Re: Help - touch flo will not start
Go to start/settings/today and be sure its selected for your today screen. Sometimes people have inadvertenly unchecked it without realizing it or forgot to check.... if you have already done so I appologize, just covering the bases.
Re: Help - touch flo will not start
It won't start period or it just keeps launching?
Did you cook a rom or install any other today items? Sometimes TF3D doesn't like you messing with its manila files without its consent. |
Re: Help - touch flo will not start
It will not start at all - boots to a black screen. Tried the make sure the touch flo is checked option - no help there.
Re: Help - touch flo will not start
hope i can solve this trying hard reset next. am i right with power/ volume down / press reset button to do this.
Re: Help - touch flo will not start
BAHHH I'm having this problem as well... check out my thread for all details please... http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=47042
I managed to go back to telus stock rom and relock Its a MicroP error... whatever that means... from what i've read, its a loose connection or something... any help??