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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 11:21 PM
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Re: is it possible to make a backup image of your phone?

Originally Posted by wmdunn View Post
When you say you want to try a couple of new things ... if you are talking about a different custom rom, then that would add a second step to a restoration. Here's the deal ... SPB will do a complete restore, including everything, and will do a wonderful job on the custom rom that it backs up. If you try a different rom (shipped, custom, whatever), then you will need to re-run the base rom you backed up, and then run a complete SPB restore. Hope that makes sense. The short answer is YES, you can do a complete restore in one or two steps. I do it all the time with nary a hiccup.
I think I follow you here. For example, I'm running a heavily customized version of intxROM right now that I'm pretty happy with. If I want to back it up, I would use SPB Backup to create a full backup, then go flash Juicy 8 or something and play with that. If I decide I hate Juicy 8, I would re-flash intxROM to get the "base image" then restore my backup on top of that.

Where I might run into problems would be if I tried to restore my intxROM backup over a Juicy flash, is that correct?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 11:34 PM
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Re: is it possible to make a backup image of your phone?

Originally Posted by brc64 View Post
I think I follow you here. For example, I'm running a heavily customized version of intxROM right now that I'm pretty happy with. If I want to back it up, I would use SPB Backup to create a full backup, then go flash Juicy 8 or something and play with that. If I decide I hate Juicy 8, I would re-flash intxROM to get the "base image" then restore my backup on top of that.

Where I might run into problems would be if I tried to restore my intxROM backup over a Juicy flash, is that correct?
Exactly ... only thing I would suggest is that you flash the "shipped" rom from your carrier before reflashing the intxROM. That's always a good idea between custom roms.
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