roms will be labeled diff but you get the idea) go to servers, it will be labled Alltel MMSC, only for looks an you feel better, change alltel to cricket.

Below that, delete gateway setting from Alltel to blank.

Bellow that, change http://www.alltel.com/servlets/mms to http://www.mycricket.com/servlets/mms (just change alltel to mycricket)

It will show connect via cricket already because of second cab installed and you doing connection settings prior to this stage. Press ok.

Send a pic msg to yourself, it will then ask for your 10 digit number@mycricket.com and password cricket. IT WONT SEND depending on rom, it will sit at 0%

Open regedit
creat new value/string, and create X-Cricket-MDN which should be a REG_RS (not dword) and set value to your 10 digit phone # (i.e 5125551234) and reset your phone. If X-Alltel-MDN is there, change it to cricket, and remove the leading 1 from your phone number.

HKLM/software/arcsoft/configure/mm1/MMSCSetting (cricketmms or sample mms whichever is there) set all WAP1&2 send/recieve size to decimal 1024000 and make sure waptype is set to 1

HKLM/software/arcsoft/configure/UI/sizelimit leave send/recieve count alone, set everything else to decimal 1024000 This will set to Cricket limit max.

Go to sms/mms outbox and find the msg you sent yourself and send it again (you need to open the msg and press send at bottom left softkey)

After it sends, you will not receive. Go to regedit from above, if you find X-Alltel-MDN delete that string completely and reset your phone. The msg you sent yourself will show. After it downloads, check for X-Alltel, if it came back again, delete again, and reset, you're done. If it didn't, your done. It will not kill your battery icon, and depending on rom, if speaker icon is there, it wont kill that either.

This works on ALL roms, even ones labeled for sprint only. Just don't press PRL update in those roms.

If you receive a pic msg, but doesn't download. Your data connection was probably on when it came, and cricket internet timed you out (does after 30 min) You can wait til download softkey is highlighted (all day) or reset your phone.

General links for cricket info:
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...18&postcount=4 Alltel to cricket
http://www.howardforums.com/showpost...17&postcount=3 stop system admin sent notice for text (haven't confirmed)
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=55170 possable salution for mms notice and no download when data is on and suspended if you don't have advance config 3.3 to auto disconect
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=37539 advanced configuration 3.3

As a side note, there are lots of conflicting ideas, settings, and posts on the net. Read what you will, absorb what you can, and find what works for you. Roms are different, the way people set up their phones are different, and end results for how you set up your phone will differ as well. Do you have programs that an other user of same rom on Cricket? Did your PST settings match theirs? A said cab on said rom, with said settings will not always act the same on an other rom, set the same. Sometimes you have to find the bug yourself.

Ryan Mogul has done great work, don't get me wrong. I did his way of PST settings after having settings above work perfect, and after I did his, my phone started acting funny, and had to set all things back to how they were. But funny to me is normal to an other, and my setting may be normal to me, and funny to others. Same goes for any of the links I have here for settings, or cabs, or anythings else someone has worked on. It will take some learning to get your device set up to your likings, that is not funny to you. These are advanced devices on a non-advanced network. It will take some time to learn, and a lot of trial and error. If it is too advanced for you, I suggest you take the time to search and learn, do your research, sleep on the info you find, and then search more. Mostlikly the questions have been asked, and answered. Always check the dates of the posts, cause what worked last week on said rom, might not work next week on updated said rom, or an other new rom. Keep trying and post only honest questions that have not really been answered to in your liking, or have not been asked.

ATTACHMENTS: They are for the instructons in this thread only!!!! If you chose to do setup thru the links provided USE INFO IN THE LINKS! Current Windows HTC drivers (as of posting) are provided for all. They belong on your pc.

Last edited by jpwhre; 07-08-2010 at 09:06 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 03:54 AM
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Re: Cricket Roms -how to-

thanks for this guide, shame it came months after i did this the hard way losing days of sleep

youre right though, the cricket rep told me the net and pic messages might not work...you have to be firm with them and tell them just to add it to the account anyways
i spoke to 4 reps before one in the store came by and told them they were idiots and clicked twice on my account page to add the service
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 12:15 PM
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Re: Cricket Roms -how to-

I thanked you though I have Alltel (Verizon come the 16th).
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 03:33 PM
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Re: Cricket Roms -how to-

hi... quick question how would i go about getting a cricket prl with roaming and evdo... i have found either or but not both... or do i have to sacrifice roaming for evdo?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 07:56 PM
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Re: Cricket Roms -how to-

If you have the roaming plan, put a 1x PRL on your phone and dial *228 programing will put a roaming evdo prl on your device. There is a prl list for cricket in get cricket attachment. Has to be 1x to get ota programing. I know that 4 digit codes are local, and 5 digit are roaming. First one on my list is 01041, and is only one that worked for me on diamond and tp for ota to work.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 05:47 PM
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Re: Cricket Roms -how to-

anyone besides me having problems with mms on energy's rom that hash htc sense 2.5? i have to disable htc messaging with a cab then install arcsoft it really messes up the phones messaging. i have to send pics a certain way for it to work and even then it only works when it wants to. it will work for a day or so then just stops working such b.s.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 05:55 PM
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Re: Cricket Roms -how to-

i know it iwasz an issue for all when the adaption of 2.5 sence was started for the big carriers. i waould say check your reg to see what changed in acrsoft and check connection settings, some tweaking to that may need to be done. also check in mmsg client, press menu and select pic/mms option and see if it chaned server info.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 05:21 AM
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Re: Cricket Roms -how to-

the energy rom doesnt have arcsoft it only has htc messenger as far as i can tell. i couldnt for the life of me get mms/sms to work, had to install arcsoft to the energy rom and set it up then it works ok but it makes the rom really buggy.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 05:27 AM
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Re: Cricket Roms -how to-

i just read someone saying:
"Is the HTC messaging working properly in this rom? I know it hasnt worked in any of the other roms with indagroove taking it out completely." maybe the indagrove rom is best sense rom? since htc brand messaging is left out.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 05:42 AM
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Re: Cricket Roms -how to-

the introduction of the 6.5.1 + roms and 2.5 minilla with sense have changed the rules for many, and now sends cricket users in a new direction to get mms/wap to work, i know indagroove had issues getting mms to work in his sense rom and now nrg is taking a crack at it. i don't like manilla at all and like the 6.5.1 + roms even less so i can't coment on how to for cricket. i know the write it to phone yourself way and what should and should not be. but the cabs don't seem to function the same in newer roms. you guys might need to start looking at your reg settions, connection settings, and server settings to see what is getting change were by the new roms. all the cabs released are simple replacements for doing the work yourself to get the settings correct.
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